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April gold stock

Strategy research and judgment: ERP is high, and there is more than counterattack. The economic data from January to February exceeded expectations, and the financial committee held a meeting to stabilize confidence. The Fed started the interest rate hike cycle, and the term interest rate spread is close to upside down. China’s economy is located in the transitional stage of reverse cycle regulation in stage 1 and recovery in stage 2 of the Pringle cycle. It is stable first and then formed. The high dividend strategy is the shield, with small cap growth and special new attack. Focusing on strategic security, grasp the opportunities of steady growth, strategic resources and independent control.

Debang securities gold stock portfolio in April 2022:

Machinery Wuxi Autowell Technology Co.Ltd(688516) ( Wuxi Autowell Technology Co.Ltd(688516) . SH): won the order of TOPCON series welding and dicing in Shangrao of Jingke, and strengthened the market share of smbb series welding machine; The multi platform layout of component expansion + semiconductor and lithium battery is expected to continue to reach a new high in 22 years.

Electronic Kingsemi Co.Ltd(688037) ( Kingsemi Co.Ltd(688037) . SH): mature products in the field of small size and back road + breakthrough in the front road; At present, the orders in hand are full and the performance growth is sustainable; The global semiconductor equipment cycle is upward, and China has great room for substitution.

Computer Sangfor Technologies Inc(300454) ( Sangfor Technologies Inc(300454) . SZ): Q4 performance recovers rapidly, and the company’s operation is gradually back on track in the long run; The short-term profit decreases, and the long-term profitability is not in danger under the background of subscription system transformation; The products are constantly innovating, and the growth base of the company is stable.

Trading house Imeik Technology Development Co.Ltd(300896) ( Imeik Technology Development Co.Ltd(300896) . SZ): the company released the performance in 2021, and the profit met the expectation; Hi body high growth performance is not bad. It is expected that Tongyan needle will be in large quantity quickly and reserve a variety of products under research.

Pharmaceutical Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co.Ltd(300122) ( Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co.Ltd(300122) . SZ): HPV vaccine continues to grow rapidly and the company’s performance continues to be stable; In 2022, the self-developed product pipeline will be gradually realized, and the performance of the company driven by self-development + agency will grow steadily.

Building materials Jade Bird Fire Co.Ltd(002960) ( Jade Bird Fire Co.Ltd(002960) . SZ): with the continuous evolution of technical level, industrial fire fighting welcomes the opportunity of domestic substitution; Relying on its strong R & D strength, the company actively lays out the blue ocean market of energy storage and fire protection, which is expected to accelerate its market share.

Food and beverage Chacha Food Company Limited(002557) ( Chacha Food Company Limited(002557) . SZ): the company’s revenue and net profit attributable to the parent company in 2021 exceeded expectations; The price increase bonus of the company continues to be released, the superimposed cost is controllable, and the trend is good in 2022.

Chenguang Light Industry Co., Ltd. ( Shanghai M&G Stationery Inc(603899) . SH): compared with overseas mature markets, the concentration of China’s stationery industry and per capita stationery consumption are low, with wide space; The three-dimensional cohesion of the company’s brand, products and channels has continuously widened the moat.

Environmental protection China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) ( China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) . SH): frequent policies help the development of nuclear power and highlight the advantages under the energy transformation; Fengguang holds dual core drive, with both volume and price rising, and the future can be expected.

Military Western Superconducting Technologies Co.Ltd(688122) ( Western Superconducting Technologies Co.Ltd(688122) . SH): Aviation titanium is in the ascendant, and the company’s titanium business is ushering in major development opportunities; The prospect of superalloy is broad, and the prospect of the company’s superalloy business can be expected; Superconducting MRI has great market potential, and the superconducting business of the company is expected to usher in steady development.

Metalworking intelligent vehicle ETF (515250. SH): the development of intelligent vehicles is the strategic direction of the global automobile industry in the new era. There will be new changes and trends in the development of intelligent vehicles in terms of technology, industry, application and development.

Risk tip: the international situation has changed, the epidemic development outside China has exceeded expectations, the capital market policies have changed beyond expectations, and the macro and micro liquidity have changed beyond expectations.

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