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Daily market hot spot analysis

Today’s hot sector

Covid-19 pneumonia detection sector (trading limit stocks: Wankong Zhizao, China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) , Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) )

Covid-19 pneumonia detection sector (trading limit stocks: Thalys Medical Technology Group Corporation(603716) , Bgi Genomics Co.Ltd(300676) , Changzhou Qianhong Biopharma Co.Ltd(002550) )

Striking sector (trading limit stocks: Lanzhou Zhuangyuan Pasture Co.Ltd(002910) , Boc International (China) Co.Ltd(601696) , Thalys Medical Technology Group Corporation(603716) , Shenzhen Everbest Machinery Industry Co.Ltd(002980) , North Chemical Industries Co.Ltd(002246) , Anhui

General technology, China Meheco Group Co.Ltd(600056) , Shijiazhuang Yiling Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(002603) , Pku Healthcare Corp.Ltd(000788) , Changzhou Qianhong Biopharma Co.Ltd(002550) , Linewell Software Co.Ltd(603636) )

In vitro diagnostics (trading limit stocks: Shenzhen Bioeasy Biotechnology Co.Ltd(300942) , Thalys Medical Technology Group Corporation(603716) , Bgi Genomics Co.Ltd(300676) )

Pneumonia sector (trading limit stocks: Shijiazhuang Yiling Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(002603) , Bgi Genomics Co.Ltd(300676) , Zhejiang Ausun Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(603229) , Hainan Haiyao Co.Ltd(000566) )

Analysis of important trading stocks

Hubei Heyuan Gas Co.Ltd(002971) Hubei Heyuan Gas Co.Ltd(002971) : it is proposed to invest 5 billion yuan to build a material industrial park in Yichang city. On March 11, Hubei Heyuan Gas Co.Ltd(002971) issued an announcement announcing that the company and the Management Committee of Yichang high tech Industrial Development Zone jointly signed the cooperation agreement on the construction of Yichang electronic specialty and functional material industrial park project in Yichang on March 11, 2022. It is understood that Hubei Heyuan Gas Co.Ltd(002971) plans to invest in a new Yichang electronic special gas and functional materials Industrial Park in tianjiahe area of yaojiagang chemical park. The total investment of the project is about 5 billion yuan, including 3 billion yuan in fixed assets to build fluorosilicone electronic special gas and functional materials project. The project adopts the method of unified planning and phased construction, and is constructed in two phases. The first phase of the project has an investment of 2 billion yuan and a construction period of 24 months. A strategic cooperation agreement has been signed with China National Chemical Engineering Co.Ltd(601117) engineering 16th Construction Co., Ltd. and 16th chemical construction will undertake the first phase of the project in the mode of EPC general contracting. The investment period of the project is 2.4 billion yuan and the construction period is 2.4 months. The persistence of the rise is average.

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