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Recently, Pfizer covid-19 oral drug paxlovid was urgently approved by China. Existing studies show that small molecule oral drugs have more advantages than neutralizing antibody injection. On the one hand, thanks to the fact that small molecule drugs are less likely to fail due to the influence of virus mutation, and they are amazing in terms of treatment effect. For example, Pfizer paxlovid reduces the risk of hospitalization and death by 89%. On the other hand, because of its lower cost and more convenient storage conditions, it can be widely used all over the world. In 2022, Pfizer expects its oral drug production to reach 120 million courses, while MSD is expected to reach 20 million courses. Since September last year, the United States has begun to distribute covid-19 treatment drugs to all States. So far, about 1.5 million courses of treatment have been distributed in moshavil, about 360000 courses of treatment have been distributed in paxlovid, Pfizer, and about 3.48 million courses of injection treatment drugs. In the past, the United States mainly relied on injection drugs to treat covid-19 infected patients. However, with the increase of oral drug production and its patent authorization for generic drugs of pharmaceutical enterprises in various countries, covid-19 treatment methods will tend to be diversified in the future.