Xiamen Sunrise Wheel Group Co.Ltd(002593) : announcement of the resolution of the 24th Meeting of the Fourth Board of supervisors

Securities code: 002593 securities abbreviation: Xiamen Sunrise Wheel Group Co.Ltd(002593) Announcement No.: 2022-002 Xiamen Sunrise Wheel Group Co.Ltd(002593)

Announcement of the resolution of the 24th Meeting of the 4th board of supervisors

The company and all members of the board of supervisors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

1、 Meetings of the board of supervisors

Xiamen Sunrise Wheel Group Co.Ltd(002593) (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) the notice of the 24th Meeting of the Fourth Board of supervisors was sent to all supervisors by e-mail on January 20, 2022. The meeting was held in conference room 2, No. 30, Xinglin North Road, Jimei District, Xiamen by on-site and communication on January 26, 2022. Three supervisors should attend the meeting, and three actually attended. Among them, Mr. Chen Mingli attended by means of communication. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Zhang Wenqing. The meeting was held in accordance with the company law, the articles of association and other relevant provisions.

2、 Deliberation at the meeting of the board of supervisors

The meeting voted by show of hands or voting, passed the following proposals and formed resolutions:

(1) The proposal on the election of shareholders’ representative supervisors of the Fifth Board of supervisors of the company was deliberated and adopted with 3 affirmative votes, 0 negative votes and 0 abstention

The term of office of the Fourth Board of supervisors of the company is about to expire. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the company law, the Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the articles of association, after consultation with major shareholders, the board of supervisors of the company agreed to nominate Mr. Zhang Wenqing and Mr. LAN Rijin as candidates for shareholder representative supervisors of the Fifth Board of supervisors of the company (the resume of the candidates is attached). The details are as follows:

(1) Agree to nominate Mr. Zhang Wenqing as the shareholder representative supervisor of the 5th board of supervisors

Voting results: 3 in favor, 0 against and 0 abstention.

(2) Agree to nominate Mr. LAN Rijin as the shareholder representative supervisor of the Fifth Board of supervisors

Voting results: 3 in favor, 0 against and 0 abstention.

The qualifications of the above candidates for supervisors comply with the provisions of laws and regulations, and agree to submit them to the first extraordinary general meeting of the company in 2022 for election, and vote item by item in the order of candidates and in the form of cumulative voting. If the above-mentioned supervisors are elected by the general meeting of shareholders, they will form the Fifth Board of supervisors of the company together with Chen Mingli, the employee representative supervisor elected by the employee congress on January 26, 2022. The term of office is three years from the date when the general meeting of shareholders deliberates and approves the general election of the board of supervisors.

The number of supervisors who have served as directors or senior managers of the company in the last two years does not exceed half of the total number of supervisors of the company; The number of supervisors nominated by a single shareholder does not exceed half of the total number of supervisors of the company.

(II) the proposal on the allowance standard for supervisors of the 5th board of supervisors of the company was deliberated and adopted with 3 affirmative votes, 0 negative votes and 0 abstention

According to the requirements of the regulatory authorities on improving the corporate governance structure, combined with the actual operation of the company and comprehensively considering the allowance of supervisors of other listed companies in the same industry and region, it is agreed that the allowance standard of supervisors of the Fifth Board of supervisors of the company is RMB 50000 / year (before tax), and the payment method is paid on a monthly basis.

This proposal still needs to be submitted to the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the company in 2022 for deliberation.

(III) the proposal on the subsidiary’s proposed investment in the new heavy steel structure production project was deliberated and adopted with 3 affirmative votes, 0 negative votes and 0 abstention

The company’s investment in the construction of heavy steel structure production project is conducive to promoting the company to expand and strengthen the main business of steel structure and expand the market share of the company’s steel structure segments. Considering that the company’s existing steel structure production capacity is nearly full, the new production capacity that can be added by this investment is necessary for the development of the company. The company has focused on the main business of steel structure for more than 20 years, with rich experience in steel structure project construction and stable customers. The new project is in line with the development trend of the national steel structure fabricated construction industry. The project adopts the cautious measures of overall planning and phased implementation, which is feasible. The foreign investment does not damage the rights and interests of the company and minority shareholders.

All supervisors unanimously agreed to this proposal.

This proposal still needs to be submitted to the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the company in 2022 for deliberation.

3、 Documents for future reference

Resolution of the 24th Meeting of the 4th board of supervisors of the company

It is hereby announced!

Xiamen Sunrise Wheel Group Co.Ltd(002593) board of supervisors

January 27, 2022

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