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Shenzhen Aisidi Co.Ltd(002416) : Announcement on providing guarantee for the financing limit of subsidiaries in 2022

Securities code: 002416 securities abbreviation: Shenzhen Aisidi Co.Ltd(002416) Announcement No.: 2022-005

Shenzhen Aisidi Co.Ltd(002416)

Announcement on providing guarantee for the financing limit of subsidiaries in 2022

The company and all members of the board of directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

Special tips:

As of the disclosure date of the announcement, Shenzhen Aisidi Co.Ltd(002416) (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) has accumulated a total external guarantee of RMB 16.336 billion (including the guarantee amount of RMB 150 million), accounting for 301.72% of the company’s audited net assets attributable to the parent in the latest period (2020) (calculated according to the caliber of consolidated statements); The total amount guaranteed by the company to the guaranteed objects whose asset liability ratio exceeds 70% is RMB 13.706 billion (including the guarantee amount of RMB 150 million), accounting for 253.13% of the company’s audited net assets attributable to the parent in the latest period (2020) (calculated according to the caliber of consolidated statements). Please pay attention to the relevant risks. 1、 Overview of the company’s expected new guarantee for the financing limit of subsidiaries in 2022

On January 17, 2022, the company held the 22nd (Interim) meeting of the 5th board of directors and the 23rd (Interim) meeting of the 5th board of supervisors, deliberated and adopted the proposal on providing guarantee for the expected new financing limit of subsidiaries in 2022, The board of directors agreed that the company’s newly added wholly-owned subsidiary, Beijing Kulian Communication Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Beijing Kulian”), applied to financial institutions for a credit line of no more than 150 million yuan to provide credit guarantee. The final guarantee amount shall be subject to the actual approval result of the credit bank, and the guarantee method is joint and several liability guarantee.

Up to now, the newly added guarantee amount of the guarantor and the guaranteed party accounts for the guarantee amount of the latest guarantee balance held by the guaranteed party. The company’s latest related proportion asset liability ratio (RMB 100 million) (RMB 100 million) net asset ratio guarantee

Beijing Kulian Communication Technology Co., Ltd. 100% 98.89% 0 1.5 2.54% no

The above guarantee will authorize the chairman to sign relevant agreements.

According to the relevant provisions of the Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the articles of association, the above matters must be submitted to the general meeting of shareholders for deliberation by special resolution, and shall be valid for one year from the date of deliberation and adoption by the general meeting of shareholders.

2、 Basic information of the guaranteed

1. Specific information of the guaranteed

The company is associated with the company’s registered name capital and business scope share ratio held by the company’s Registrar of public law companies on the date and place of establishment Table related person

Technology promotion, technology development, technical service and technology transfer

Beijing, technical consulting; Sales of electronic products, communication equipment, Beijing

Kulian mechanical equipment, computer, software and auxiliary equipment, wuhaidan District

5 million yuan for communication, gold and electricity, stationery, knitwear and textiles, and sporting goods; Wholly owned Beiqing road in 2012

Scientific and technological RMB economic and trade consultation. (the market entities independently choose 100% of the business projects of Li Co., Ltd. of yard 81 on April 23 to carry out business activities according to law; and the projects that must be approved by No. 1 vibration company of Siyi district according to law shall be approved by relevant departments according to the approved second floor of the building

Carry out business activities; It is not allowed to engage in room 203-5 of the state and the city

Business activities of projects prohibited and restricted by industrial policies.)

The above-mentioned secured party is not a dishonest executee.

2. The financial data of the guarantor in the latest year are as follows:

As of December 31, 2020, Beijing cool Union had total assets of 180.5661 million yuan, total liabilities of 177.5856 million yuan and net assets of 2.9805 million yuan; In 2020, Beijing Kulian achieved an operating revenue of 72.10194 million yuan, a total profit of 7.52 million yuan and a net profit of 8.091 million yuan.

As of September 30, 2021, Beijing cool Union has total assets of 569.3085 million yuan, total liabilities of 562.9687 million yuan and net assets of 6.3398 million yuan; From January to September 2021, Beijing cool union realized an operating revenue of 1550060900 yuan, a total profit of 4565700 yuan and a net profit of 3359300 yuan.

3、 Main contents of this guarantee

The company provides credit guarantee for Beijing cool union to apply for a credit line of no more than 150 million yuan from financial institutions. The final guarantee amount shall be subject to the actual approval result of the credit granting bank, and the guarantee method is joint and several liability guarantee.

4、 Opinions of the board of directors of the company

1. With the rapid development of the business of the company and its subsidiaries, the guarantee provided by the company for the financing of its subsidiaries is necessary for normal production and operation.

2. The guaranteed Beijing Kulian is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, which operates normally, has good development prospects and solvency, and the company’s guarantee risk is small.

3. This proposal shall be submitted to the general meeting of shareholders for deliberation by special resolution.

5、 Accumulated external guarantees and overdue guarantees

As of the disclosure date of the announcement, the company’s total external guarantees amounted to 16.336 billion yuan (including 150 million yuan of this guarantee), and the total guarantees provided to subsidiaries within the scope of the consolidated statements accounted for 301.72% of the company’s audited net assets attributable to the parent in the latest period (2020) (calculated according to the caliber of the consolidated statements). The actual guarantee amount provided by the company to subsidiaries within the scope of consolidated statements is RMB 3.507 billion, accounting for 64.77% of the audited net assets attributable to the parent company in the latest period (2020) (calculated according to the caliber of consolidated statements). The company and its subsidiaries have no overdue external guarantee, no external guarantee involving litigation, and the losses due to the judgment of losing the guarantee. The amount of funds actually used by each subsidiary will be based on the actual needs of production and operation, and the guarantee amount of the company to each subsidiary will be based on its actual amount of funds.

6、 Documents for future reference

1. Resolution of Shenzhen Aisidi Co.Ltd(002416) the 22nd (Interim) meeting of the 5th board of directors; 2. Resolution of the Shenzhen Aisidi Co.Ltd(002416) 23rd (Interim) meeting of the 5th board of supervisors. It is hereby announced.

Shenzhen Aisidi Co.Ltd(002416) board of directors

January 17, 2022

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