Qiaoyuan shares: commitments related to investor protection

7-4-1 important commitments of the issuer and its actual controllers, controlling shareholders, shareholders holding more than 5% shares, directors, supervisors, senior managers and other responsible subjects of the issuer and binding measures for failure to fulfill commitments

No. commitment category page

1 commitment on share locking 1-12

2 commitments on Shareholding and reduction intention 13-18

3 plan and commitment on stabilizing stock price 19-30

4. Share repurchase commitment on fraudulent issuance and listing 31-34

5 commitments on diluting immediate return filling measures 35-44

6 commitment on profit distribution policy 45-52

7. Repurchase and compensation commitments for major information disclosure violations in the prospectus 53-59

8 commitment on binding measures for failure to fulfill public commitments 60-71

9 commitments on reducing and regulating related party transactions 72-73

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