Zhejiang Busen Garments Co.Ltd(002569) independent director
Opinions of the board of directors on the special note on the audit report with unqualified opinions on the matters highlighted in 2021
Asia Pacific (Group) Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) audited the company's 2021 financial report and issued an unqualified audit report with highlighted items. In accordance with the Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the rules for the preparation and reporting of information disclosure of companies that offer securities to the public No. 14 - non-standard unqualified audit opinions and the handling of matters involved, the independent directors of the company's unsecured attention to the paragraph with emphasized matters is shown in the description of matters involved in the audit report as follows:
1. Asia Pacific (Group) Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) issued an audit report with qualified opinions on the financial statements of the company in 2021, which objectively reflects the current situation of the matters involved. We have no objection to the audit report.
2. We agree with the company's "special note on the board of directors' unqualified audit report with emphasis in 2021", and continue to pay attention to and supervise the company's board of directors and management to take corresponding measures to solve the relevant matters involved in the qualified opinion as soon as possible, so as to better promote the development of the company and safeguard the interests of the majority of investors. Independent directors: Qin Benping, Zhang Li, he Xiaobei April 28, 2022