Securities code: Shenzhen Sunwin Intelligent Co.Ltd(300044) securities abbreviation: Shenzhen Sunwin Intelligent Co.Ltd(300044) Announcement No.: 2022039 Shenzhen Sunwin Intelligent Co.Ltd(300044)
Announcement on the provision for asset impairment in 2021
The company and all members of the board of directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.
In accordance with the requirements of Shenzhen Stock Exchange GEM Listing Rules, Shenzhen Stock Exchange GEM listed companies self regulatory guide No. 1 - business handling, accounting standards for Business Enterprises No. 8 - asset impairment and the company's accounting policies, based on the principle of prudence, in order to more truly and accurately reflect the company's assets and financial status, the company Other accounts receivable, inventories, fixed assets, construction in progress, long-term equity investment, intangible assets, goodwill and other assets shall be tested for asset impairment, and impairment reserves shall be accrued for assets that may have credit impairment losses and asset impairment losses. 1、 Asset scope and total amount of the current provision for asset impairment
After the company and its subsidiaries conducted a comprehensive inventory and asset impairment test of assets with possible signs of impairment at the end of 2021 (including all kinds of notes receivable, accounts receivable, other accounts receivable, inventory, fixed assets, construction in progress, long-term equity investment, intangible assets, goodwill, etc.), the provision for impairment in 2021 totaled 53956419445 yuan, as shown in the following table:
Unit: Yuan
Current amount of the project
1、 Credit impairment loss
Bad debt loss of notes receivable -12836381058
Bad debt loss of accounts receivable 466121460
Bad debt loss of other receivables -
Bad debt loss of long-term receivables -56500000
Subtotal of credit impairment loss -17148617545
2、 Asset impairment loss
Inventory falling price loss -259338289
Impairment loss of contract assets 1042917373
Goodwill impairment loss -37470170874
Impairment loss of other non current assets -121210110
Subtotal of asset impairment loss -36807801900
Total -53956419445
2、 Impact of the current provision for asset impairment on the company
The company has accrued 17148617545 yuan of credit impairment loss and 36807801900 yuan of asset impairment loss in this year, reducing the total profit of the company's consolidated statements in 2021 by 53956419445 yuan. The provision for asset impairment has been audited and confirmed by Asia Pacific (Group) accounting firm (special general partnership).
The company's provision for asset impairment this time complies with and complies with the provisions of the accounting standards for business enterprises and relevant accounting policies of the company. It is made based on the actual situation of relevant assets and the principle of prudence after asset impairment test. The basis for the provision for asset impairment is sufficient. After the provision for asset impairment is made, the financial statements of 2021 can more fairly reflect the company's financial status, asset value and operating results of 2021 as of December 31, 2021, which is reasonable.
3、 The recognition standard and withdrawal method of the provision for asset impairment this time
(1) Notes receivable
The company measures the loss reserves for notes receivable according to the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss in the whole duration. Based on the credit risk characteristics of notes receivable, they are divided into different combinations:
Basis for determining project portfolio
The acceptor of bank acceptance bill is a bank with low credit risk
The risk of artificial acceptance of commercial bills by enterprises is high
(2) Accounts receivable
For receivables and contract assets without major financing components, the company measures the loss reserves according to the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss in the whole duration.
For receivables, contract assets and lease receivables with significant financing components, the company chooses to always measure the loss reserves according to the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss during the duration.
In addition to the accounts receivable and contract assets that individually assess credit risk, they are divided into different combinations based on their credit risk characteristics:
Basis for determining project portfolio
Aging portfolio accounts receivable with similar credit risk characteristics classified by aging
Receivables of related parties within the consolidation scope from related companies within the consolidation scope of the company
(3) Other receivables
The company adopts the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss in the next 12 months or the whole duration to measure the impairment loss according to whether the credit risk of other receivables has increased significantly since the initial recognition. In addition to other receivables that individually assess credit risk, they are divided into different combinations based on their credit risk characteristics:
Basis for determining project portfolio
Aging portfolio other receivables with similar credit risk characteristics classified by aging employee reserve of low credit risk portfolio
Receivables of related party portfolio from subsidiaries within the consolidation scope of the company
(4) Stock
At the end of the period, the inventory falling price reserves are accrued according to a single inventory item; However, for the inventory with large quantity and low unit price, the inventory falling price reserves shall be withdrawn according to the inventory category; If the inventories are related to the product series produced and sold in the same region, have the same or similar end use or purpose, and are difficult to be measured separately from other items, the inventory falling price reserves shall be accrued jointly.
(5) Long term assets
On each balance sheet date, judge whether there are signs of impairment in long-term equity investment, investment real estate measured by cost mode, fixed assets, construction in progress, biological assets measured by cost mode, oil and gas assets, intangible assets with determined service life and goodwill. If there are signs of impairment, estimate its recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is lower than its book value, Write down the book value of the asset to the recoverable amount, and the written down amount shall be recognized as the corresponding impairment loss and included in the current profit and loss, and the corresponding impairment provision shall be withdrawn at the same time.
The estimation of the recoverable amount of an asset is determined according to the higher one between the net amount of its fair value minus the disposal expenses and the present value of its estimated future cash flow. An enterprise estimates its recoverable amount based on a single asset. If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of a single asset, the recoverable amount of the asset group is determined based on the asset group to which the asset belongs.
After the asset impairment loss is recognized, the depreciation or amortization expenses of the impaired asset shall be adjusted accordingly in the future, so that the adjusted book value of the asset can be systematically apportioned within the remaining life of the asset.
For intangible assets with uncertain service life, intangible assets that have not yet reached the state of use and goodwill formed by merger, impairment test shall be conducted at the end of each year.
As for goodwill impairment test, the book value of goodwill formed by business combination shall be apportioned to relevant asset groups according to reasonable methods from the purchase date; If it is difficult to allocate to the relevant asset group, it shall be allocated to the relevant asset group portfolio. When the book value of goodwill is apportioned to relevant asset groups or asset group combinations, it shall be apportioned according to the proportion of the fair value of each asset group or asset group combination to the total fair value of relevant asset groups or asset group combinations. If the fair value is difficult to be measured reliably, it shall be apportioned according to the proportion of the book value of each asset group or combination of asset groups to the total book value of relevant asset groups or combination of asset groups.
If there are impairment signs in the asset portfolio, or if there are no impairment signs in the asset portfolio, the asset portfolio related to the impairment group shall be measured and compared with the asset portfolio, or the asset portfolio related to the impairment group shall be measured first. Then carry out impairment test on the asset group or combination of asset groups containing goodwill, and compare the book value of these relevant asset groups or combination of asset groups (including the book value of the apportioned goodwill) with their recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount of relevant asset groups or combination of asset groups is lower than its book value, the impairment loss of goodwill shall be recognized.
The provision for asset impairment has been audited and confirmed by Asia Pacific (Group) accounting firm (special general partnership).
It is hereby announced.
Shenzhen Sunwin Intelligent Co.Ltd(300044)
Board of directors
April 28, 2002