Financial statement report of 2021
Guoanda Co.Ltd(300902) (hereinafter referred to as "the company") has audited the 2021 financial report by Tianjian Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) and issued a standard unqualified audit report. In combination with the actual situation of the company, the main financial indicators and operating financial situation of the company in 2021 are reported as follows:
1、 Main accounting data and financial indicators
Increase and decrease of the project in 2021 and 2020
Operating income (10000 yuan) 25358952757896 - 8.05%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies (10000 yuan) 264443621208 - 57.43%
Net cash flow from operating activities (10000 yuan) 505153 91.27543471%
Basic earnings per share (yuan / share) 0.21 0.61 - 65.57%
Increase and decrease of the project at the end of 2021 and 2020
Total assets (10000 yuan) 92558959237166 0.20%
Net assets attributable to shareholders of listed companies (10000 yuan) 81179528349596 - 2.77%
2、 Financial status, operating results and cash flow
(I) assets, liabilities and net assets
Unit: 10000 yuan
Increase and decrease range of the project from December 31, 2021 to December 31, 2020 monetary capital 2032618627085 224.14%
Trading financial assets 15469493507828 - 55.90%
Notes receivable 823333703723 17.00%
Accounts receivable 11617381425608 - 18.51%
Prepayment 435.67 328.59 32.59%
Other receivables 313.94 169.60 85.11%
Inventory 573410592458 - 3.22%
Contract assets 398.00 772.07 - 48.45%
Other current assets 162056 834.13 94.28%
Long term equity investment 489.47 --
Investment in other equity instruments 220.00 --
Fixed assets 17293321017723 69.92%
Other non current assets 535.34 259.55 106.26%
Short term loan 180.00 --
Construction in progress 640171816276 - 21.57%
Notes payable 184553 220.36 737.51%
Accounts payable 363064373501 - 2.79%
Contract liabilities 110208129951 - 15.19%
Payroll payable 821.78123535 - 33.48%
Tax payable 820.30 636.35 28.91%
Other payables 171509 948.55 80.81%
Other current liabilities 80.57 15.55 418.14%
Lease liabilities 179.45 --
Deferred income 507.03 414.62 22.29%
Deferred income tax liabilities 56.85 65.00 - 12.54%
Capital reserve 41996854183851 0.38%
Surplus reserve 216277161571 33.86%
Undistributed profit 24221902724373 - 11.09%
During the reporting period, monetary capital increased by 224.14% over the same period of last year, mainly due to the increase in cash received from the sale of goods and the provision of labor services in the current period and the due recovery of financial management funds at the end of the period.
During the reporting period, trading financial assets decreased by 55.90% compared with the same period of the previous year, mainly due to the due recovery of financial management funds at the end of the current period and the lack of investment.
During the reporting period, the prepayment increased by 32.59% over the same period of last year, mainly due to the increase of prepayment for materials in this period.
During the reporting period, other receivables increased by 85.11% over the same period of last year, mainly due to the increase of margin in this period. During the reporting period, contract assets decreased by 48.45% compared with the same period of last year, mainly due to the decrease of quality assurance deposit receivable. During the reporting period, other current assets increased by 94.28% over the same period of the previous year, mainly due to the increase in contract costs corresponding to sales contracts that did not realize recognized revenue and the increase in input retention tax of construction in progress.
During the reporting period, fixed assets increased by 69.92% compared with the same period of the previous year, mainly due to the transfer into fixed assets of the subsidiary's construction in progress - plant reaching the expected serviceable state in the current period.
During the reporting period, other non current assets increased by 106.26% over the same period of last year, mainly due to the increase of quality assurance deposit receivable with maturity of more than one year.
During the reporting period, notes payable increased by 737.51% over the same period of last year, mainly due to the increase in the payment method of supplier's bank acceptance bill in this period.
During the reporting period, the payroll payable decreased by 33.48% compared with the same period of the previous year, mainly due to the less salary and year-end bonus accrued in 2021.
During the reporting period, other payables increased by 80.81% compared with the same period of the previous year, mainly due to the increase of unpaid intermediary expenses.
During the reporting period, other current liabilities increased by 418.14% over the same period of last year, mainly due to the increase of commercial bills endorsed but not derecognized in the current period.
During the reporting period, the surplus reserve increased by 33.86% over the same period of last year, mainly due to the company's withdrawal of statutory surplus reserve.
(II) operating results
Unit: 10000 yuan
Increase and decrease of the project in 2021 and 2020
Operating income 25358952757896 - 8.05%
Operating cost 13638221244776 9.56%
Sales expenses 372115278957 33.40%
Financial expenses -93.09 -28.85 -222.67%
Investment income 161.52 --
Income from changes in fair value 694.79 78.28 787.57%
Income from asset disposal -15.55 -0.68 -218676%
Non operating income 10.71 22.20 - 51.76%
Non operating expenses 18.46 35.97 - 48.68%
Total profit 348393708532 - 50.83%
Net profit 269942620781 - 56.52%
During the reporting period, the sales expenses increased by 33.40% compared with the same period of the previous year, mainly due to the increase in the market development expenses of new products.
During the reporting period, the financial expenses decreased by 222.67% compared with the same period of the previous year, mainly due to the increase of interest income and the decrease of interest discount expenses of bills.
During the reporting period, the income from changes in fair value increased by 787.57% over the same period of the previous year, mainly due to the increase in the income from changes in fair value during the holding of trading financial assets in the current period.
During the reporting period, the income from asset disposal decreased by 218676% compared with the same period of the previous year, mainly due to the increase in the income from the disposal of fixed assets in the current period.
During the reporting period, non operating income decreased by 51.76% compared with the same period of last year, mainly due to the decrease of quality claim fees charged by suppliers in this period.
During the reporting period, non operating expenditure decreased by 48.68% compared with the same period of last year, mainly due to the decrease of external donations in the current period.
During the reporting period, the total profit decreased by 50.83% over the same period last year, mainly due to the decline in traffic and transportation industry revenues and the low gross profit margin of new products, compressed air foam system, increased operating costs and increased business expansion related costs.
During the reporting period, net profit decreased by 56.52% over the same period last year, mainly due to the decline in traffic and transportation industry revenue and the gross profit margin of the new product compressed air foam fire extinguishing system.