Guangdong chenganxin certified public accountants LLP (special general partnership)
About Funeng Oriental Equipment Technology Co.Ltd(300173) 2021
Verification report of operating income deduction statement
Chengxin shenzhuan [2022] No. 0411 Funeng Oriental Equipment Technology Co.Ltd(300173) all shareholders:
We have audited the financial statements of Funeng Oriental Equipment Technology Co.Ltd(300173) (hereinafter referred to as " Funeng Oriental Equipment Technology Co.Ltd(300173) company") in 2021, including the consolidated and parent company's balance sheet on December 31, 2021, the consolidated and parent company's income statement, the consolidated and parent company's statement of changes in owner's equity, the consolidated and parent company's cash flow statement and notes to relevant financial statements, And issued an unqualified audit report with the report number of Chengxin Shen [2022] 0665 on April 21, 2022.
Based on the audit of the above financial statements, we have accepted the entrustment to perform reasonable assurance on the attached statement of operating income deduction of Funeng Oriental Equipment Technology Co.Ltd(300173) company in 2021 (hereinafter referred to as the "statement of operating income deduction").
1、 Responsibilities of management
Funeng Oriental Equipment Technology Co.Ltd(300173) the management of the company is responsible for preparing the statement of deduction of operating income in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange on the gem, the notice on disclosure of 2021 annual report of listed companies and the notice on deduction of operating income under the new delisting regulations of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, so as to ensure that the statement of deduction of operating income is true, accurate and complete without false records Misleading statements or material omissions.
2、 Responsibilities of Certified Public Accountants
Chengxin shenzhuan [2022] No. 0411 on the year of Funeng Oriental Equipment Technology Co.Ltd(300173) 2021
Verification report of statement of deduction of operating income page 1
Our responsibility is to issue the assurance conclusion on the statement of operating income deduction on the basis of the implementation of the assurance work.
3、 Job overview
We have carried out the assurance business in accordance with the provisions of other assurance business standards for Chinese certified public accountants No. 3101 - assurance business other than audit or review of historical financial information. The code requires us to abide by the code of professional ethics, plan and implement the verification work, so as to obtain reasonable assurance whether the statement of operating income deduction is prepared in all material aspects in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange GEM Listing Rules, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange notice on the disclosure of 2021 annual report of listed companies and the notice on the deduction of operating income under the new delisting regulations. In the process of carrying out the assurance work, we have implemented the procedures we consider necessary, including inquiry, inspection of accounting records and so on. We believe that our assurance work provides a reasonable basis for issuing assurance conclusions.
4、 Assurance conclusion
We believe that the statement of operating income deduction of Funeng Oriental Equipment Technology Co.Ltd(300173) company in 2021 is prepared in accordance with the relevant provisions of Shenzhen Stock Exchange GEM Listing Rules, Shenzhen Stock Exchange notice on disclosure of 2021 annual report of listed companies and notice on operating income deduction under the new delisting regulations.
5、 Report usage restrictions
In order to better understand the deduction of operating income of Funeng Oriental Equipment Technology Co.Ltd(300173) company in 2021, the statement of deduction of operating income shall be read together with the audited financial statements.
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No. [20211] of the year
Page 2 of the assurance report of the statement of operating income deduction
This report is only used by Funeng Oriental Equipment Technology Co.Ltd(300173) company for the purpose of disclosing the annual report of 2021, and shall not be used for any other purpose. Guangdong chenganxin Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) Chinese certified public accountant:
Xieyuanbao (project partner) Chinese certified public accountant:
Chen Lianyun
Guangzhou, China, April 21, 2002 Chengxin shenzhuan [2022] No. 0411 on Funeng Oriental Equipment Technology Co.Ltd(300173) 2021
Page 3 of the assurance report of the statement of operating income deduction
Funeng Oriental Equipment Technology Co.Ltd(300173) 2021
Statement of operating income deduction
Monetary unit: Yuan
Remarks of the current year and the previous year of the project
Operating income 1164426239761471642181
Operating income deduction items, including:
After sales materials and maintenance revenue 447343838333150145
Waste revenue 4361574318198
Rental income 3958423251075964
Subtotal of business income unrelated to main business 487364227427344307
Subtotal of income without commercial substance 252762694
Amount of operating income after deduction 11595489817060791535180
This form was approved by the board of directors on April 21, 2022.
Legal representative: person in charge of Accounting: person in charge of accounting organization (person in charge of Accounting):