Songcheng Performance Development Co.Ltd(300144) : 2021 annual audit report of Zhuhai Songcheng Performance Development Co.Ltd(300144) Kingdom Co., Ltd

Audit report and financial statements of Zhuhai Songcheng Performance Development Co.Ltd(300144) Kingdom Co., Ltd. for the year 2021

Zhuhai Songcheng Performance Development Co.Ltd(300144) Kingdom Co., Ltd

Audit report and financial statements

(from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021)

Table of contents page

1、 Audit report 1-3 II. Financial statements

Balance sheet 1-2 income statement 3 cash flow statement 4 statement of changes in owner's equity 5-6 notes to financial statements 1-24

audit report

Xin Hui Shi Bao Zi [2022] No. za11428 all shareholders of Zhuhai Songcheng Performance Development Co.Ltd(300144) Kingdom Co., Ltd.:

1、 Audit opinion

We have audited the financial statements of Zhuhai Songcheng Performance Development Co.Ltd(300144) Kingdom Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as your company), including the balance sheet as of December 31, 2021, the income statement, cash flow statement, statement of changes in owner's equity and notes to relevant financial statements in 2021.

In our opinion, the attached financial statements are prepared in accordance with the provisions of the accounting standards for business enterprises in all material aspects and fairly reflect the financial position of your company as of December 31, 2021 and the operating results and cash flow of 2021.

2、 Basis for forming audit opinions

We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards for Chinese certified public accountants. The "responsibilities of certified public accountants for the audit of financial statements" in the audit report further expounds our responsibilities under these standards. In accordance with the code of professional ethics for Chinese certified public accountants, we are independent of your company and have fulfilled other responsibilities in terms of professional ethics. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate, which provides a basis for our audit opinion.

3、 Responsibility of management for financial statements

The management is responsible for preparing the financial statements in accordance with the provisions of the accounting standards for business enterprises to achieve a fair reflection, and designing, implementing and maintaining necessary internal control so that the financial statements are free from material misstatement caused by fraud or error.

In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the company's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing matters related to going concern (if applicable), and applying the assumption of going concern, unless it plans to liquidate, terminate operations or has no other realistic choice.

4、 Responsibilities of certified public accountants for the audit of financial statements

Our goal is to obtain reasonable assurance on whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement due to fraud or error, and issue an audit report containing audit opinions. Reasonable assurance is a high-level assurance, but it does not guarantee that the audit performed in accordance with the audit standards will always be found when a major misstatement exists. Misstatement may be caused by fraud or error. If it is reasonably expected that the misstatement alone or in summary may affect the economic decisions made by the users of the financial statements based on the financial statements, the misstatement is generally considered to be significant.

In the process of carrying out the audit work in accordance with the audit standards, we use professional judgment and maintain professional doubt. At the same time, we also carry out the following work:

(I) identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of financial statements due to fraud or error, design and implement audit procedures to deal with these risks, and obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence as the basis for issuing audit opinions. Since fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omission, misrepresentation or override of internal control, the risk of failing to find major misstatement caused by fraud is higher than that caused by error.

(II) understand the internal control related to audit in order to design appropriate audit procedures, but the purpose is not to express opinions on the effectiveness of internal control.

(III) evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies selected by the management and the rationality of accounting estimates and related disclosures.

(IV) draw a conclusion on the appropriateness of the management's use of the going concern assumption. At the same time, according to the audit evidence obtained, draw a conclusion on whether there are major uncertainties in the matters or circumstances that may lead to major doubts about the sustainable operation ability of your company. If we conclude that there is significant uncertainty, the auditing standards require us to draw the attention of statement users to the relevant disclosures in the financial statements in the audit report; If the disclosure is insufficient, we should express a non unqualified opinion. Our conclusions are based on the information available as of the date of the audit report. However, future events or circumstances may cause your company to be unable to continue its business.

(V) evaluate the overall presentation (including disclosure), structure and content of the financial statements, and evaluate whether the financial statements fairly reflect relevant transactions and events.

We communicated with the management on the planned audit scope, schedule and major audit findings, including the internal control defects that we identified in the audit.

Chinese certified public accountant of Lixin certified public accountants: Ni Yilin (special general partnership)

Chinese certified public accountant: Chen Yanhua, Shanghai, China April 22, 2002

December 31, 2021

(unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit is RMB)

Note V closing balance of assets closing balance of last year

Current assets:

Monetary capital (I) 8258931436523935

Trading financial assets

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable

Accounts receivable

Receivables financing

Prepayment (II) 170028547527624

Other receivables (III) 60130594194400


Contract assets

Assets held for sale

Non current assets due within one year

Other current assets (IV) 13579552772830974

Total current assets 167070371521076933

Non current assets:

Debt investment

Other debt investment

long-term receivables

Long term equity investment

Investment in other equity instruments

Other non current financial assets

Investment real estate

Fixed assets (V) 23904591637369384

Construction in progress (VI) 7663619033 63,310453. eighty-three

Productive biological assets

Oil and gas assets

Right of use assets

Intangible assets (VII) 2486208279 25,653256. 03

Development expenditure


Long term deferred expenses

Deferred income tax assets (VIII) 317 51 214.00

Other non current assets (IX) 2113949874 424500.00

Total non current assets 125028548538976211770

Total assets 126699252249497288703

The attached notes to the financial statements are an integral part of the financial statements.

Person in charge of the company: person in charge of Accounting: person in charge of accounting organization:

Balance sheet (Continued)

December 31, 2021

(unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit is RMB)

Note V closing balance of liabilities and owner's equity closing balance of last year

Current liabilities:

Short term loan

Trading financial liabilities

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable

Accounts payable (x) 426110250475311250

Advance payment

Contractual liabilities

Payroll payable (XI) 41 Hanwei Electronics Group Corporation(300007) 430000

Taxes payable (XII) 5242598 596.13

Other payables (XIII) 36144800010208335

Liabilities held for sale

Non current liabilities due within one year

Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities 79693084849 Cngr Advanced Material Co.Ltd(300919) 8

Non current liabilities:

Long term loan

Bonds payable

Including: preferred shares

Perpetual debt

Lease liabilities

Long term accounts payable

Long term payroll payable

Estimated liabilities

Deferred income

Deferred Tax Liability

Other non current liabilities Total non current liabilities

Total liabilities: 79693084849 Cngr Advanced Material Co.Ltd(300919) 8

Owner's equity:

Paid in capital (XIV) 58 million 00 25,000000. 00

Other equity instruments

Including: preferred shares

Perpetual debt

Capital reserve

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