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Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) : work report of the board of supervisors for the year Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) 2021

Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682)

Work report of the board of supervisors in 2021

In 2021, the board of supervisors of the company performed its duties in strict accordance with the company law, the articles of association and other relevant provisions, inspected the company’s finance according to law, supervised the legality and compliance of the performance of directors and senior managers, and safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the company and shareholders. The report on the work of 2021 is as follows:

1、 Work of the board of supervisors

Number of meetings held 8

Date of meeting name of the meeting topic of the meeting of the board of supervisors

On April 1, 2021, the 13th session of the third session of the board of supervisors deliberated and adopted the work report of the board of supervisors in 2020, the annual report and summary of the meeting in 2020, the annual profit distribution plan in 2020, the final financial statement report in 2020, the proposal on the renewal of the accounting firm in 2021 Special report on the deposit and actual use of the company’s raised funds in 2020

On April 12, 2021, the 14th session of the third board of supervisors deliberated and approved the proposal on the election of supervisors by the board of supervisors and the proposal on the company’s proposed use of some idle raised funds for cash management

On April 23, 2021, the fourth session of the board of supervisors deliberated and approved the proposal on the election of the chairman of the board of supervisors and the proposal on the remuneration of the company’s supervisors for the first time

On April 29, 2021, the Fourth Board of supervisors deliberated and approved the report of the first quarter of 2021 and the parliamentary proposal on changes in accounting policies for the second time

On May 17, 2021, the third session of the Fourth Board of supervisors deliberated and approved the proposal on purchasing directors, supervisors and senior executives liability insurance


On August 27, 2021, the fourth session of the board of supervisors deliberated and adopted the semi annual report and summary of 2021 and the special report on the deposit and actual use of the semi annual raised funds of the company’s 2021 meeting for the fourth time

On October 29, 2021, the report of the third quarter of 2021 was considered and adopted by the Fourth Board of supervisors for the fifth time


On November 20, 2021, the sixth session of the Fourth Board of supervisors deliberated and approved the proposal on increasing the implementation subject of investment projects with raised funds and providing loans to wholly-owned subsidiaries through the meeting of raised funds, the proposal on establishing a special account for raised funds and signing a tripartite supervision agreement for raised funds Proposal on Amending the rules of the board of supervisors

During this year, in order to standardize the operation and management of the company, the board of supervisors of the company focused on strengthening supervision from the following aspects and faithfully performed the supervision function.

1. Supervision of business activities

Members of the board of supervisors shall attend all meetings of the board of directors of the company as nonvoting delegates and supervise major decisions in the operation and management of the company. The board of supervisors shall timely review relevant reports on the implementation of resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders, resolutions of the board of directors, business plans, major investment plans, financial budget and final settlement plans by the company’s operation and management, understand the specific situation of the company’s operation and management activities, and put forward corresponding opinions and suggestions.

2. Supervision of financial activities

The board of supervisors focuses on the inspection and supervision of the company’s finance. First, the financial department of the company is required to provide financial reports and relevant financial materials on a regular basis and master the financial activities of the company in a timely manner; Second, urge the company to establish and improve the financial management system and internal control system; Third, implement financial inspection, inspect the company’s financial activities from time to time, and put forward targeted improvement suggestions according to relevant national laws, regulations and policies and in combination with the characteristics of the company, so as to further improve the company’s financial management level.

3. Management supervision

In order to effectively exercise the supervision function over the directors and senior managers of the company, while performing the daily supervision function, the board of supervisors urges the company to pay attention to and strengthen publicity, education and training, seriously organize the managers to study laws and regulations, especially securities laws and regulations, strengthen the legal awareness of the company’s managers, improve the consciousness of abiding by discipline and law, and ensure that the company’s business activities are carried out according to law.

2、 Independent opinions of the board of supervisors on the legal operation of the company

During the reporting period, the board of supervisors of the company supervised and inspected the operation of the company according to law and considered that the decision-making procedures of the company on major matters were legal. The company has established a relatively perfect internal control system, and no director, general manager and other senior managers have violated laws, regulations, the articles of association or harmed the interests of the company when performing their duties.

3、 Independent opinions of the board of supervisors on the inspection of the company’s financial situation

The board of supervisors reviewed the company’s 2020 financial report and considered that the company’s 2020 financial report objectively reflected the company’s financial status and operating results and complied with the accounting standards for business enterprises, accounting system for business enterprises and other relevant financial and accounting regulations; It is believed that the audit report issued by Lixin Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) on the company’s financial report in 2020 is objective and fair.

4、 Independent opinions of the board of supervisors on the company’s connected transactions

The board of supervisors believes that the related party transactions of the company during the reporting period meet the actual business needs of the company, the pricing is objective and fair, the transaction conditions and arrangements are fair and reasonable, the decision-making procedures are compliant, there is no damage to the interests of the company and other shareholders, and embodies the principles of fairness, impartiality and integrity.

In 2022, the board of supervisors of the company will continue to perform its duties faithfully and diligently in accordance with the company law, the articles of association and other relevant provisions, continuously improve the effectiveness and pertinence of the supervision function of the board of supervisors, promote the further standardized operation of the company, prevent operation and management risks, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the company and all shareholders.

Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) board of supervisors April 15, 2022

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