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Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) : social responsibility report in 2021

2021 Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682)

Social responsibility report stock code: Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682)



About this report

Management message

About the company

2021 memorabilia

Digital reading 2021

Honor 2021


1. Improve governance and compliance management 62. Be close to demand and serve with ingenuity 83. People oriented and grow together 104. Walk hand in hand and move forward together 145. Low carbon action, green operation 166. Devote yourself to public welfare and give back to the society 18. On the present report

Report description

This report is the first annual social responsibility report (hereinafter referred to as ” Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) ,” the company “and” the company “) issued since its listing on April 21, 2020. It aims to disclose the actions taken and achievements achieved by the company in economic, social and environmental aspects to customers, shareholders, employees, government agencies, peers and suppliers, and important stakeholders such as social environment.

Preparation basis

This report is prepared in accordance with the guidelines on strengthening the social responsibility of listed companies published by Shanghai Stock Exchange and the guidelines on environmental information disclosure of listed companies of Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Scope of report

Scope of organization: the scope of disclosure of this report is Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) and its subsidiaries, covering entities consistent with the scope of consolidated financial statements of annual reports of listed companies.

Time range: This report covers the work of the financial year from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 (“reporting period”), and some information is traced back to previous years.

Release cycle: This report is an annual report.

Report data description

The data and cases in this report are from the original records or financial reports of the actual operation of Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) and its subsidiaries. The financial data in this report are in RMB. In case of any inconsistency with the financial report, the financial report shall prevail.

Confirmation and approval

This report was approved by the board of directors on April 15, 2022 after being confirmed by the management.

Report release

This report is published to the public in Chinese and in electronic form. The electronic version of the report is available on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse. Com. CN.) The full text can be disclosed on the company’s website (www.iyuejie. Com.) Read and download.

contact information

If you have any suggestions and comments on this report, you can call the official investor hotline 86-2152399283 or send an email to the official investor email: [email protected]. 。

Management message

Thank you for your attention to the first annual social responsibility report issued by the company.

The purpose of this report is not only to share Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) this year’s efforts in social responsibility and sustainable development with the public, but also to call on Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) ‘s peers, partners and employees to work together in social responsibility to achieve common sustainable development, explore and continue the historical context and revitalize the new urban culture on the updated track of the city.

In the past year, the company adhered to the development orientation of “becoming China’s leading commercial property full value chain service integrator”, kept in mind the mission of “discovering value, creating value and improving value”, excavated the value of stock assets in urban core areas, and deeply participated in the construction and development of urban renewal.

While the management carries out business and serves customers, we also pay attention to climate change and energy management. China promises that carbon dioxide emissions will not increase before 2030 and will gradually decrease after reaching the peak; Achieve carbon peak before 2060. The 26th United Nations climate change conference called on governments, businesses and civil society to work closely to accelerate action to resolve the climate crisis.

We believe that the power gathered by enterprises can promote significant changes in society. We also advocate green operation practice in addition to economic development, and further drive peer partners and customers to pay attention to climate issues.

Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) every park and building operated is a community. We insist on closely connecting the development of the enterprise with the community, maintaining smooth and high-frequency community communication, and providing more targeted support by understanding the needs of the community; By carrying out community public welfare activities, encourage employees to join or assist in the holding of public welfare undertakings and give back to the society.

We are always committed to improving the service level to property tenants and customers. We believe that high-quality service quality is the soft power to highlight the corporate image. Looking back on 2021, we actively responded to customer needs, standardized safety management standards, improved safety service awareness, paid attention to and timely followed up customer complaints, and continuously improved customer satisfaction. In 2021, we achieved 90.17 points of customer satisfaction, an increase of about 2.2 points over last year.

We believe that protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employees and realizing the value of talents is one of the important conditions for the long-term and upward development of enterprises. The company has established an open and transparent recruitment system, adjusted the salary broadband, built a rank system, built a training brand, and paid attention to the development of employees’ professional quality and personal quality. We also pay attention to cultivating an inclusive and open corporate culture, holding employee exchange seminars and listening to the voice of employees.

Looking ahead, 2022 is still a challenging year, and there may be more uncertainties and fluctuations in the future. We will adhere to the direction of high-quality development and bring long-term positive returns to investors.

As a participant in the field of urban renewal, Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) will also incorporate the sustainable development plan into the formulation of enterprise strategy, jointly promote the low-carbon action of its projects under management, strive to build a harmonious and livable community with diversified integration, cultural characteristics and innovative vitality, promote the common prosperity and coordinated development of the community, and take practical actions to the property tenants, property owners, investors, employees, government agencies, peers and suppliers Share value with stakeholders such as social environment.

Yu Minjun

Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) chairman and general manager

Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) founded in 2007, it is one of the four business segments of Shanghai Jinhe group. On April 21, 2020, Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) was successfully listed on the main board of Shanghai Stock Exchange (Securities abbreviation: Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) , securities code: Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) ).

The company’s main business is the positioning design, transformation, investment attraction, operation and service of urban old properties and inefficient commercial properties. The business model mainly includes leasing operation, equity participation operation and entrusted operation.

By the end of the reporting period, the company had 70 projects under management, with an area of more than 1.1 million square meters.

The industry of the company belongs to the field of urban renewal. It is committed to the transformation, operation and management services of existing urban properties, continue the urban context and serve the upgrading of urban functions in China. The repositioning design of the existing commercial properties in the city will maximize the preservation of the features of the original industrial heritage buildings and realize ecological restoration and green implantation Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) to provide one-stop service of the whole value chain to the existing urban properties, to avoid the waste of construction resources and environmental unfriendliness to a certain extent, is the protection of the urban environment and the recycling of resources.

Core competitiveness of the company

Since 2007, Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) began to set foot in the field of urban renewal. With more than ten years of practice and experience, has obvious first mover advantages in the industry, especially in the discovery, mining and refining of the commercial value of stock properties, and has established a mature whole value chain management system, namely positioning, transformation, investment attraction and operation. After years of accumulation, the company has brand advantages and regional scale advantages.

Our whole value chain management system covers the whole chain of existing and reconstructed properties, which can deeply tap the potential of existing and reconstructed properties and give them new vitality. This core competitiveness is conducive to the company’s rapid project expansion and explore future urban renewal business opportunities.

Events in 2021

Honor 2021

In 2021, Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) won 32 honorary awards, an increase of 5 over 2020; Among the projects under management, 15 projects were awarded

Municipal Cultural and creative awards account for 8% of the total number of cultural and creative projects in Shanghai.

Award and title name of the awarding unit award time of the awarding unit

Jinhe cross border shankangli 2021 urban renewal contribution award Shanghai Modern Service Industry Federation September 2021 Yangtze River Delta modern service industry alliance

Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) Industrial Park listed company model innovation top5 site selection China, Hejun Industrial Park Business Division September 2021

Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) 2021 top 1 billion think tank of light asset operators in China’s industrial parks September 2021

Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) national industrial park operation service provider TOP10 Kerui, June 2021

Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) 2020 urban renewal top ten asset management organization award China urban organic renewal and consumption scene creation conference April 2021

Jinhe cross border guanghuaku 2020 urban renewal top ten innovation breakthrough award China urban organic renewal and consumption scene creation conference April 2021

Jinhe cross border shankangli 2020 urban renewal top ten demonstration area award China urban organic renewal and consumption scene construction conference April 2021

Jingan District Business Committee of Jingan District, Jinghe cross border happy square 2020 Jingan District excellent Park, March 2021

Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) 2021-2022 Shanghai Municipal Cultural and Creative Industry Park Shanghai cultural and creative industry promotion leading group office operated and managed 15 project areas, demonstration buildings and demonstration spaces in February 2021

Jinneng property, the Sixth Council of Shanghai property management industry association, was the unit of Shanghai property management industry association in January 2021

Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) 2020 best industrial service contribution award Shanghai Industrial Design Association January 2021

1. Improve governance and operate in compliance

In accordance with the company law, securities law and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as the requirements of normative documents of the code for the governance of listed companies, the company continues to improve the corporate governance model, actively promote the optimization of corporate governance structure and standardize the company’s operation, so as to ensure the maximization of the interests of the company’s shareholders and realize the long-term upward development of the company. 1.1 governance structure

The general meeting of shareholders is the highest authority of the company, and the board of directors is the daily decision-making body of the company. It has four special committees: Audit Committee, nomination committee, salary and assessment committee and Strategy Committee to assist the board of directors in performing its functions and powers or provide suggestions for the decision-making of the board of directors.

In 2021, the company held 3 general meetings of shareholders, 11 meetings of the board of directors and 11 meetings of special committees. Among them, there were 5 meetings of the audit committee, 1 meeting of the nomination committee, 3 meetings of the remuneration and assessment committee and 2 meetings of the strategy committee. The special committee has played an important role in the decision-making process of the board of directors, such as the formulation of corporate strategy, the improvement of incentive mechanism, the evaluation of internal control risk, the optimization of governance system and so on.

By the end of 2021, the company had 9 directors, including more than 50% female directors and 3 independent directors.

In 2021, the board of supervisors of the company performed its duties in strict accordance with the company law, the articles of association and other relevant provisions, inspected the company’s finance according to law, supervised the legality and compliance of the performance of directors and senior managers, and safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the company and shareholders. During the reporting period, the members of the board of supervisors focused on strengthening supervision from the aspects of business activity supervision, financial activity supervision and management personnel supervision; And supervise and inspect the operation of the company according to law. 1.2 investor relations

The company ensures the fairness of information disclosure by establishing and improving relevant systems and procedures for investor relations management activities. Specifically, during the reporting period, the company formulated an information disclosure for future reference registration system to record in detail the research, communication, interview and other activities of accepting or inviting specific objects.

The company attaches great importance to investor relations. On the basis of strengthening information disclosure management, the company continues to enrich investor communication forms, and maintains communication with investors through various channels, including telephone, email, SSE E interaction, securities analyst research, etc., so as to effectively protect the interests of small and medium-sized investors.

In 2021, the company responded to more than 50 person times of investors’ special line calls, 22 investor questions on SSE E interaction, and received a batch of offline institutional investors’ formal visits and many teleconferences.

As of the date of this report, three Chinese securities companies have covered the company and issued in-depth research reports.

In addition, regularly train the members of the company’s laws and regulations and enhance their understanding of relevant laws and regulations of the company. 1.3 risk and compliance

In corporate governance and daily operation and management, the company continuously strengthens the integrity, rationality and effectiveness of the implementation of the internal control system, so as to improve the daily operation efficiency of the company and ensure the legality and compliance of the company’s behavior. During the reporting period, the company continued to improve the construction of internal control system, comprehensively carried out internal control supervision and inspection, regularly tracked the rectification of internal control defects, and reduced the company’s operational risks. Among them, according to the company’s risk management mechanism, the internal audit department regularly carries out various audits, issues audit reports and carries out follow-up audit management based on the actual audit situation, so as to continuously improve the enterprise’s internal control ability.

With the continuous expansion of the company’s main business, the continuous increase of capital investment and the expansion of the company’s personnel, Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) continued exploration and research, and gradually established various effective management systems.

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