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Venustech Group Inc(002439) : Announcement on write off of bad debts

Securities code: Venustech Group Inc(002439) securities abbreviation: Venustech Group Inc(002439) Announcement No.: 2022017 Venustech Group Inc(002439)

Announcement on write off of bad debts

The company and all members of the board of directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

Venustech Group Inc(002439) (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) held the 28th meeting of the 4th board of directors on April 6, 2022, deliberated and adopted the proposal on write off of bad debts. According to the relevant provisions of the stock listing rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Venustech Group Inc(002439) articles of Association (hereinafter referred to as “the articles of association”), the write off of bad debts does not need to be submitted to the general meeting of shareholders for approval. The specific contents of this write off of bad debts are announced as follows:

1、 Write off of bad debts

In accordance with the accounting standards for business enterprises, the articles of association, the notice on further improving the quality of financial information disclosure of listed companies and other relevant provisions, in order to truly reflect the company’s financial situation, the company, in accordance with the principles of legal compliance, standardized operation, case by case approval and account cancellation, has made 59 accounts receivable for which bad debt reserves have been fully withdrawn and failed to recover as of December 31, 2021, The total amount is 1102196637 yuan, which will be written off. After the write off, the finance and marketing department of the company will establish the written off receivables for audit and continue to make full recovery. 2、 Impact of bad debt write off on the company

For the bad debts written off this time, the company has made full provision for bad debts in previous years, which will not have a significant impact on the company’s profit and loss in 2021 and previous years. The cancellation of bad debts does not comply with the provisions of the company’s accounting standards and regulations, and does not reflect the actual situation of the company’s bad debts, the company’s decision-making and related parties, and does not reflect the actual situation of the company’s accounting standards and regulations.

3、 Opinions of independent directors

After verification, the company has sufficient basis for the write off of bad debts, standardized decision-making procedures, in line with the relevant provisions of the accounting standards for business enterprises and the articles of association, can truly reflect the company’s financial status and operating results, in line with the overall interests of the company, and does not damage the legitimate rights and interests of minority shareholders. We agree to the write off of bad debts. 4、 Opinions of the board of supervisors

According to the accounting standards for business enterprises, the notice on further improving the quality of financial information disclosure of listed companies and other relevant provisions, the board of supervisors carefully verified the company’s write off of bad debts this time. After verification, the company has sufficient basis for the write off of bad debts, standardized decision-making procedures, in line with the accounting standards for business enterprises, the articles of association and other relevant provisions, can truly reflect the company’s financial status and operating results, in line with the overall interests of the company, and does not damage the legitimate rights and interests of minority shareholders. We agree to the write off of bad debts.

5、 Documents for future reference

1. Resolutions of the 28th meeting of the 4th board of directors of the company;

2. Resolutions of the 24th Meeting of the 4th board of supervisors of the company;

3. Prior approval and independent opinions of independent directors on matters related to the 28th meeting of the Fourth Board of directors.

It is hereby announced.

Venustech Group Inc(002439) board of directors April 8, 2022

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