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Venustech Group Inc(002439) : summary of 2021 Annual Report

Securities code: Venustech Group Inc(002439) securities abbreviation: Venustech Group Inc(002439) Announcement No.: 2022012 Venustech Group Inc(002439) 2021 annual report summary I. important tips the summary of this annual report comes from the full text of the annual report. In order to fully understand the company’s operating results, financial status and future development plan, investors should carefully read the full text of the annual report in the media designated by the CSRC. In addition to the following directors, other directors attended the meeting of the board of directors to consider the annual report in person

Name of director not present in person position of director not present in person reason for not attending the meeting name of the entrusted person

Tips of non-standard audit opinions □ applicable √ not applicable to the profit distribution plan of ordinary shares or the plan of converting accumulation fund into share capital during the reporting period reviewed by the board of directors √ applicable □ not applicable whether to convert accumulation fund into share capital □ yes √ no the company’s profit distribution plan of ordinary shares reviewed and approved by the board of directors is: the total share capital on the date of equity registration when the equity distribution of the company is implemented in 2021 minus the total amount of shares that have been repurchased in the company’s special repurchase account at that time Taking the share capital as the base, the company will distribute cash dividends of 0.25 yuan (including tax) to all shareholders for every 10 shares and 0 bonus shares (including tax), and will not increase the share capital with the accumulation fund. Preferred stock profit distribution plan for the reporting period adopted by the board of directors □ applicable √ not applicable II. Basic information of the company 1. Company profile

Stock abbreviation Venustech Group Inc(002439) stock code Venustech Group Inc(002439)

Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Contact person and contact information secretary of the board of directors securities affairs representative

Name: Jiang Peng, Liu Jing

Office address Beijing Centergate Technologies (Holding) Co.Ltd(000931) software, No. 8, Dongbeiwang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing Beijing Centergate Technologies (Holding) Co.Ltd(000931) Software Park, No. 8, Dongbeiwang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing Venustech Group Inc(002439) Software Park, building 21 Venustech Group Inc(002439) building

Fax: 0108277901001082779010

Tel: 0108277900601082779006

E-mail [email protected]. [email protected].

2. Main business or product profile during the reporting period (I) main business of the company

Venustech Group Inc(002439) is a leading enterprise in the main classic industry sector in the network security industry, a leading enterprise in the emerging frontier industry sector and a pillar enterprise in the sustainable health business model and health industry ecology.

Focusing on 15 categories of products with the first market share and 9 categories of products in the first camp of the market, the company has become the preferred provider of network security products, trusted security management platform, security operations and services and security solutions for government and enterprise customers in China’s digital scene.

Relying on its core technology advantages, rich experience and forward-looking strategy, the company has led the industry’s most attractive data security sector in the future through security original innovation and scenario Innovation, focusing on eight directions: data element security, big data AI security analysis, cloud security control, industrial digital security, zero trust security, threat intelligence, Cyberspace Security shooting range simulation and localization security Industrial digital security sector, new computing security sector and other high growth industrial sectors.

Based on the first mover security operation center strategy, the company continuously improves and strengthens the customer value, financial health and sustainable growth potential of network security business through business model innovation and strategic resource collection, and cooperates with the healthy development of the industry.

The main business segments are as follows:

·Data security

Since the company launched its first data security product in 2003, it has accumulated technology for nearly 20 years. In 2021, the company established a data security headquarters in Hangzhou and launched data oriented system attributes, business attributes and economic attributes, as well as a comprehensive security technology and management framework system – Data oasis. According to the different development stages of data security 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0, data oasis covers three dimensions: data object security, data aggregation security and data circulation security. Phase 1.0 mainly focuses on data object security, including database security, document security, operation and maintenance security, etc; Phase 2.0 mainly focuses on data aggregation security and realizes the security control of the whole life cycle of data, including data security governance, data classification, identity centered access control, etc; Phase 3.0 is mainly aimed at data circulation security. Following the principle of “data availability is invisible, data is fixed and value is dynamic”, through blockchain technology, federal learning, multi-party secure computing and other privacy computing technologies, data security and privacy can be guaranteed to realize safe and orderly circulation, trusted sharing, development and utilization of data. In 2021, the company helped to build the security system of Wuxi urban big data center with the thinking of “scenario security”, which became the first case in China to pass the three-level certification of DSMM data security maturity under the government scene. At present, it has been applied and deployed in dozens of big data bureaus across the country, covering the government, public security, medical and other industries.

In addition to enterprise level data security solutions, in order to protect the rights and interests of individual Internet users, the company launched TOC’s free product – hidden search, which helps users identify apps that collect and learn personal information in violation of regulations, so as to protect the data security of individual users.

·Security operation center

As an advocate of “independent third-party safe operation”, the company continues to provide safe operation center construction and safe operation services for urban cloud, data center, key information infrastructure, other government agencies and small and medium-sized enterprises around the urgent demand for safe operation center business in the construction of smart city. By the end of 2021, the company has built 119 urban safety operation centers.

According to the needs and construction progress of different cities, the operation center can load operation business modules such as network security monitoring, standardized remote or on-site security operation and maintenance, data security operation, cloud security operation, security consulting and training, and build a security operation center facing different security problems, such as big data AI security operation center, data security operation center, cloud security operation center, industrial Internet security operation center Situation awareness operation center, etc.

The operation center has the function of regional marketing hub to load more business support and guarantee capabilities. At the same time, cooperate with the channel sinking strategy to deepen the in-depth penetration of regional customers. Through the operation center mode, we can also establish strong business contacts with users and strengthen the regional influence of the company’s brand. At present, some operation centers are still under construction. The company will continue to work hard in 2022 in combination with the promotion of the “mayor’s plan”, improve customer value, increase the income of a single operation center, and copy and upgrade the successful operation center model.

·Cloud Security

In the face of the acceleration of cloud network integration and the continuous change of customer network environment, the company innovated and proposed the “three synergies and integration” comprehensive cloud security management platform solution to build a new generation of cloud security management platform with security capabilities such as comprehensive collaboration, situation awareness, cloud security resource pool and automatic response of security arrangement. Combined with the scene requirements of the cloud platform, realize the on-demand collaboration of cloud ground security resources, on-demand arrangement of security capabilities and on-demand management of strategies. Realize full coverage of cloud, network, edge and end through cloud ground collaboration, cloud edge collaboration and multi cloud collaboration; By adopting new technologies such as AI big data, correlation analysis and soar, combined with threat intelligence, give full play to the advantages of security management and situational awareness platform, integrate resources, realize cloud security strategy arrangement and scenario based security capability scheduling, provide a cloud security management platform that meets compliance requirements, has visual security capability and can operate, and provide integrated security operation capability for cloud platforms and cloud tenants, Effectively solve the security risks of government and enterprise customers in the cloud environment in the digital era. At the same time, the software and hardware of basic security products have been decoupled. The company has completed the cloud security atomic capability of 18 types of security products, such as security detection, audit management, security defense, vulnerability inspection and cloud native security, so as to fully adapt to the cloud network environment.

The company lays out cloud SASE (secure access service edge), connects network capability and security capability, and provides network connection as a service naas and security as a service secaas. Combined with the strategy of urban security operation center, assemble and stack corresponding security capabilities on demand to sink the analysis capabilities of data security, application security and cloud threats close to the edge of users with secure access.

The company’s SaaS one-stop cloud security service can comprehensively monitor web site vulnerabilities and website hanging horses, and provide cloud SaaS services such as web application protection and anti DDoS.

With years of deep cultivation and precipitation in the field of cloud security, the company has provided effective comprehensive cloud security solutions for customers in government, operators, finance, energy, transportation and other industries, which has won the favor and recognition of users.

·Industrial digital security

The company continued to promote the scenario implementation of industrial Internet security, and jointly carried out basic security research with users in electric power, petroleum and petrochemical, transportation, intelligent manufacturing and other industries. The national standards led and participated in by the company, including technical requirements for industrial control anomaly monitoring tools for intelligent factories, industrial communication network and system security, and information security technology for industrial automation and control systems, were implemented in 2021. Aiming at the typical and unique needs of key industries, industry scenario based in-depth customized products are launched based on protocol security, important equipment protection, business interconnection, intelligent monitoring and other aspects. It carried out research and practice based on 5g + industrial Internet Security and industrial Internet logo analysis security, and was successfully selected into the “5g + industrial Internet” security innovation application pilot demonstration list of the Ministry of industry and information technology. Research reports and scenario based safety solutions for petroleum, petrochemical, port, nuclear power, steel and water industries were released, and successfully shortlisted for typical application demonstration cases of industrial safety system in 2021. Establish industrial control safety laboratory and release industrial control competition platform, industrial deception defense system and other industrial safety products and solutions. In the industrial Internet security operation centers in Qinghai, Sichuan, Chongqing, Jiangsu and other regions, more comprehensive and effective security services such as hosting operation and maintenance, security monitoring, threat early warning, event notification, emergency response, actual combat drill and so on have been formed.

·Internet of vehicles security

The company has conducted many years of research and Practice on Intelligent Vehicle networking, and formed technologies and products including intelligent vehicle networking network and information security, network and data security, personal privacy protection and artificial intelligence ethical security risk protection, and for the information security needs of intelligent vehicle manufacturers and UN / WP 29 and other foreign standards, carry out professional compliance consulting services for automotive information security, and provide corresponding safety testing, protection products and solutions. The company has actively participated in the special class on Internet of vehicles security of the ICT Institute of the Ministry of industry and information technology, the intelligent Internet of vehicles information security department of China Information Security Association and other industrial organizations, and participated in the preparation of national standards and documents, including the code for Internet of vehicles network security risk assessment, Internet of vehicles data security requirements, Internet of vehicles data security assessment guide, Internet of vehicles security protection practice white paper and so on. As one of the first “technical support units for the vulnerability Library of the Internet of vehicles”, the company carried out vulnerability mining, vulnerability verification, vulnerability analysis and other work of the Internet of vehicles. The company is committed to building the safety ecology of intelligent connected vehicles. By integrating professional intelligent connected vehicle safety technologies and products, the company helps Chinese complete vehicle and parts manufacturers and consumers build an integrated information and network security environment in the whole life cycle, so as to promote the healthy development of intelligent connected vehicle industry.

·Supply chain security

Under the situation of frequent supply chain security incidents, especially for the key information infrastructure related to the national economy and people’s livelihood industries, the company launched the overall solution of software supply chain security. The scheme supports the traditional SDLC development mode and the emerging devsecops framework, and provides industry customers with an automatic and visual security development management and control platform, covering the operation and maintenance stage from the beginning of the project to the launch. Users’ needs for automatic detection platform, tools, security development knowledge base and security development process management and control. The static code analysis platform (VAST) and open source component composition analysis platform (vsca) in the scheme can quickly find the possible security risks in the self-developed code, and accurately identify the security problems and vulnerability propagation paths in open source components.

·National production of safety products

The company vigorously promotes the progress of product localization and closely follows the market development. The R & D of Xinchuang products are based on various localization platforms such as Feiteng, haiguang, Zhaoxin, Shenwei and Kunpeng, and are suitable for domestic operating systems such as Kirin, depth and Tongxin. Based on the localization of the platform, continue to improve the localization rate of products. There are mature localization schemes on key components such as memory, storage and network card, which have been applied in products. On the premise of meeting the compliance needs of users, the company continues to enrich product functions and improve product performance. Xinchuang products include a full range of products such as firewall, IDS / IPS, flow control and missing scanning, forming an overall solution.

At the same time, the company has the ability to undertake information innovation integration projects, covering a variety of businesses including infrastructure integration, network integration, security integration, application information system integration and security services, and has successful experience in information innovation integration projects. The company’s ecological partners include technical facilities, basic software, application software, cloud services and other IT manufacturers, and have obtained a number of cooperation licenses.

·Basic safety

The company provides the most comprehensive basic security protection capability, and provides more than 100 types of network security products and platforms such as network security protection, network threat detection, application security, security management, password application security, mobile and terminal security. Among them, new products such as EDR (terminal detection and response), full traffic detection, deception defense, zero trust SDP and attack surface management have achieved rapid growth in 2021. The company closely follows the bank

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