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Essence Fastening Systems (Shanghai) Co.Ltd(301005) : assurance report on the annual deposit and use of raised funds in Essence Fastening Systems (Shanghai) Co.Ltd(301005) 2021

Verification report on annual deposit and use of raised funds of Chaojie fastening system (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

Special audit report

Report anti-counterfeiting code: 268588819725 name of auditee: Chaojie fastening system (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Report No.: tianjianshen [022] No. 1829 signature certified public accountant: Jin Wen No.: 33 Ping An Bank Co.Ltd(000001) 1792 signature certified public accountant: Zhou Kefeng No.: 33 Ping An Bank Co.Ltd(000001) 0525 firm name: Tianjian Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) firm Tel.: 057189722900

Address of the firm: Block B, China Resources Building, No. 1, 3, 6, Qianjiang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang


1、 Assurance report on the annual deposit and use of raised funds Page 1-2 II. Special report on the annual deposit and use of raised funds……………….. page 3-8

Verification report on annual deposit and use of raised funds

TJS [2022] No. 1829

All shareholders of Chaojie fastening system (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.:

We have verified the attached special report on the annual storage and use of raised funds in 2021 prepared by the board of directors of Chaojie fastening system (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Essence Fastening Systems (Shanghai) Co.Ltd(301005) company). 1、 Restrictions on the users and purposes of the report

This assurance report is only used for the disclosure of the annual report of Essence Fastening Systems (Shanghai) Co.Ltd(301005) company and shall not be used for any other purpose. We agree to take this assurance report as a necessary document of Essence Fastening Systems (Shanghai) Co.Ltd(301005) company’s annual report, submit it together with other documents and disclose it to the public.

2、 Responsibilities of the board of directors

Essence Fastening Systems (Shanghai) Co.Ltd(301005) the responsibility of the board of directors of the company is to provide true, legal and complete relevant materials, and prepare the special report on the annual deposit and use of raised funds in accordance with the self regulatory guidelines for listed companies on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 2 – standardized operation of companies listed on the gem (SZS [2022] No. 14) and relevant format guidelines, and ensure that its contents are true, accurate and complete, There are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

3、 Responsibilities of Certified Public Accountants

Our responsibility is to independently put forward the assurance conclusion of the above report prepared by the board of directors of Essence Fastening Systems (Shanghai) Co.Ltd(301005) company on the basis of the implementation of the assurance work.

4、 Job overview

We have carried out the assurance business in accordance with the provisions of the practice standards of Chinese certified public accountants. The Chinese CPA practice standards require us to plan and implement the assurance work to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the information of the assurance object is free from material misstatement. In the assurance process, we have implemented procedures that we consider necessary, including checking accounting records. We believe that our assurance work provides a reasonable basis for expressing opinions.

5、 Assurance conclusion

We believe that the 2021 special report on the annual deposit and use of raised funds prepared by the board of directors of Essence Fastening Systems (Shanghai) Co.Ltd(301005) company complies with the provisions of self regulatory guidelines for companies listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 2 – standardized operation of companies listed on GEM (SZS [2022] No. 14) and relevant format guidelines, and truthfully reflects the actual deposit and use of raised funds of Essence Fastening Systems (Shanghai) Co.Ltd(301005) company in 2021. Tianjian Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) Chinese certified public accountant: Jin Wen

Hangzhou, China Certified Public Accountant: Zhou Kefeng

April 7, 2002

Chaojie fastening system (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

Special report on the annual storage and use of raised funds

According to the self regulatory guidelines for listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 2 – standardized operation of GEM listed companies (SZS [2022] No. 14) and relevant format guidelines issued by Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the deposit and use of the company’s raised funds in 2021 are specially explained as follows.

1、 Basic information of raised funds

(1) Actual amount of raised funds and time of fund arrival

According to the reply on Approving the registration of the initial public offering of Chaojie fastening system (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (zjxk [2021] No. 1500) issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the company publicly issued 1428172600 RMB ordinary shares (A shares) to the public by the lead underwriter Sinolink Securities Co.Ltd(600109) using the method of online subscription and direct pricing according to the market value, with an issue price of 36.45 yuan per share, A total of 5205689 million yuan was raised, and 4855689 million yuan was raised after deducting 35 million yuan from the balance of underwriting and recommendation fees, which was remitted to the raised funds supervision account of the company by the lead underwriter Sinolink Securities Co.Ltd(600109) on May 27, 2021. In addition, after deducting the online issuance fee, prospectus printing fee, reporting accountant fee, lawyer fee, evaluation fee and other new external expenses directly related to the issuance of equity securities of RMB 299657 million (excluding tax) and the underwriting and recommendation fee of RMB 1.15 million (excluding tax) prepaid by the company with its own funds, the net amount of funds raised by the company this time is RMB 4544532 million. The availability of the above raised funds has been verified by Tianjian accounting firm (special general partnership), which issued the capital verification report (Tianjian Yan [2021] No. 243).

(2) Use and balance of raised funds

Unit: RMB 10000

Item No. amount

Net amount of raised funds a 4544532

Project input B1

Accumulated amount as of the beginning of the period

Net interest income B2

Project investment C12680992 current amount

Net interest income C2 341.51

Item No. amount

Project investment D1 = B1 + C12680992 accumulated amount by the end of the period

Net interest income D2 = B2 + C2 341.51

Balance of raised funds to be raised e = a-d1 + D21897691

Actual balance of raised funds f 1897691

Difference g = E-F 0.00

2、 Deposit and management of raised funds

(1) Management of raised funds

In order to standardize the management and use of raised funds, improve the efficiency and efficiency of fund use, and protect the rights and interests of investors, In accordance with the company law of the people’s Republic of China, the securities law of the people’s Republic of China, the Listing Rules of GEM stocks of Shenzhen Stock Exchange (revised in December 2020) (SZS [2020] No. 1292) and the self regulatory guidelines for listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 2 – standardized operation of GEM listed companies (SZS [2022] No. 14) and other relevant laws, regulations and normative documents, Combined with the actual situation of the company, the management system for raised funds of Chaojie fastening system (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the management system) is formulated.

According to the management system, the company implements a special account for the raised funds, establishes a special account for the raised funds in the bank, and together with the sponsor Sinolink Securities Co.Ltd(600109) signed the tripartite supervision agreement for the raised funds with Bank Of China Limited(601988) Shanghai Nanxiang sub branch, Bank Of Communications Co.Ltd(601328) Shanghai Jiading sub branch, China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) Shanghai Jiading sub branch on June 2, 2021 and June 7, 2021 respectively, clarifying the rights and obligations of all parties. There is no significant difference between the tripartite supervision agreement and the model tripartite supervision agreement of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and the company has strictly complied with the raised funds.

(2) Storage of raised funds in special account

1. As of December 31, 2021, the company has three special accounts for raised funds, and the deposits of raised funds are as follows:

Unit: RMB

Remarks on the balance of raised funds in the account number of the deposit bank

China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) Shanghai Jiading sub branch 12190811991050411545577 current account

Bank Of China Limited(601988) Shanghai Nanxiang sub branch 4377815261931391622623 current account

Bank Of Communications Co.Ltd(601328) Shanghai Jiading sub branch 31006907901 Motic (Xiamen) Electric Group Co.Ltd(300341) 773708869 current 56183

Total 3176877069

2. As of December 31, 2021, Wuxi Chaojie automobile Connection Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, was established in Bank of China

Wuxi Zhangjing sub branch of the bank opened a special settlement account for cash management of raised funds, which is specially used for cash management of idle raised funds

Settlement and deposit are as follows:

Unit: RMB

Deposit bank account balance remarks

Bank Of China Limited(601988) Wuxi Zhangjing sub branch 552176928606328.67 current account

Total 328.67

3. As of December 31, 2021, the company has purchased structured deposits with idle funds in the raised funds account, which is specified in detail

The details are as follows:

Unit: RMB

Name of structured deposit issuer principal financial product type estimated annualized rate of return

Bank Of China Limited(601988) linked structure Bank Of China Limited(601988) 5000000000 principal guaranteed minimum income type 1.50% – 3.4895% deposit binary type

Bank Of China Limited(601988) linked structure Bank Of China Limited(601988) 800000000 principal guaranteed minimum return 1.30% – 2.90% deposit – binary Bank Of Communications Co.Ltd(601328) Yuntong wealth

Term structured deposit for 36 days Bank Of Communications Co.Ltd(601328) 2000000000 Principal Guaranteed floating income type 1.35% – 2.75% (gold linked bearish)

Total 78000000000

4. As of December 31, 2021, the company transferred the idle raised funds into the cash management account to purchase structured deposits

The details are as follows:

Unit: RMB

Name of structured deposit issuer principal financial product type estimated annualized rate of return

Bank Of China Limited(601988) hook structure Bank Of China Limited(601988) shares

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