Securities code: Giti Tire Corporation(600182) securities abbreviation: SST Jiatong No.: pro 2022021 Giti Tire Corporation(600182)
Suggestive announcement on the possible delisting risk warning of the company's shares
The board of directors and all directors of the company guarantee that there are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions in the contents of this announcement, and bear individual and joint liabilities for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of its contents.
Important content tips:
In view of the preliminary opinions issued by YONGTUO Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) on the first draft of the 2021 annual financial statement audit report of Giti Tire Corporation(600182) (hereinafter referred to as "Jiatong tire" or "the company"), the company expects that the 2021 annual financial accounting report will be issued with an audit report that cannot express an opinion. According to article 9.3.2 of the Listing Rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange (revised in January 2022), "if a listed company has one of the following circumstances, the exchange will implement delisting risk warning for its shares: (III) the financial and accounting report of the latest accounting year is issued with an audit report that cannot express opinions or negative opinions", the company's shares may be subject to delisting risk warning. Please pay attention to the investment risk.
1、 Reasons for possible delisting risk warning
1、 YONGTUO Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) believes that in the first draft of the special notes on non-standard audit opinions on Giti Tire Corporation(600182) 2021 annual financial report, "reasons and basis for expressing opinions that cannot be expressed" that: "The estimated total amount of daily related party transactions of Jiatong tire in 2020 and 2021 is 4.656 billion yuan and 4.466 billion yuan respectively, and the actual total amount of daily related party transactions of Jiatong tire in 2020 and 2021 is 3.771 billion yuan and 3.915 billion yuan respectively. The daily related party transactions of Jiatong tire have not been deliberated and approved by the general meeting of shareholders for two consecutive years, and the company still conducted related party transactions in violation of the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders. Therefore, we believe that the above matters The impact on the financial statements is significant and extensive. As of the date of issuing the audit report, Jiatong tire failed to provide the evidence of related party transactions considered and approved by the general meeting of shareholders, and we were unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence to judge the impact on the financial statements for the related party transactions not authorized by the general meeting of shareholders in violation of the relevant provisions of the stock listing rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange (revised in 2020), except for the matters involved in the above inability to express opinions, We have no other important audit matters that need to be disclosed in the audit report. "
2. According to item (III) of paragraph 1 of article 9.3.2 of the Listing Rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange (revised in January 2022), the company's shares may be subject to delisting risk warning after the disclosure of the 2021 annual report.
2、 Other matters
The company's 2021 annual report is expected to be disclosed on April 29, 2022. The audit of the financial accounting report in the company's 2021 annual report is in progress, and the specific information shall be subject to the 2021 annual report officially disclosed by the company.
The information disclosure media designated by the company is the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange( ), securities times, Shanghai Securities News and China Securities News. All information of the company is subject to the information published in the above designated media. Please pay attention to the relevant announcements, make prudent decisions and pay attention to investment risks. It is hereby announced.
Giti Tire Corporation(600182) board of directors
April 6, 2002