Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) : Dahua Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership): annual audit report of Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) 2021

Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316)

audit report

Dhsz [2022] 006554

Dahua Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership)

Beijing Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Business report unified coding reporting system

Unified business reporting code: 11010148202216 Shandong Hualu-Hengsheng Chemical Co.Ltd(600426) 6

Report name: Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) audit report

Report No.: dhsz [2022] 006554

Name of audited (inspected) unit: Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316)

Name of accounting firm: Dahua Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership)

Business type: financial statement audit

Report opinion type: unqualified opinion

Report date: March 29, 2022

Filing date: March 24, 2022

Zhang Ling (610000330544),

Signed by:

Li Haoyang (4201 Hainan Jingliang Holdings Co.Ltd(000505) 10)

(information can be queried by scanning QR code or logging into the official website of Beijing injection Association)

Note: this filing information only proves that the report has been filed with the Beijing Institute of certified public accountants, and does not mean that the Beijing Institute of Certified Public Accountants makes any form of guarantee for the content of the report in any sense.

Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316)

Audit report and financial statements

(from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021)

Contents page 1. Audit report 1-6 II. Audited financial statements

Consolidated balance sheet 1-2 consolidated income statement 3 consolidated cash flow statement 4 consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity 5-6 parent company balance sheet 7-8 parent company income statement 9 parent company cash flow Table 10 statement of changes in shareholders' equity of parent company 11-12 notes to financial statements 1-97

Dahua Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership)

12 / F, building 7, yard 16, Middle West Fourth Ring Road, Haidian District, Beijing [100039]

Tel: 86 (10) 58350011 Fax: 86 (10) 58350006

www.dahua-cpa. com.

Audit report

Dhsz [2022] 006554 Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) all shareholders:

1、 Audit opinion

We have audited the financial statements of Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) (hereinafter referred to as Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) company), including the consolidated and parent company's balance sheet as of December 31, 2021, the consolidated and parent company's income statement, consolidated and parent company's cash flow statement, consolidated and parent company's statement of changes in shareholders' equity and notes to relevant financial statements in 2021.

In our opinion, the attached financial statements are prepared in accordance with the provisions of the accounting standards for business enterprises in all material aspects and fairly reflect the consolidated and parent company's financial position of Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) company as of December 31, 2021 and the consolidated and parent company's operating results and cash flow in 2021. 2、 Basis for forming audit opinions

We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards for Chinese certified public accountants. The "responsibilities of certified public accountants for the audit of financial statements" in the audit report further expounds our responsibilities under these standards. In accordance with the code of professional ethics for Chinese certified public accountants, we are independent of Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) company and have fulfilled other responsibilities in terms of professional ethics. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate, which provides a basis for our audit opinion.

3、 Key audit matters

Dhsz [2022] 006554 audit report

The key audit matters are the most important matters that we consider to audit the current financial statements according to our professional judgment.

The response to these matters is based on the overall audit of the financial statements and the formation of audit opinions. We will not express separate opinions on these matters.

We confirm that the following matters are the key audit matters that need to be communicated in the audit report.

1. Operating income

2. Income from asset disposal

(1) Business income matters

1. Event description

Refer to note VI and note 37 of the financial statements for operating income and operating cost Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) operating revenue in 2021 was 7214281300 yuan, mainly including trainer aircraft, other aviation products and non aviation products. Operating income is one of the key performance indicators of Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) and there is a special risk of being manipulated to achieve the expected objectives. Therefore, the recognition and measurement of operating income are regarded as key audit matters.

2. Audit response

Our important audit procedures for operating income include:

(1) Understand, test and evaluate the design and operation effectiveness of internal control related to revenue recognition;

(2) Implement substantive analysis procedures for operating revenue and gross profit margin on a monthly and product basis, identify whether there are significant or abnormal fluctuations, and review the rationality of revenue;

(3) By means of sampling, send letters to major customers to confirm the balance of accounts receivable and the amount of transactions in the current period;

(4) Conduct a cut-off test on the operating income recognized before and after the balance sheet date to assess whether the operating income is recognized in the appropriate accounting period;

(5) Check the supporting documents related to the recognition of operating revenue by sampling, including sales contracts, handover orders, invoices, accounting vouchers, etc.

Dhsz [2022] 006554 audit report

Based on the audit work performed, we believe that the judgment and methods adopted by the management of Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) company in revenue recognition are acceptable.

(2) Income from asset disposal

1. Event description

Refer to note VI and note 46 of the financial statements for income from asset disposal. Nanchang municipal government has collected and stored part of the land in the plant area of Jiangxi Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) Industry Group Co., Ltd. as a whole, and the houses and buildings Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) located within the scope of the project are listed as the scope of demolition and expropriation. This year, the company and Nanchang Qingyunpu state owned land expropriation and compensation Office signed the Nanchang state owned land expropriation compensation agreement, which expropriated 15 houses and buildings such as plant 15, plant 26 and plant 80 of the company. The demolition of the above houses and buildings was completed this year and the relocation compensation of 807648 million yuan was received, After deducting the total profit of 3.1695 buildings from the disposal of assets, accounting for 98% of the total book value of the year.

Demolition compensation is a special matter and has a significant impact on Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) 's net profit. Therefore, the recognition and measurement of asset disposal profit and loss of demolition compensation are regarded as key audit matters. 2. Audit response

(1) Obtain and consult relevant meeting minutes, expropriation compensation agreement, etc., and implement the reasons for the implementation of compensation matters, the compensation object and the basis for determining the compensation standard;

(2) Check the original vouchers of the source of compensation to determine the applicable accounting standards; (3) Review whether the amount of compensation is consistent with the provisions of the compensation agreement; (4) Check whether the transfer of the expropriated property has been completed on the spot, and check the relevant materials of the transfer;

(5) Review whether the details of asset disposal are consistent with the details of compensation agreement;

(6) Review whether the calculation of profit and loss from asset disposal is correct and whether the disclosure of disposal matters is complete.

Dhsz [2022] 006554 audit report

Based on the audit work performed, we believe that the judgment and method adopted by the management of Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) company in the recognition and measurement of asset disposal profit and loss of demolition compensation are acceptable.

4、 Other information

Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) company management is responsible for other information. Other information includes the information covered in the 2021 annual report, but does not include the financial statements and our audit report.

Our audit opinion on the financial statements does not cover other information, and we will not issue any form of assurance conclusion on other information.

In combination with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read other information and consider whether other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or the information we understand in the audit process, or there seems to be material misstatement.

Based on the work we have performed, if we determine that there is a material misstatement in other information, we should report that fact. In this regard, we have nothing to report.

5、 Responsibilities of management and governance for financial statements

Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) the management of the company is responsible for preparing the financial statements in accordance with the provisions of the accounting standards for business enterprises to achieve a fair reflection, and designing, implementing and maintaining necessary internal control so that the financial statements are free from material misstatement caused by fraud or error.

When preparing the financial statements, the management of Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) company is responsible for evaluating the continuous operation ability of Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) company, disclosing matters related to continuous operation (if applicable), and applying the assumption of continuous operation, unless the management plans to liquidate Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) company, terminate operation or have no other realistic choice.

The management is responsible for supervising the financial reporting process of Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) company.

6、 Responsibilities of certified public accountants for the audit of financial statements

Our goal is to obtain reasonable assurance on whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement due to fraud or error, and issue an audit report containing audit opinions. reasonable

Dhsz [2022] 006554 audit report

Assurance is a high-level assurance, but it does not guarantee that the audit performed in accordance with the audit standards will always be found when a major misstatement exists. Misstatement may be caused by fraud or error. If it is reasonably expected that the misstatement alone or in summary may affect the economic decisions made by the users of the financial statements based on the financial statements, the misstatement is generally considered to be significant.

In the process of carrying out the audit work in accordance with the audit standards, we use professional judgment and maintain professional doubt. At the same time, we also carry out the following work:

1. Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of financial statements due to fraud or error, design and implement audit procedures to deal with these risks, and obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence as the basis for issuing audit opinions. Since fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omission, misrepresentation or override of internal control, the risk of failing to find major misstatement caused by fraud is higher than that caused by error. 2. Understand the internal control related to audit to design appropriate audit procedures.

3. Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies selected by the management and the rationality of accounting estimates and related disclosures.

4. Draw a conclusion on the appropriateness of the going concern assumption used by the management. At the same time, according to the audit evidence obtained, it may lead to the continuous operation of Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.Ltd(600316) company

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