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Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) : performance report of the audit committee of the board of directors in 2021

Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005)

Performance report of the audit committee of the board of directors in 2021

In accordance with the company law, the securities law, the standards for corporate governance of listed companies, the Listing Rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the relevant provisions of the articles of association and the rules of procedure of the audit committee of the company, the performance of the audit committee of the board of directors of Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) (hereinafter referred to as the “Audit Committee”) in 2021 is reported as follows: I Composition of audit committee

The audit committee of the first board of directors of the company is composed of three members: independent director Ms. Zhao Yiqing, independent director Ms. Jiang Hui and non independent director Mr. Zhang Huiqing. The chairman is Ms. Zhao Yiqing, an accounting professional. The company held the first meeting of the second board of directors on June 29, 2021. The audit committee of the second board of directors elected by the general election is composed of three members: independent director Ms. Zhao Yiqing, independent director Ms. Jiang Hui and director Mr. Zhang Huiqing. The chairman is Ms. Zhao Yiqing, an accounting professional. 2、 Convening of the 2021 annual meeting of the audit committee

In 2021, the company’s audit committee held four meetings, as follows:

1. The first meeting of the audit committee of the first board of directors in 2021 was held on April 15, 2021. The report on the performance of the audit committee of the board of directors in 2020, the annual report and summary of the company in 2020, the profit distribution plan of the company in 2020, the proposal on the summary of the company’s internal audit in 2020 and the internal audit plan in 2021, and the internal control evaluation measures were reviewed and approved Proposal on the company’s internal control evaluation report in 2020, the company’s financial final accounts in 2020 and the financial budget report in 2021, the proposal on the prediction of the company’s daily connected transactions in 2021, the proposal on the change of accounting policies, and the special report on the deposit and use of the company’s raised funds in 2020.

2. The second meeting of the audit committee of the first board of directors in 2021 was held on April 27, 2021, and the report and text of the company for the first quarter of 2021 were considered and adopted.

3. The first meeting of the audit committee of the second board of directors in 2021 was held on August 24, 2021, which reviewed and approved the company’s 2021 semi annual report and summary and the special report on the deposit and use of the company’s 2021 semi annual raised funds.

4. The second meeting of the audit committee of the second board of directors in 2021 was held on October 27, 2021, and the third quarter report of the company in 2021 was considered and adopted. 3、 Main work contents of the audit committee in 2021

(I) supervise and evaluate the work of external audit institutions

According to the comprehensive assessment of the audit committee of the company on the work and quality of the external audit institution, the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders agreed to renew the appointment of Tianjian Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) as the financial and internal control audit institution of the company in 2021. After the deliberation of the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders, the management of the company is authorized to negotiate with the audit institution to determine the audit fee according to the actual business situation and market situation of the company in 2021.

During the reporting period, the members of the audit committee communicated with the external audit institution Tianjian Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) in an appropriate way on the audit of the 2021 annual financial statements, such as the audit business schedule, the members of the audit project team, the important areas concerned by the auditors, the matters recommended by the auditors and the concerns of the management. At the same time, by reviewing the 2021 annual report of the company, The members of the audit committee believe that Tianjian Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) can perform audit duties independently and diligently in strict accordance with the practice standards of Chinese certified public accountants, and better complete various audit tasks.

(II) guide internal audit

During the reporting period, the company’s audit committee carefully reviewed the company’s annual internal audit work summary report and work plan, actively urged the company’s internal audit organization to strictly implement the work plan, and put forward guiding opinions on the problems found in the internal audit. After reviewing the internal audit report, the audit committee of the company found no major problems in the internal audit. (III) review the company’s financial report and express opinions

During the reporting period, the audit committee reviewed the audited financial report of the company in 2020 and the unaudited financial reports such as the first quarter report, semi annual report and third quarter report of 2021, and considered that the preparation of such reports complied with relevant laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of the articles of association, and the reports truly, accurately and completely reflected the financial status and operation of the company, without false records Misleading statements or material omissions.

(IV) evaluate the effectiveness of internal control

The audit committee of the company has promoted the company to promote the construction of internal control system, improve the ability of risk prevention and control, and establish a relatively perfect corporate governance system and internal control system in accordance with the company law, securities law and other laws and regulations and the requirements of relevant regulations of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shanghai Stock Exchange. According to the evaluation report and relevant materials issued by the internal audit department, the audit committee found no major defects related to the internal control of the company’s financial report and non-financial report, and considered that the company had established a relatively perfect internal control system. 4、 Overall evaluation

In 2021, the audit committee of the company made full use of its professional knowledge, carefully considered relevant proposals, played the role of review and supervision, ensured sufficient time and energy to complete its duties, dutifully fulfilled the duties and obligations of the audit committee, supervised, organized and promoted the annual audit of the company, and promoted the communication between internal and external audits; Promote the standardized operation of the company’s internal control management.

In 2022, the audit committee of the company will continue to adhere to the principles of prudence, objectivity and independence, be diligent and conscientious, give full play to the Supervision Intelligence of the audit committee of the company, and earnestly perform the responsibilities within the scope of authority. Continue to play a professional role in supervising external audit, guiding the company’s internal audit and urging the company to improve its internal control system, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the company and all shareholders, and promote the steady operation and standardized operation of the company.

Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) board of directors audit committee March 28, 2022

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