Yangtze Optical Fibre And Cable Joint Stock Limited Company(601869)
Performance report of the audit committee of the board of directors in 2021
In accordance with the standards for the governance of listed companies, the articles of association, the detailed rules for the work of the audit committee of Yangtze Optical Fibre And Cable Joint Stock Limited Company(601869) board of directors and the rights and obligations conferred by the board of directors, the audit committee of the board of directors in 2021 performed its duties diligently and effectively. The performance of duties is reported as follows:
1、 Basic information of the audit committee of the board of directors
In 2021, Song Wei (independent director), Huang Tianyou (independent director) and Liu Deming (independent director) served as members of the audit committee of the board of directors of the company, of which Song Wei was the chairman. More than half of the members of the committee are independent directors, and independent directors with professional experience and qualifications related to accounting serve as the chairman, which meets the regulatory requirements and the relevant provisions of the articles of association.
Refer to the basic information of directors in the company's 2021 annual report for the resumes of the members of the audit committee and other specific information.
2、 Meetings of the audit committee of the board of directors
In 2021, the company held 6 Audit Committee meetings. See the following table for details:
Attendance number of deliberation or hearing of proposals at the time of sequential session
Having reviewed the agreement on signing the 2021 agreement with China Huaxin and its subsidiaries
The third review of 2021 sales and procurement framework agreement and the proposal to approve the upper limit of transaction amount
The proposal on signing the procurement framework agreement and approving the upper limit of transaction amount with Shanghai Nokia bell and its subsidiaries in January 2021, the proposal on the guarantee amount to its subsidiaries in 2021 on the date of attending a meeting, and the proposal on
Proposal on developing bill pool business
Having considered the annual report and summary for 2020, and
Audited annual performance announcement for the year ended 31 December
The third review of 2020 financial statements prepared in accordance with 2021 accounting standards
The final financial statement report of the Planning Commission in March, the special report on the deposit and actual use of raised funds in 2020, the daily report on the attendance of the second meeting of the environmental, social and Governance Report and corporate social responsibility report in 2020, and the internal control evaluation in 2020
Report, profit distribution plan for 2020 and report on re employment
Mawei Huazhen Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) is the company
Proposal of audit institution in 2021
The third review 2021
The planning committee considered the report of the first quarter of 2021 in April, and attended the third meeting on March 29, 2021
The third review 2021
The planning committee considered the semi annual report of 2021 in August, and attended the fourth meeting of the plenary on April 27, 2021
The third review 2021
The planning committee considered the third quarter report of 2021 in October, and attended the fifth meeting on May 29, 2021
The third review 2021 reviewed the "agreement on signing the 2022 agreement with China Huaxin and its subsidiaries"
Proposal on signing the 2022 annual procurement framework agreement and approving the upper limit of transaction amount with Shanghai Nokia bell and its subsidiaries on December 17, 2021
Proposal on developing the group's bill pool business
3、 Performance of duties of the audit committee of the board of directors
1. Annual audit
The audit committee exchanged and communicated with the annual audit accounting firm on the audit work of the annual report, guided the audit work of the company, urged the company to implement the relevant requirements of the annual audit and complete the audit work of the annual report with high quality.
2. Renewal of external audit institution
In March 2021, considering the actual situation of the company, the audit committee of the board of directors proposed to renew the appointment of KPMG Huazhen Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) as the accounting firm for the audit of the company's financial statements in 2021. The proposal was submitted to the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders for deliberation and approval.
4、 Overall evaluation
All members of the audit committee of the company strictly comply with the relevant provisions of the standards for the governance of listed companies, the rules for the listing of shares on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the guidelines for self regulatory supervision of listed companies on the Shanghai Stock Exchange No. 1 - standardized operation, the articles of association, the detailed rules for the work of the audit committee of the board of directors and other relevant provisions, in supervising the company's financial management and the disclosure of periodic reports, related party transactions, internal and external audit The internal control system and its implementation have played an important role, earnestly fulfilled the responsibilities of the audit committee, and effectively improved the level of corporate governance.
Member of Audit Committee: Song Wei (director)
Huang Tianyou
De Ming Liu
March 25, 2022