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Biweekly report of computer industry 2022 issue 6 total issue 21: network security hardware market has a promising prospect and software market is developing rapidly

Market review:

During the reporting period, the performance of the computer industry and the overall market was poor. The computer industry fell by 5.20%, the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index fell by 5.13%, and the computer industry index lost 0.07pct, ranking 11th among the 31 industries of Shenwan level.

From the beginning of 2022 to the end of the reporting period, the computer industry has fallen by 13.31%, the CSI 300 index has fallen by 13.32%, and the computer industry has outperformed by 0.01pct. From the perspective of Shenwan’s secondary subdivided industries, the cumulative growth and decline of IT services, computer equipment and software development industries in 2022 were – 8.54%, – 12.00% and – 17.40% respectively. The performance of the computer industry was poor.

Key information:

IDC released the latest version of the network security expenditure Guide: the scale of China’s network security market is expected to exceed US $21.4 billion in 2025

IDC: China’s IT security hardware market grew by 15.2% year-on-year in 2021

Gartner first released the database China market guide report: accelerating the migration of the database industry to the cloud

This week’s view:

According to IDC’s “2022 V1 global network security expenditure guide”, the total investment scale of global network security related hardware, software and services is expected to reach US $151.95 billion in 2021, which is expected to increase to US $223.34 billion in 2025, and CAGR will reach 10.4%; In 2021, China’s network security related expenditure is expected to reach US $10.26 billion. By 2025, China’s network security expenditure is expected to reach US $21.46 billion, with a CAGR of 20.5%, ranking first in the world.

Among them, the hardware market is the primary sub market of China’s network security market, accounting for more than 40%. It is estimated that from 2021 to 2025, the compound growth rate of network security hardware market will reach 18.4%, and the market prospect is considerable. The network security hardware market consists of Unified Threat Management, firewall based on UTM platform, security content management, intrusion detection and defense, virtual private network and traditional firewall. The companies with the largest market share in 2021 are Wangyu Nebula (18.5%), Topsec Technologies Group Inc(002212) (22.5%), Sangfor Technologies Inc(300454) (21.2%), Venustech Group Inc(002439) (23.8%), Sangfor Technologies Inc(300454) (23.1%). (there is no data on the traditional firewall market pattern) IDC predicts that by 2025, the software market will reach US $5.9 billion and CAGR will reach 23.9%, becoming the primary sub market with the fastest growth rate in the network security market. The market segments such as network security analysis, intelligence, response and arrangement, network security software, web content monitoring software, data classification and data leakage prevention will grow rapidly, and the CAGR will exceed 27% in five years.

Driven by policies and the practical urgency of protecting data security, the network security market has strong growth and certainty. At present, the industry concentration is still low and in the stage of integrated development. Investors are advised to pay long-term attention to the network security sector, especially the head companies in the segment of network security software with rapid growth; At the same time, pay attention to the listed companies with large overall scale and R & D investment, which have strong capital and technical strength to provide comprehensive network security services, and are expected to continue to increase market share by virtue of the “snowball” effect.

Risk tips:

Market fluctuation risk; The development speed of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and blockchain is lower than expected; The promotion of relevant policies was less than expected.

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