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Guangdong Dcenti Auto-Parts Stock Limited Company(603335) : Northeast Securities Co.Ltd(000686) special verification report on the deposit and use of raised funds in Guangdong Dcenti Auto-Parts Stock Limited Company(603335) 2021

Northeast Securities Co.Ltd(000686)

About Guangdong Dcenti Auto-Parts Stock Limited Company(603335)

Special verification report on the deposit and use of raised funds in 2021

Northeast Securities Co.Ltd(000686) (hereinafter referred to as ” Northeast Securities Co.Ltd(000686) ” or “sponsor”) as a sponsor of initial public offering and listing of shares by Guangdong Guangdong Dcenti Auto-Parts Stock Limited Company(603335) Auto Parts Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ” Guangdong Dcenti Auto-Parts Stock Limited Company(603335) ” or “company”), in accordance with the administrative measures for securities Issuance and listing sponsor business According to the requirements of relevant regulations such as the Listing Rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange and the self regulatory guidelines for listed companies of Shanghai Stock Exchange No. 11 – continuous supervision, the deposit and use of raised funds in Guangdong Dcenti Auto-Parts Stock Limited Company(603335) 2021 were verified, and the verification opinions are as follows: I. Basic information of raised funds

(I) actual amount of raised funds and availability of funds

With the approval of the reply on the approval of Guangdong Dcenti Auto-Parts Stock Limited Company(603335) initial public offering (IPO) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission (zjxk [2017] No. 793 document), the company issued 63.34 million RMB common shares (A shares) to the public at the Shanghai Stock Exchange, with an issue price of 3.62 yuan per share. The total amount of raised funds is 22929080000 yuan. After deducting the issuance expenses of 2915314000 yuan, the net amount of raised funds is 20013766000 yuan. All the above funds were received on June 15, 2017 and verified by Ruihua Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership), who issued the capital verification report (Ruihua Yan Zi [2017] No. 48390001).

(II) use and balance of raised funds

As of December 31, 2021, the use and balance of the company’s raised funds are as follows:

Unit: RMB 10000

Project amount

Net proceeds 2001377

1、 Less: accumulated use of raised funds 866556

Including: 1. Amount of previous years: 839159

2. Amount of this year: 273.97

Equal to: amount of unused raised funds 1134821

2、 Plus: accumulated interest income and wealth management product income of 100027, net of handling charges

Including: 1. Amount of previous years: 795.7

2. Amount of this year: 204.57

Equal to: balance of raised funds account 1234848

As of December 31, 2021, the balance of funds raised by the company was RMB 1234848 million.

2、 Deposit and management of raised funds

(I) management of raised funds

In order to standardize the management of the company’s raised funds and protect the rights and interests of small and medium-sized investors, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations such as the Listing Rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange, the guidelines for the supervision of listed companies No. 2 – regulatory requirements for the management and use of raised funds of listed companies, and the relevant provisions of the management system of raised funds of listed companies, On June 14, 2017, the company signed the tripartite supervision agreement on the storage of special account for raised funds with Northeast Securities Co.Ltd(000686) , commercial banks that deposit raised funds ( China Minsheng Banking Corp.Ltd(600016) Jiangmen sub branch, China China Construction Bank Corporation(601939) Taishan sub branch and Taishan Rural Credit Cooperative Association).

During the reporting period, all parties to the agreement performed relevant duties in accordance with the provisions of the raised funds supervision agreement, and there was no violation of the raised funds supervision agreement in the process of storage and actual use of the raised funds.

(II) storage of raised funds in special account

As of December 31, 2021, the opening and storage of the special account for raised funds opened by the company are as follows:

Account name deposit bank account number account balance remarks

(10000 yuan)

Guangdong Guangdong Dcenti Auto-Parts Stock Limited Company(603335) auto parts Taishan rural credit 8002 Ping An Bank Co.Ltd(000001) 078565611550.41 demand deposit Co., Ltd. Cooperative Association Guangdong Guangdong Dcenti Auto-Parts Stock Limited Company(603335) Auto Parts China China Minsheng Banking Corp.Ltd(600016) shares

Jiangmen 699919099796.93 current deposit sub branch of Co., Ltd

Guangdong Guangdong Dcenti Auto-Parts Stock Limited Company(603335) Auto Parts China China Construction Bank Corporation(601939) Taiwan 4405016708010001351.14 current deposit Co., Ltd. Shanshi sub branch

Total 1234848-

3、 Actual use of raised funds during the reporting period

(I) use of funds for projects invested with raised funds

The company uses the raised funds in strict accordance with the raised funds management system. As of December 31, 2021, the actual use of the raised funds is shown in Schedule 1: comparison table of the use of raised funds in 2021.

(II) early investment and replacement of raised investment projects

The company did not invest in the raised capital investment projects in advance before the raised funds were actually in place, and there was no replacement of the raised capital investment projects.

(III) temporary replenishment of working capital with idle raised funds

The company did not use idle raised funds to temporarily supplement working capital in 2021.

(IV) cash management of idle raised funds and investment in related products

In 2021, the company did not conduct cash management on idle raised funds and invest in related products. (V) permanent replenishment of working capital or repayment of bank loans with over raised funds

The company has no over raised funds.

(VI) use of over raised funds for projects under construction and new projects (including acquisition of assets, etc.)

The company does not have over raised funds.

(VII) use of surplus raised funds

In 2021, the company did not use the surplus funds of raised investment projects for other raised investment projects or non raised investment projects.

(VIII) other information about the use of raised funds

The company did not use the raised funds in 2021. 4、 Change the use of funds of raised investment projects

As of December 31, 2021, see attached table 2: change of raised capital investment projects in 2021 for details of the use of funds for the changed raised capital investment projects. 5、 Problems in the use and disclosure of raised funds

The company can manage the raised funds in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the stock listing rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange, the articles of association and the raised funds management system. The relevant information about the use of the raised funds can be disclosed in a true, accurate, complete and timely manner, and there is no violation of the raised funds management. 6、 Verification opinions of the recommendation institution

After verification, the recommendation institution believes that: Guangdong Dcenti Auto-Parts Stock Limited Company(603335) from the date of receipt of the raised funds to December 31, 2021, the management and actual use of the raised funds comply with the relevant provisions of the CSRC and Shanghai Stock Exchange on the management of the raised funds, Guangdong Dcenti Auto-Parts Stock Limited Company(603335) the disclosure on the management and use of the company’s raised funds in the special report on the deposit and actual use of raised funds in 2021 is consistent with the actual situation.

(there is no text on this page, which is the signature and seal page of the special verification report of Northeast Securities Co.Ltd(000686) on the deposit and use of raised funds in Guangdong Dcenti Auto-Parts Stock Limited Company(603335) 2021)

Sponsor representative:

Chen Xinggen, Liu Junjie

Northeast Securities Co.Ltd(000686) mm / DD / yyyy

Schedule 1:

Comparison table of use of raised funds in 2021

Unit: RMB 10000

The total amount of raised funds is 2001377, and the total amount of raised funds invested in this year is 273.97

Total amount of raised funds with changed purposes

The cumulative total amount of raised funds invested is 866556, and the proportion of total raised funds with changed purposes

Accumulated by the end of the period

As of the end of the period, the feasible raised funds of the changed items as of the end of the period and the accumulated investment amount undertaken as of the end of the period

Project, including the investment schedule of the current year after adjustment, whether the project can be achieved in the current year, whether the promised investment project is made, and the promised investment amount is calculated according to the investment amount and the promised investment

Total amount of sub changed capital (%) (4) = the difference between the expected benefits on the use status date and the total amount of significant changes (1) (2)

(if any) (2) / (1)


Construction of R & D center December 31, 2022

Yes 842.12 842.12 842.12 41.97 72.91 -769.21 8.66 – no

projects of technological transformation

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