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Sufa Technology Industry Co.Ltd.Cnnc(000777) : Announcement on the progress after the disclosure of the plan for issuing shares and paying cash to purchase assets and raising supporting funds and related party transactions

Stock Code: Sufa Technology Industry Co.Ltd.Cnnc(000777) stock abbreviation: Sufa Technology Industry Co.Ltd.Cnnc(000777) Announcement No.: 2022004

Sufa Technology Industry Co.Ltd.Cnnc(000777)

About issuing shares and paying cash to purchase assets and raising supporting funds

And progress announcement after the disclosure of related party transaction plan

The company and all members of the board of directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions. Special tips:

1. Sufa Technology Industry Co.Ltd.Cnnc(000777) (hereinafter referred to as “the company” or ” Sufa Technology Industry Co.Ltd.Cnnc(000777) “) intends to purchase 9083545% equity of Henan Hejing Clean Technology Co., Ltd. jointly held by China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) Engineering Co., Ltd. and other counterparties by issuing shares and paying cash, and raise supporting funds (hereinafter referred to as “this transaction”). The “major risk warning” section of the plan on issuing shares and paying cash to purchase assets and raising supporting funds and related party transactions (hereinafter referred to as the transaction plan) disclosed by the company on December 14, 2021 disclosed in detail the possible risk factors of the transaction and the approval procedures to be performed. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

2. Unless the trading plan has not been disclosed or the trading plan has not been changed in an orderly manner, the trading plan of the company may be suspended as of the date of disclosure of the trading plan. 2.

3. ShineWing Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership), the audit institution employed in this transaction, is being filed for investigation by China Securities Regulatory Commission due to its audit services for other companies, and the above filing and investigation time is uncertain. As this transaction involves administrative licensing matters, according to relevant laws and regulations, the application materials of this transaction of the company may not be accepted by the China Securities Regulatory Commission before the above-mentioned intermediaries are filed for investigation. The company and this transaction have nothing to do with the investigation of the above intermediaries, and the investigation of the above intermediaries will not have a significant adverse impact on the company’s production and business activities.

4. According to the relevant provisions of the guidelines for information disclosure of listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 3 – major asset restructuring, the company will timely perform the obligation of information disclosure according to the progress of this transaction, and issue a trading progress announcement every 30 days after the disclosure of this trading plan but before the Notice of the general meeting of shareholders to consider this transaction has been issued.

1、 Basic information of this transaction

The company plans to purchase 9083545% equity of Henan nuclear Clean Technology Co., Ltd. jointly held by the counterparty through issuing shares and paying cash, and to Shanghai Zhonghe Puyuan Co., Ltd. and Zhonghe (Zhejiang) emerging industry equity investment fund (if any)

Stock Code: Sufa Technology Industry Co.Ltd.Cnnc(000777) stock abbreviation: Sufa Technology Industry Co.Ltd.Cnnc(000777) Announcement No.: 2022004

(limited partnership) non-public offering of shares to raise supporting funds. This transaction constitutes a related party transaction, but does not constitute a major asset reorganization, nor does it constitute a reorganization and listing.

2、 Historical disclosure of this transaction

1. On December 7, 2021, the company disclosed the announcement of Sufa Technology Industry Co.Ltd.Cnnc(000777) on the suspension of planning asset restructuring (Announcement No.: 2021048). After the company applied to Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the trading of the company’s shares began to be suspended from the opening of the market on December 7, 2021. The suspension time of shares shall not exceed 5 trading days.

2. On December 13, 2021, the 23rd Meeting of the seventh board of directors of the company deliberated and approved the proposal on Sufa Technology Industry Co.Ltd.Cnnc(000777) issuing shares and paying cash to purchase assets and raising supporting funds and related party transactions plan “and its summary, and other proposals related to this transaction. For details, see the company’s website on December 14, 2021( )Relevant announcements disclosed on. At the same time, the company disclosed the general risk warning announcement on planning asset restructuring (Announcement No.: 2021051) and the announcement on disclosing the restructuring plan and resumption of trading of the company’s shares (Announcement No.: 2021050). After applying to Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the trading of the company’s shares resumed from the opening of the market on December 14, 2021.

3. On January 13, 2022, the company disclosed the progress announcement as required. For details, see the company’s securities times and )Announcement on the progress after the disclosure of the plan for issuing shares and paying cash to purchase assets and raising supporting funds and related party transactions (Announcement No.: 2022001).

4. On February 12, 2022, the company disclosed the progress announcement as required. For details, please refer to the company’s securities times and )Announcement on the progress after the disclosure of the plan for issuing shares and paying cash to purchase assets and raising supporting funds and related party transactions (Announcement No.: 2022003).

3、 Progress of this transaction

Since the disclosure of this transaction plan, the company and relevant parties have actively promoted all work of this transaction. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, the audit, evaluation and other work involved in this exchange are still in progress. After the relevant work is completed, the company will convene the board of directors again to consider the relevant matters of this transaction, and the board of directors will propose to convene the general meeting of shareholders to consider the relevant proposals of this transaction, And will perform relevant follow-up approval and information disclosure procedures in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

In addition, ShineWing Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership), the audit institution employed in this transaction, is being filed for investigation by China Securities Regulatory Commission due to its audit services for other companies, and the above filing and investigation time is uncertain. As this transaction involves administrative licensing matters, according to relevant laws and regulations, the application materials of this transaction of the company may not be accepted by the China Securities Regulatory Commission before the above-mentioned intermediaries are filed for investigation. The company and this transaction have nothing to do with the above-mentioned intermediaries being filed for investigation, and the above-mentioned intermediaries being filed for investigation will not have any impact on the company

Stock Code: Sufa Technology Industry Co.Ltd.Cnnc(000777) stock abbreviation: Sufa Technology Industry Co.Ltd.Cnnc(000777) Announcement No.: 2022004

Have a significant adverse impact on property and business activities.

4、 Risk tips

This transaction needs to be reviewed and approved by the company’s board of directors again, submitted to the general meeting of shareholders for review and approval, and can be formally implemented only after it is approved by the authorized units of state-owned assets and competent regulatory authorities. There is still uncertainty risk whether it can pass the approval. According to the progress of relevant matters and relevant securities regulatory requirements, the company will issue a progress announcement every 30 days before issuing the notice of the general meeting of shareholders to consider this matter.

The information disclosure media designated by the company are securities times and cninfo( ), all information of the company shall be subject to disclosure in the above designated media. Please pay attention to investment risks.

It is hereby announced.

Sufa Technology Industry Co.Ltd.Cnnc(000777) board of directors March 14, 2002

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