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Zhongfu Information Inc(300659) : Zhongfu Information Inc(300659) announcement on notifying creditors of repurchase and cancellation of some restricted shares

Securities code: 300659 securities abbreviation: Zhongfu Information Inc(300659) Announcement No.: 2021-094 Zhongfu Information Inc(300659)

Announcement on notifying creditors of repurchase and cancellation of some restricted shares

The company and all members of the board of directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

Zhongfu Information Inc(300659) (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) convened the fifth extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2021 on December 30, 2021, deliberated and adopted the proposal on canceling some stock options, repurchasing and canceling some restricted shares.

According to the provisions of the company’s 2020 stock option and restricted stock incentive plan (Draft), since 11 original incentive objects have resigned for personal reasons and do not meet the provisions on Incentive objects in the company’s equity incentive plan, after deliberation, it is decided to cancel the qualifications of the above incentive objects and repurchase and cancel all 85120.00 restricted shares granted but not lifted, The repurchase price is 22.675 yuan / share, and the source of funds is the company’s own funds.

85120.00 restricted shares were repurchased and cancelled this time, accounting for 3.43% of the total number of restricted shares actually granted in the company’s equity incentive plan in 2020 and 0.04% of the company’s current total share capital. For details, please refer to, the information disclosure website designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission on gem on December 14, 2021( )Announcement on cancellation of some stock options and repurchase and cancellation of some restricted shares (Announcement No.: 2021-085).

After the completion of this repurchase and cancellation of some restricted shares, the registered capital of the company will be reduced from 226618285 yuan to 226533165 yuan.

The repurchase and cancellation of some restricted shares will reduce the registered capital. According to the company law of the people’s Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, the company hereby notifies the creditors that it has the right to require the company to pay off its debts or provide corresponding guarantee within 45 days from the date of this announcement. If creditors request the company to pay off debts or provide guarantee, they shall submit a written request to the company in accordance with the company law of the people’s Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, and attach relevant supporting documents. If the creditor fails to exercise the above rights within the specified time limit, the cancellation of this repurchase will continue to be implemented in accordance with legal procedures.

It is hereby announced.

Zhongfu Information Inc(300659) board of directors December 31, 2021


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