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Zhongfu Information Inc(300659) : Zhongfu Information Inc(300659) announcement of the resolution of the fifth extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2021

Securities code: 300659 securities abbreviation: Zhongfu Information Inc(300659) Announcement No.: 2021-093 Zhongfu Information Inc(300659)

Announcement on the resolution of the fifth extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2021

The company and all members of the board of directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

Special tips:

1. The shareholders’ meeting did not veto the proposal.

2. This shareholders’ meeting does not involve changing the resolutions adopted at previous shareholders’ meetings.

1、 Convening and attendance of the meeting

On December 14, 2021, the board of directors of Zhongfu Information Inc(300659) (hereinafter referred to as “the company” or “the company”) issued a notice to all shareholders to convene the fifth extraordinary general meeting in 2021.

The shareholders’ meeting is held by combining on-site voting and online voting. The online voting time through the trading system of Shenzhen stock exchange is 9:15-9:25, 9:30-11:30 and 13:00-15:00; The specific time for online voting through the Internet voting system is 9:15 a.m. on the day of the general meeting of shareholders, and the end time is 3:00 p.m. on the day of the end of the on-site general meeting of shareholders; The on-site meeting was held at 14:00 p.m. on December 30, 2021 in Yuanheng conference room, 25 / F, building A1-5, Hanyu Golden Valley, No. 7000 Jingshi Road, high tech Zone, Jinan, and a branch venue was set up in the form of remote video conference.

There were 13 shareholders and their entrusted agents who voted on the spot and online, representing 96583740 shares, accounting for 42.6196% of the total voting shares of the listed company.

Among them, there are 7 shareholders and shareholders’ principals who vote on site, representing 95179385 shares, accounting for 41.9999% of the total shares of the listed company.

Six shareholders voted online, representing 1404355 shares, accounting for 0.6197% of the total shares of the listed company.

The general meeting of shareholders was convened by the board of directors of the company and presided over by the chairman, Mr. Wei Dongxiao. The directors, supervisors, Secretary of the board of directors and senior management of the company attended the meeting in the form of on-site and remote video conference, and the witness lawyers hired by the company attended the meeting as nonvoting delegates. The convening, convening and voting procedures of the meeting shall comply with relevant national laws, regulations, departmental rules, normative documents and the articles of association.

2、 Deliberation and voting of proposals

The general meeting of shareholders deliberated and adopted the following proposals by means of on-site open voting and online voting: 1. Proposal on cancellation of some stock options and repurchase and cancellation of some restricted shares

Voting results: 96583740 shares were approved, accounting for 100.0000% of the shares held by all shareholders attending the meeting; 0 dissenting shares, accounting for 0.0000% of the shares held by all shareholders attending the meeting; Abstain 0 shares, accounting for 0.0000% of the shares held by all shareholders attending the meeting.

Among them, the voting of small and medium-sized investors is: 1404355 shares are agreed, accounting for 100.0000% of the shares held by small and medium-sized shareholders attending the meeting; 0 dissenting shares, accounting for 0.0000% of the shares held by minority shareholders attending the meeting; Abstained 0 shares, accounting for 0.0000% of the shares held by minority shareholders attending the meeting.

The proposal is a special resolution proposal, which has been adopted by more than 2 / 3 of the total number of valid voting shares attending the meeting.

2. Revision of the


And the proposal on Authorizing the board of directors to handle industrial and commercial change registration and filing. Voting results: 96583740 shares were agreed, accounting for 100.0000% of the shares held by all shareholders attending the meeting; 0 dissenting shares, accounting for 0.0000% of the shares held by all shareholders attending the meeting; Abstain 0 shares, accounting for 0.0000% of the shares held by all shareholders attending the meeting.

Among them, the voting of small and medium-sized investors is: 1404355 shares are agreed, accounting for 100.0000% of the shares held by small and medium-sized shareholders attending the meeting; 0 dissenting shares, accounting for 0.0000% of the shares held by minority shareholders attending the meeting; Abstained 0 shares, accounting for 0.0000% of the shares held by minority shareholders attending the meeting.

The proposal is a special resolution proposal, which has been adopted by more than 2 / 3 of the total number of valid voting shares attending the meeting.

3. Proposal on prediction of daily connected transactions in 2022

Voting results: 35003583 shares were approved, accounting for 100.0000% of the shares held by all shareholders attending the meeting; 0 dissenting shares, accounting for 0.0000% of the shares held by all shareholders attending the meeting; Abstain 0 shares, accounting for 0.0000% of the shares held by all shareholders attending the meeting.

Among them, the voting of small and medium-sized investors is: 1404355 shares are agreed, accounting for 100.0000% of the shares held by small and medium-sized shareholders attending the meeting; 0 dissenting shares, accounting for 0.0000% of the shares held by minority shareholders attending the meeting; Abstained 0 shares, accounting for 0.0000% of the shares held by minority shareholders attending the meeting.

Wei Dongxiao, sun Qiang and Liu Haiwei, the related shareholders of the proposal, avoided voting.

3、 Legal opinions issued by lawyers

Chen Shuo and Zhao Yan, lawyers of Beijing Hairun Tianrui law firm hired by the company, attended the meeting and issued the following legal opinions: the convening and convening procedures of the company’s general meeting of shareholders, the qualifications of personnel attending the general meeting of shareholders and the voting procedures of the general meeting of shareholders are in line with the provisions of the company law, the securities law and the current articles of association of the company, The resolutions adopted at the meeting are legal and valid.

4、 Documents for future reference

1. Resolution of Zhongfu Information Inc(300659) the fifth extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2021;

2. Legal opinion of Beijing Hairun Tianrui law firm on Zhongfu Information Inc(300659) the fifth extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2021.

It is hereby announced.

Zhongfu Information Inc(300659) board of directors December 31, 2021


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