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China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(000999) : announcement of the resolution of the 14th meeting of the board of directors in 2021

Stock Code: 000999 stock abbreviation: China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(000999) No.: 2021-051

China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(000999)

Announcement of resolutions of the 14th board meeting in 2021

The company and all members of the board of directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(000999) the 14th meeting of the board of directors in 2021 was held by communication on the morning of December 30, 2021. The notice of the meeting shall be sent in writing on December 27, 2021. There are 11 directors who should attend the meeting and 10 directors actually. The former chairman, Mr. Wang Chuncheng, has resigned as chairman and director of the company and will no longer attend the meeting of the board of directors of the company. The convening and procedures of this meeting comply with the provisions of the company law and the articles of association, and the meeting is legal and effective. The meeting deliberated and passed the following proposals by voting and formed resolutions:

1、 Proposal on the estimated amount of daily connected transactions in 2022

For details, please refer to the announcement on the estimated amount of daily connected transactions in China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(000999) 2022 (2021-053).

Related directors Mr. Han Yuewei, Mr. Wei Xing, Mr. Liu Xuhai and Mr. Yang Xudong avoided voting.

Voting results: 6 in favor, 0 against and 0 abstention.

The proposal will be submitted to the company’s first extraordinary general meeting in 2022 for deliberation.

2、 Proposal on purchasing directors, supervisors and senior managers’ liability insurance

For details, please refer to China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(000999) announcement on purchasing directors, supervisors and senior managers’ liability insurance (2021-054).

All directors Mr. Qiu Huawei, Mr. Han Yuewei, Mr. Wei Xing, Mr. Liu Xuhai, Mr. Yang Xudong, Ms. Zhou Hui, Mr. Yao Xingtian, Mr. Tu Pengfei, Ms. Xu Fang and Mr. Liu Junyong abstained from voting. The independent directors of the company expressed independent opinions on the matter.

The proposal will be submitted to the company’s first extraordinary general meeting in 2022 for deliberation.

3、 Proposal on the authorization management system of the board of directors of the company

The full text of China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(000999) authorization management system of the board of directors is detailed in CN.

Voting results: 10 in favor, 0 against and 0 abstention.

4、 Proposal on the appointment of senior managers of the company

The board of directors agreed to appoint Mr. Liang Zheng nominated by Mr. Qiu Huawei as the company’s chief financial officer and Mr. Wang Liang as the company’s vice president. The term of office of the above executives is consistent with that of the eighth board of directors of the company. See the attachment for resume.

After fully understanding the relevant situation, the independent directors of the company expressed independent opinions and believed that: (I) the procedure is legal. According to the nomination of the company’s president, the board of directors has considered and agreed to appoint Mr. Liang Zheng as the company’s chief financial officer and Mr. Wang Liang as the company’s vice president, and the appointment procedure is legal; The deliberation and voting procedures of the board of directors on this matter are legal. (2) Legal qualification. After reviewing the personal resumes of the above-mentioned personnel, it is not found that they are not allowed to serve as senior managers of the company as stipulated in the company law, have not been punished by the CSRC and other relevant departments and the stock exchange, and are not dishonest Executees. After investigation, Mr. Liang Zheng and Mr. Wang Liang have the qualifications of senior managers of the company, and have the professional quality, professional knowledge and work experience required to serve as senior managers of the company. In conclusion, we agree with the voting results of the above proposals at the 14th meeting of the board of directors in 2021.

Voting results: 10 in favor, 0 against and 0 abstention.

Attachment: resume of senior management

Mr. Liang Zheng: male, born in June 1978, graduated from the Central University of Finance and economics in 1999, majoring in money and banking, with a bachelor’s degree; He graduated from Renmin University of China in 2002, majoring in finance, with a postgraduate degree and a master’s degree. He once served as senior manager of Finance Department of China Resources (Group) Co., Ltd., financial director of Changchun land Co., Ltd., general manager of operation management department and general manager of risk management department of Zhuhai China Resources Bank Co., Ltd., deputy general manager and chief risk officer of China Resources Leasing Co., Ltd., general manager of Finance Department of China Resources Financial Holdings Co., Ltd., China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(000999) assistant president and chief financial officer. Currently China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(000999) chief financial officer.

Mr. Wang Liang: male, born in May 1978, with a graduate degree. He once served as director of Market Research Department of Shenzhen Sanjiu Pharmaceutical Trade Co., Ltd., China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(000999) assistant general manager of marketing center, deputy general manager of marketing and brand management department and general manager of strategic operation Department. He is currently the vice president of China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(000999) .

None of the above persons has any relationship with the controlling shareholder, actual controller and other directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company, does not hold the company’s shares, has not been punished by the CSRC and other relevant departments and the stock exchange, and is not a dishonest executee, which is in line with the company law and other relevant laws Requirements of laws and regulations.

5、 Proposal on convening the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2022

See China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(000999) notice on convening the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2022 (2021-055) for details. Voting results: 10 in favor, 0 against and 0 abstention.

It is hereby announced.

China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(000999) board of directors December 30, 2021


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