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Guangdong Xiongsu Technology Group Co.Ltd(300599) : 2021 annual performance express

Securities code: Guangdong Xiongsu Technology Group Co.Ltd(300599) securities abbreviation: Guangdong Xiongsu Technology Group Co.Ltd(300599) Announcement No.: 2022006 Guangdong Xiongsu Technology Group Co.Ltd(300599)

2021 annual performance express

The company and all members of the board of directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

Special note: the financial data of 2021 contained in this announcement is only preliminary accounting data, which has been audited by the company’s internal audit department and has not been audited by an accounting firm. There may be differences between it and the final data disclosed in the annual report. Investors are reminded to pay attention to investment risks.

1、 Main financial data and indicators in 2021

Unit: Yuan

Increase / decrease range of the project in the same period of last year in the reporting period (%)

Total operating income 235372718017206883464207 13.77%

Operating profit 1320043724426073781158 – 49.37%

Total profit 1283383462825785431509 – 50.23%

1149416604021250429009 – 45.91% attributable to shareholders of listed companies

Net profit

After deducting non recurring profits and losses

1078655628620560675095 – 47.54% attributable to shareholders of listed companies

Net profit

Basic earnings per share (yuan) 0.34 0.70 – 51.43%

Weighted average return on net assets 5.22% – 12.32% – 7.10%

Increase / decrease range at the end of the reporting period (%)

Total assets 289919766827225734859089 28.43%

227475574402174007507374 30.73% attributable to shareholders of listed companies

Owner’s equity

Share capital 358131567 Chutian Dragon Co.Ltd(003040) 0000000 17.81%

6.35 5.72 11.01% attributable to shareholders of listed companies

Net assets per share (yuan)

Note: 1. The above data are filled in with the data of the company’s consolidated statements;

2. “Yuan” and “10000 yuan” in this announcement refer to RMB.

2、 Description of operating performance and financial status

(I) description of business performance

During the reporting period, the company achieved a total operating income of 23537272 million yuan, an increase of 13.77% over the same period of last year; The operating profit was 1320044 million yuan, a decrease of 49.37% over the same period of last year; The total profit was 1283383 million yuan, a decrease of 50.23% over the same period last year; The net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company was 1149417 million yuan, a decrease of 45.91% over the same period last year; After deducting non recurring profits and losses, the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 1078656 million yuan, a decrease of 47.54% over the same period of last year; The basic earnings per share was 0.34 yuan, down 51.43% from the same period last year. The main reasons for performance changes during the reporting period are:

During the reporting period, the company actively took various measures to ensure the orderly development of business work and continuously and steadily explore the market. The total operating revenue increased by 13.77% year-on-year. However, due to the large rise in the price of PVC resin and other main materials, although the company took a series of positive measures such as adjusting the price in time, However, it is still unable to offset the adverse impact caused by the rise in the price of main raw materials, resulting in a large decline in net profit.

In 2021, the company increased R & D investment in municipal pipelines, expanded the categories of municipal pipeline products, and established a special municipal pipeline direct sales department. In 2021, the company orderly promoted the construction of Yunnan base, which was completed and put into operation at the end of 2021. The completion and operation of the Yunnan base will further expand the production scale of the company’s pipes and accessories and serve the company’s strategic demands based on the southwest market and advancing into Southeast Asia.

(II) statement of financial position

At the end of the reporting period, the company was in good financial condition. The total assets of the company increased by 28.43% over the same period of last year, and the owner’s equity attributable to the shareholders of listed companies increased by 30.73% over the same period of last year, mainly due to the issuance of additional shares to specific objects to raise funds during the reporting period.

3、 Description of the difference from the previous performance forecast

Before the disclosure of this performance express, the company did not predict the performance of 2021 in accordance with relevant regulations. 4、 Other instructions

(I) this performance express is the result of the preliminary calculation of the company’s financial department. It has not been audited by an accounting firm, and may be different from the final data disclosed in the 2021 annual report. The specific financial data will be disclosed in detail in the 2021 annual report of the company.

(II) the information disclosure media designated by the company is And China Securities Journal, securities times, securities daily and Shanghai Securities News. All information of the company shall be subject to the information published in the above designated media. Please invest rationally and pay attention to risks.

5、 Documents for future reference

(I) comparative balance sheet and income statement signed and sealed by the current legal representative of the company, the person in charge of accounting and the person in charge of accounting organization (Accounting Supervisor);

(II) the internal audit report signed by the head of the internal audit department.

It is hereby announced.

Guangdong Xiongsu Technology Group Co.Ltd(300599) board of directors March 1, 2002

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