Norinco International Cooperation Ltd(000065) : Announcement on the resignation of the supervisor of the company

Announcement on resignation of supervisors of the company

Stock abbreviation: Norinco International Cooperation Ltd(000065) Stock Code: Norinco International Cooperation Ltd(000065) Announcement No.: 2022008 convertible bond abbreviation: Northern convertible bond convertible bond Code: 127014

Norinco International Cooperation Ltd(000065)

Announcement on resignation of supervisors of the company

The company and all members of the board of directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

Norinco International Cooperation Ltd(000065) (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) the board of supervisors received the written resignation report submitted by Mr. Shi Yanjun, the supervisor, on March 7, 2022. Due to job changes, Mr. Shi Yanjun applied to resign from the position of supervisor and convener of the board of supervisors. After Mr. Shi Yanjun resigns as supervisor and convener of the board of supervisors, he will not hold other positions in the company. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Shi Yanjun did not hold the company’s shares.

Mr. Shi Yanjun’s resignation will cause the number of members of the board of supervisors to be lower than the minimum quorum. According to the provisions of the articles of association, his resignation report will take effect after the new supervisors are elected by the general meeting of shareholders. Before the resignation report came into effect, Mr. Shi Yanjun continued to perform the duties of supervisor. The company will elect new supervisors as soon as possible in accordance with the relevant provisions of the company law and the articles of association.

The company expresses its heartfelt thanks to Mr. Shi Yanjun for his contribution to the operation and development of the company during his tenure as supervisor and convener of the board of supervisors!

It is hereby announced.

Norinco International Cooperation Ltd(000065) board of directors March 9, 2002

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