Bank Of Chongqing Co.Ltd(601963) : H share announcement (monthly statement of securities changes)

Monthly statement of changes in securities of share issuers and issuers of Hong Kong depositary securities listed in accordance with chapter 19b of the Listing Rules

As of February 28, 2022 status: newly submitted

To: Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited

Company name: Bank Of Chongqing Co.Ltd(601963)

Date of submission: March 3, 2022

1. Changes in authorized / registered share capital

1. Class of shares ordinary shares class of shares H shares listed on the stock exchange of Hong Kong (Note 1) yes

Stock code 01963 description H shares

Number of authorized / registered shares par value authorized / registered share capital

Balance at the end of last month 1579020812 RMB 1 increase / decrease (-) 0 RMB 0 balance at the end of this month 1579020812 RMB 1 RMB 15790208122 Class of shares common stock class of shares A-Shares listed on the stock exchange of Hong Kong (Note 1) no

Securities code Bank Of Chongqing Co.Ltd(601963) Description A shares

Number of authorized / registered shares par value authorized / registered share capital

Balance at the end of last month 1895484527 RMB 1 increase / decrease (-) 0 RMB 0 balance at the end of this month 1895484527 RMB 1 RMB 18954845273 Class of shares preferred stock class of shares other classes (please specify) listed on the stock exchange of Hong Kong (Note 1) yes

Securities code 04616: non cumulative perpetual overseas preferred shares with a dividend yield of 5.4% of US $750000000 (the "overseas preferred shares")

Number of authorized / registered shares par value authorized / registered share capital

Balance at the end of last month 37500000 RMB 100 USD 750000000 increase / decrease (-) 0 USD 0 balance at the end of this month 37500000 RMB 100 USD 750000000 Total authorized / registered share capital at the end of this month: RMB 3474505339

Note: the authorized / registered capital of overseas preferred shares is calculated by multiplying the total number of overseas preferred shares issued by the issuance price of each overseas preferred share (i.e. US $20 per share).

Total authorized / registered capital at the end of this month - Common Shares: RMB 3474505339 - Preferred Shares: USD 750000000

II. Changes in issued shares

1. Class of shares ordinary shares class of shares H shares listed on the stock exchange of Hong Kong (Note 1) yes

Stock code 01963 description H shares

Balance at the end of last month 1579020812

Increase / decrease (-) 0

Balance at the end of this month: 1579020812

2. Class of shares common stock class A shares listed on the stock exchange of Hong Kong (Note 1) no

Securities code Bank Of Chongqing Co.Ltd(601963) Description A shares

Balance at the end of last month 1895484527

Increase / decrease (-) 0

Balance at the end of this month: 1895484527

3. Class of shares preferred stock class of shares other classes (please specify) listed on the stock exchange of Hong Kong (Note 1) yes

Securities code 04616: description of overseas preferred shares

Balance at the end of last month: 37500000

Increase / decrease (-) 0

Balance at the end of this month: 37500000

Page 3 of 8 V 1.0.1iii Details of changes in issued shares (a) Share options (under the issuer's share option plan) do not apply (b) Warrants promising to issue shares of issuers to be listed do not apply (c) Convertible notes (i.e. converted into shares of the issuer to be listed)

1. Class of issuable shares ordinary shares class of H shares issuable shares to be listed on the stock exchange of Hong Kong (Note 1) yes

Stock code of issuable shares (if listed on the stock exchange of Hong Kong) (Note 1) 01963

Description of convertible stock note issuing currency the total amount issued at the end of last month changes within this month the total amount issued at the end of this month may be issued by the issuer at the end of this month

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