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Bank Of Hangzhou Co.Ltd(600926) : Bank Of Hangzhou Co.Ltd(600926) detailed equity change report (Hangzhou Finance Bureau)

Bank Of Hangzhou Co.Ltd(600926)

Detailed equity change report

Name of listed company: Bank Of Hangzhou Co.Ltd(600926) place of stock listing: Shanghai Stock Exchange

Stock abbreviation: Bank Of Hangzhou Co.Ltd(600926)

Stock Code: Bank Of Hangzhou Co.Ltd(600926)

Information disclosure obligor: Hangzhou Finance Bureau

Address: No. 152, Zhonghe Middle Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou

Mailing address: No. 152, Zhonghe Middle Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou

Nature of equity change: as the largest shareholder reduces its shares by means of agreement transfer, after the completion of this equity change, the information disclosure obligor will passively become the person acting in concert with the information disclosure obligor of the largest shareholder:

Domicile and mailing address of the person acting in concert

Room 3501-2, Zhejiang Qingcheng Investment Group Co., Ltd., No. 3506, East Qingcheng Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province

Hangzhou Yuhang Financial Holding Co., Ltd. integrates Cangqian, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Cangqian Group Co., Ltd., Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, 102-2, building 2, No. 999, Jingxing Road, street – 102-2, building 2, No. 999, Jingxing Road, street

Hangzhou Qiantang New Area Industrial Development Zone Hangzhou Qiantang New Area Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province Hangzhou Qiantang New Area hangzhan Group Co., Ltd. room 2001, room 2001, building 2, Eastern Zhou International Business Center

Hangzhou Shangcheng District Finance Bureau Zhejiang Province Hangzhou Shangcheng District Wangchao Zhejiang Province Shangcheng District Wangchao Road 77 East Building 19 East Building 19 East Building

Hangzhou Xihu District Finance Bureau Wensan, Xihu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province No. 18, Wensan West Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Hangzhou Shangcheng District State owned investment Zhejiang Province Hangzhou Shangcheng District Zhonghe Zhejiang Province Hangzhou Shangcheng District Zhonghe Holding Group Co., Ltd. No. 11 South Road, room 101, building 1, No. 11 South Road

Hangzhou Gongshu District State owned investment Shaoxing, Gongshu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province room 1508, state owned investment building, No. 398, Shaoxing Capital Holding Group Co., Ltd. Road, Gongshu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Date of signature: March 3, 2002

Statement of information disclosure obligor

I This report is prepared by the information disclosure obligor in accordance with the company law of the people’s Republic of China, the securities law of the people’s Republic of China, the measures for the administration of the acquisition of listed companies, and the standards for the content and format of information disclosure by companies offering securities to the public No. 15 – Report on changes in equity Preparation of standards for the contents and forms of information disclosure by companies offering securities to the public No. 16 – Acquisition report of listed companies and relevant laws, regulations and normative documents. 2、 The information disclosure obligor has obtained necessary authorization and approval for signing this report.

3、 In accordance with the provisions of the securities law of the people’s Republic of China and the measures for the administration of the acquisition of listed companies, this report has fully disclosed the changes in the shares in which the information disclosure obligor has an interest in Bank Of Hangzhou Co.Ltd(600926) .

As of the signing date of this report, except for the information disclosed in this report, the information disclosure obligor has not increased or reduced its shares in Bank Of Hangzhou Co.Ltd(600926) by any other means.

4、 This equity change is based on the information stated in this report. The information disclosure obligor has not entrusted or authorized any other person to provide information not listed in the report and make any explanation or explanation to the report.

5、 This equity change still needs to be approved by the Zhejiang regulatory bureau of Bank Of China Limited(601988) Insurance Regulatory Commission on the shareholder qualification of this equity transfer, the compliance confirmation of Shanghai Stock Exchange, and go through the transfer registration and other procedures in Shanghai Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd.

6、 The information disclosure obligor guarantees that there are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions in this report, and shall bear individual and joint legal liabilities for its authenticity, accuracy and completeness.


The disclosure obligor declares that 2 catalog Section 1 interpretation Section 2 Introduction to information disclosure obligors and persons acting in concert Section III purpose of equity change Section IV change of equity Section V source of funds Section VI follow up plan after the equity change is completed Section 7 analysis of the impact on listed companies Section 8 major transactions with listed companies Section 9 trading of listed shares in the first six months Section 10 financial information of information disclosure obligors and persons acting in concert Section 11 other major matters 159 section 12 documents for future reference 160 the disclosure obligor declares that 162 declaration of persons acting in concert 163 attached table: detailed report on changes in equity one hundred and seventy

Section I interpretation

In this report, unless otherwise specified, the following words have the following meanings:

Listed company, Bank Of Hangzhou Co.Ltd(600926) refers to Bank Of Hangzhou Co.Ltd(600926) , stock code: Bank Of Hangzhou Co.Ltd(600926)

Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Finance

Person acting in concert / caikai group refers to Hangzhou caikai Investment Group Co., Ltd

Acting in concert / Yuhang financial holding refers to Hangzhou Yuhang Financial Holding Group Co., Ltd

Acting in concert / Qiantang industrial development refers to Hangzhou Qiantang New Area Industrial Development Group Co., Ltd

Acting in concert / former Jianggan District, former Hangzhou Jianggan District Finance Bureau. In March 2021, due to the optimization and adjustment of Hangzhou administrative division Finance Bureau / Shangcheng District Finance Bureau, the former Hangzhou Jianggan District Finance Bureau and the former Hangzhou Shangcheng District Finance Bureau were merged into Hangzhou Shangcheng District Finance Bureau

Acting in concert / Xihu District Finance refers to Hangzhou Xihu District Finance Bureau

political situation

The former Hangzhou Shangcheng District Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. handled the industrial and commercial name change registration on October 28, 2021, and was changed to “Hangzhou Shangcheng District State owned investment holding group Co., Ltd.”

Person acting in concert / Gongshu SDIC refers to Hangzhou Gongshu District State owned investment holding group Co., Ltd

Commonwealth Bank of Australia means the Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Hangzhou urban investment refers to Hangzhou Urban Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd

Hangzhou Communications investment refers to Hangzhou Communications Investment Group Co., Ltd

Equity change report. This report refers to Bank Of Hangzhou Co.Ltd(600926) detailed equity change report


The Commonwealth Bank of Australia reduced its 593 Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co.Ltd(600000) shares by means of agreement transfer. This equity change refers to (accounting for 10% of the total share capital of Bank Of Hangzhou Co.Ltd(600926) ordinary shares). The number and proportion of shares held by the information disclosure obligor remain unchanged and become the largest shareholder passively

CSRC refers to the China Securities Regulatory Commission

The Company Law refers to the company law of the people’s Republic of China (amended in 2018)

Securities Law refers to the securities law of the people’s Republic of China (revised in 2019)

The acquisition Measures refer to the administrative measures for the acquisition of listed companies (revised in 2020)

Standard No. 15 refers to Standard No. 15 on the contents and forms of information disclosure by companies offering securities to the public – Report on changes in equity (revised in 2020)

Standard No. 16 refers to Standard No. 16 on the contents and forms of information disclosure by companies offering securities to the public – Acquisition report of listed companies (revised in 2020)

RMB, ten thousand yuan refers to RMB, ten thousand yuan

Note: any discrepancy between the total and the mantissa of the sum of the sub item values in this report is caused by rounding.

Section II introduction to information disclosure obligors and persons acting in concert

1、 Basic information of information disclosure obligors and persons acting in concert (I) basic information of information disclosure obligors

Name: Hangzhou Finance Bureau

Registered address: No. 152, Zhonghe Middle Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou

Person in charge Xie Jianhua

Unified social credit code 11330100 Yotrio Group Co.Ltd(002489) 559l

Type organ legal person

Mailing address: No. 152, Zhonghe Middle Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou

Communication mode: 057187805588

(II) basic information of information disclosure obligors acting in concert

1. Hangzhou caikai Investment Group Co., Ltd

Enterprise name: Hangzhou caikai Investment Group Co., Ltd

Registered address: room 3501-1, No. 2-6, Qingchun East Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Legal representative: Ruan Yimin

Registered capital: RMB 500 million

Unified social credit code 913 Zhejiang Cayi Vacuum Container Co.Ltd(301004) 70106408j

Enterprise type: limited liability company (sole proprietorship of legal person invested or controlled by non natural person)

Business term: February 1, 1993 to long term

Services: entrusted asset management, industrial investment, investment management, investment consulting (except securities and futures), financial information consulting (except agency bookkeeping), economic information consulting (except commodity intermediary); Wholesale and retail: hardware and electrical appliances, daily necessities, chemical raw materials and products (except dangerous chemicals and precursor chemicals), electronic computer hardware and accessories, mechanical equipment, household appliances, business scope, metal materials, building materials, needles, textiles, office automation equipment, agricultural and sideline products (except food), Commercial vehicles and passenger vehicles with more than nine seats and accessories; Coal sales (no storage); Import and export of goods (except for items prohibited by laws and administrative regulations, and items restricted by laws and administrative regulations can be operated only after obtaining permission); All other legal projects that do not need to be submitted for approval; (without the approval of financial and other regulatory authorities, it is not allowed to engage in financial services such as financing deposits, financing guarantees and customer financing from the public).

Mailing address: room 3501-1, No. 2-6, Qingchun East Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Communication mode: 24805878

Major shareholder or sponsor: Hangzhou Financial Investment Group Co., Ltd. (100.00%)

2. Hangzhou Yuhang Financial Holding Group Co., Ltd

Company name: Hangzhou Yuhang Financial Holding Group Co., Ltd

Registered address: 102-2, building 2, No. 999, Jingxing Road, Cangqian street, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province

Legal representative: Chen Guojian

Registered capital: RMB 2200 million

Unified social credit code 91330110734521147a

Enterprise type: limited liability company (solely state-owned)

Business term: December 29, 2001 to long term

Business scope: the operation of state-owned assets within the scope authorized by the district government, and the asset and property management entrusted by the district government and relevant departments.

Mailing address: 102-2, building 2, No. 999, Jingxing Road, Cangqian street, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province

Communication mode: 057186223075

Major shareholder or sponsor: Hangzhou Yuhang District Finance Bureau (state owned assets supervision and Administration Office of Hangzhou Yuhang District People’s Government) (100.00%)

3. Hangzhou Qiantang New Area Industrial Development Group Co., Ltd

Enterprise name: Hangzhou Qiantang New Area Industrial Development Group Co., Ltd

Company Registered Address

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