Stock Code: 600860 stock abbreviation: Beijing Jingcheng Machinery Electric Company Limited(600860) No.: lin2022-016 Beijing Jingcheng electromechanical Co., Ltd
Beijing Jingcheng Machine Electric Company Limited
About issuing shares and paying cash to purchase assets and raising supporting funds
Announcement of amendments to the report (Draft) (Revised Version)
The board of directors and all directors of the company guarantee that there are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions in the contents of this announcement, and bear individual and joint liabilities for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of its contents.
Beijing Jingcheng Machinery Electric Company Limited(600860) (hereinafter referred to as "the company") disclosed the report on Beijing Jingcheng Machinery Electric Company Limited(600860) issuing shares and paying cash to purchase assets and raise supporting funds (Draft) and relevant documents on September 4, 2021. On December 15, 2021, the issue of shares issued by the company to purchase assets was approved by the 33rd working meeting of the merger and reorganization Review Committee of listed companies of China Securities Regulatory Commission in 2021.
Up to now, it has been more than 6 months since the benchmark date of the audit report quoted in the previous restructuring report. According to the requirements of the CSRC, ShineWing Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) has supplemented the financial data of the subject company in 2021. The company, together with various intermediaries, supplemented, disclosed and improved the documents related to the restructuring on the extended audit of financial data and the latest progress of the transaction, and issued and disclosed the report on Beijing Jingcheng electromechanical Co., Ltd. issuing shares and paying cash to purchase assets and raising matching funds (Draft) (Revised) (hereinafter referred to as the "report"), The main contents of this supplement and revision are as follows (unless otherwise specified, the abbreviation or noun in this revision announcement has the same meaning as the abbreviation or noun in the report):
Revision of serial number section
1. Supplementary disclosure of the review procedures of the reorganization and the extension of the validity of the resolution; 1. Tips on major events 2. Update the audit base date;
3. Supplement and update the financial data of the subject company in 2021;
2. Major risk warning supplementary disclosure of the completion of the performance commitment of the target company in 2021.
3 Section 1: this delivery 1. Supplementary disclosure of the completion of the performance commitment of the target company in 2021;
Revision of serial number section
2. Supplementary disclosure of the review procedures of the reorganization and the extension of the validity of the resolution; 3. Supplement and update the financial data of the subject company in 2021;
1. Supplement and update the financial data of the subject company in 2021;
4 Section IV trading target 2. Supplement and update the relevant information of the top five customers and suppliers of the target company in 2021; 3. Supplement and update the business qualification of the subject company;
4. Supplement and update the employees of the subject company as of December 31, 2021.
5. Section V supplementary disclosure of 2021 annual performance commitments of the target company by issuing shares.
Share situation
6 Section VIII the completion of 2021 annual performance commitment of the subject company is disclosed in this supplementary disclosure.
Easy compliance analysis
7 section IX the management shall supplement and update the financial data and relevant financial analysis of the subject company in 2021.
Discussion and analysis
8 section 10 the financial committee will supplement and update the financial data of the subject company in 2021.
Accounting information
9 Section 11 inter bank supplement and update the related party transactions of the target company during the reporting period.
Competition and related party transactions
10 section 12 supplementary risk disclosure: the target company's performance commitment in 2021 is completed.
Section XV current
11. Relevant securities trading services shall supplement and update the handling personnel of the audit institution.
Service organization
Section 17 audit related documents for future reference in the newly added period.
It is hereby announced.
Beijing Jingcheng Machinery Electric Company Limited(600860) board of directors February 25, 2022