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600797: Insigma Technology Co.Ltd(600797) stock trading risk warning announcement

Stock abbreviation: Insigma Technology Co.Ltd(600797) securities code: 600797 No.: 2022-009 Insigma Technology Co.Ltd(600797)

Stock trading risk warning announcement

The board of directors and all directors of the company guarantee that there are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions in the contents of this announcement, and bear individual and joint liabilities for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of its contents.

The company disclosed the announcement on abnormal fluctuation of stock trading (Announcement No.: 2022-008) on February 22, 2022. The company’s shares rose again on February 22, 2022. In view of the recent large fluctuation of the company’s stock price, the relevant risks are prompted as follows. Please invest rationally and pay attention to the investment risks.

1. The company’s stock price fluctuates greatly in the short term. According to the relevant valuation data of China Securities Index Co., Ltd., as of the closing on February 22, 2022, the latest static P / E ratio of the company was 142.08, and the latest static P / E ratio of the company’s software and information technology service industry was 56.98. Please pay attention to the transaction risk of the secondary market and invest rationally.

2. On January 27, 2022, the company disclosed the announcement of annual performance loss in 2021 (Announcement No.: 2022-002). According to the preliminary calculation of the company’s financial department, the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company in 2021 is expected to be – 630 million yuan to – 540 million yuan, The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non recurring profits and losses is – 650 million yuan to – 560 million yuan. See relevant announcements for details. The specific and accurate financial data shall be subject to the audited annual report 2021 officially disclosed by the company. Please pay attention to the investment risks.

3. The company’s main business has not changed significantly. Chengdu wangxinji Weiyun Data Technology Co., Ltd., the holding subsidiary of the company holding 80% of the shares, is responsible for the construction and operation of the phase I preliminary project of the southwest cloud computing smart industry base project. At present, the construction has been completed, there are no contracted customers, and it has not been put into operation. There is uncertainty in the follow-up OTC listing progress. At present, the holding subsidiary has no income, and the scale of asset business accounts for a small proportion of the listed company, which will not have a significant impact on the operating performance of the company. At present, the company’s main computer rooms are distributed in Hangzhou and Shanghai. There are some IDC customers migrating to the central and western regions, which may lead to the risk of customer loss. Please pay attention to the risks.

The information disclosure media designated by the company are China Securities News, Shanghai Securities News, securities times and the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse. Com. CN), The information about the company shall be subject to the information published in the above designated media. Please invest rationally and pay attention to investment risks.

It is hereby announced.

Insigma Technology Co.Ltd(600797) board of directors February 22, 2002

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