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600575: Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) plan for absorption and merger of Huainan Mining (Group) Co., Ltd. and related party transactions

Securities code: 600575 securities abbreviation: Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) place of listing: Shanghai Stock Exchange

Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) (Group) Co., Ltd

Absorb and merge Huainan Mining (Group) Co., Ltd

And related party transactions plan

Name, domicile / mailing address of related party

Absorbing and merging party Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) (Group) Co., Ltd. in Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone, Anhui Province

The merged party Huainan Mining (Group) Co., Ltd. Dongshan, tianjia’an District, Huainan City, Anhui Province

Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) Holding Group Co., Ltd. No. 1, Dongshan Middle Road, Tianjiaan District, Huainan City

China Cinda Asset Management Co., Ltd. Building 1, yard 9, naoshikou street, Xicheng District, Beijing

CCB financial assets investment Co., Ltd. unit 1601-01, 16th floor, building 9, Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing

Guohua Energy Investment Co., Ltd. building 3, Dongzhimen South Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing

Bank of China Financial Assets Investment Co., Ltd., 15 / F, block C, No. 2, chaoyangmennei street, Dongcheng District, Beijing

Counterparty: Jikai Enterprise Management Group Co., Ltd. 231606, unit 3, floor 13, building 6, yard 1, Futong East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Shanghai Electric Power Co.Ltd(600021) No. 268, Zhongshan South Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

CLP Guorui Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. 202, floor 2, Lantian building, No. 28, Tianzhu Road, zone a, Tianzhu Airport Economic Development Zone, Shunyi District, Beijing

Huaibei Mining Holdings Co.Ltd(600985) Co., Ltd. No. 276, Renmin Middle Road, Xiangshan District, Huaibei City, Anhui Province

Date of signature: February, 2002

Company statement

The company and all directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company guarantee that the contents of the plan and its summary are true, accurate and complete, and there are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and bear individual and joint liabilities for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the information provided.

As of the signing date of this plan, the audit and evaluation related to this transaction have not been completed, and some data involved in this plan have not been audited by an audit institution that meets the requirements of relevant laws and regulations. Investors are requested to use it carefully. All directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company guarantee the authenticity and rationality of the relevant data quoted in this plan. The audited financial data and evaluation results of relevant assets will be disclosed in the restructuring report (Draft). The final results of audited financial data, evaluation or valuation of relevant assets may be quite different from the disclosure of the plan.

The matters stated in this plan and its summary do not represent the substantive judgment, confirmation or approval of the CSRC and Shanghai Stock Exchange on matters related to this transaction. The effectiveness and completion of the matters related to this transaction described in this plan and its summary have yet to be approved by the general meeting of shareholders and the relevant examination and approval authorities. Any decision or opinion made by the examination and approval authority on matters related to this transaction does not indicate that it makes a substantive judgment or guarantee on the value of the company’s shares or the income of investors.

According to the provisions of the securities law and other relevant laws and regulations, after the completion of this transaction, the company shall be responsible for the changes in the company’s operation and income, and the investors shall be responsible for the investment risks caused by the changes. When evaluating the company’s transaction, in addition to the contents of this plan and the relevant documents disclosed at the same time with this plan, investors should also seriously consider the risk factors disclosed in this plan. If investors have any questions about this plan, they should consult their own stockbrokers, lawyers, accountants or other professional consultants.

Counterparty statement

The counterparty of this reorganization has issued a letter of commitment on the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information and materials provided in the process of this transaction to ensure that it will provide the listed company with the relevant information of this reorganization in time, ensure that the relevant information provided is true, accurate and complete, ensure that the information provided is true, accurate and complete, and guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information provided Assume legal responsibility for accuracy and completeness. If the listed company or investors suffer losses due to false records, misleading statements or major omissions in the information provided, they will be liable for compensation according to law.

If the reorganization is filed for investigation by the judicial organ or the CSRC due to the suspected false records, misleading statements or major omissions of the information provided or disclosed, the counterparty will suspend the transfer of shares and convertible corporate bonds (if any) in the listed company until the conclusion of the case investigation is clear, And submit the written application for suspension of transfer and the accounts of stocks and convertible corporate bonds to the board of directors of the listed company within two trading days after receiving the notice of filing and inspection, and the board of directors shall apply for locking to the stock exchange and the registration and Clearing Company on behalf of the company; If the application for locking is not submitted within two trading days, the board of directors is authorized to directly submit the identity information and account information of the company to the stock exchange and the registration and settlement company after verification and apply for locking; If the board of directors fails to submit the identity information and account information of the counterparty to the stock exchange and the registration and settlement company, it shall authorize the stock exchange and the registration and settlement company to directly lock the relevant shares and convertible corporate bonds (if any). If the investigation concludes that there are violations of laws and regulations, the counterparty promises to lock in shares and convertible corporate bonds (if any) and voluntarily use them for compensation arrangements for relevant investors.


The company declares that 2. The counterparty declares that 3 catalog 4 interpretation 5. Tips on major issues 8 major risk tips Section 1 overview of this transaction Section 2 basic information of listed companies Section III basic information of counterparties Section IV basic information of the underlying assets Section 5 the issuance of shares and convertible corporate bonds Section VI estimated value and provisional price of subject assets Section 7 impact of this transaction on listed companies 111 Section VIII risk analysis 113 section IX other important matters 119 section x opinions of independent directors Section Xi representations and commitments one hundred and twenty-eight


In this plan, unless otherwise specified, the following terms have the following meanings:

General terms

Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) / listed company / the company / public Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) (Group) Co., Ltd., securities abbreviation ” Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) “; Formerly known as Anhui Company / merger party / refers to Wanjiang logistics (Group) Co., Ltd. and Wuhu port storage and Transportation Co., Ltd., and once referred to securities Wanjiang logistics / Wuhu as “Wanjiang logistics” and “Wuhu Port”

Hong Kong Huainan Mining / merged party / target refers to Huainan Mining (Group) Co., Ltd


Huaihe holdings refers to Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) Holding Group Co., Ltd. and the controlling shareholder of Huainan mining

China Cinda refers to China Cinda Asset Management Co., Ltd., one of the shareholders of Huainan mining

CCB investment refers to CCB Financial Asset Investment Co., Ltd., one of the shareholders of Huainan mining

Guohua investment refers to Guohua Energy Investment Co., Ltd., one of the shareholders of Huainan mining

BOC assets refers to BOC financial assets investment Co., Ltd., one of the shareholders of Huainan mining

Jikai group refers to Jikai Enterprise Management Group Co., Ltd., one of the shareholders of Huainan mining

Shanghai Electric Power Co.Ltd(600021) refers to Shanghai Electric Power Co.Ltd(600021) , one of the shareholders of Huainan mining

CLP Guorui refers to CLP Guorui Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., one of the shareholders of Huainan mining

Huaibei Mining Holdings Co.Ltd(600985) refers to Huaibei Mining Holdings Co.Ltd(600985) Co., Ltd., one of the shareholders of Huainan mining

Shanghai Huaihe mine refers to Shanghai Huaihe mine Asset Management Co., Ltd. and the person acting in concert of Huaihe holdings

Huaihu coal power refers to huaihu Coal Power Co., Ltd

Huaihu electric power refers to huaihu Electric Power Co., Ltd

Power generation company refers to Huainan Mining Group Power Generation Co., Ltd

This major asset Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) issues shares to all shareholders of Huainan mining, directional convertible corporate bond (if any) restructuring / this restructuring / refers to and pays cash to absorb and merge Huainan mining.

Among them, Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) is the merging party and the surviving party after the completion of this transaction / absorption, and Huainan mining is the merged party


The underlying asset refers to 100% equity of Huainan mining

The counterparty refers to all shareholders of Huainan mining, including Huaihe holdings, China Cinda, CCB investment, Guohua investment, BOC assets, Jikai group, Shanghai Electric Power Co.Ltd(600021) , CLP Guorui, Huaibei Mining Holdings Co.Ltd(600985)

Parties to the transaction refer to the listed company, Huainan Mining and the counterparty

This plan refers to the plan for Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) (Group) Co., Ltd. to absorb and merge Huainan Mining (Group) Co., Ltd. and related party transactions

Merger agreement refers to the merger agreement between Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) (Group) Co., Ltd. and Huainan Mining (Group) Co., Ltd

Huaihe electric power refers to Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) Electric Power Group Co., Ltd

Western coal power group refers to Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) Western Coal Power Group Co., Ltd

Yinhong energy refers to Inner Mongolia Yinhong Energy Development Co., Ltd

Huaxing company refers to Inner Mongolia Eerduosi Resources Co.Ltd(600295) Huaxing Energy Co., Ltd

Zhongbei company refers to Inner Mongolia Eerduosi Resources Co.Ltd(600295) Zhongbei Coal Chemical Co., Ltd

Railway transportation branch refers to Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) (Group) Co., Ltd. Huainan railway transportation branch, SASAC of the State Council refers to the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, national development and Reform Commission refers to the national development and Reform Commission of the people’s Republic of China

Ministry of finance means the Ministry of finance of the people’s Republic of China

Anhui provincial government refers to the people’s Government of Anhui Province, and Anhui SASAC refers to the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of Anhui Provincial People’s government

The benchmark date refers to January 31, 2022

China Securities Regulatory Commission / China Securities Regulatory Commission

Supervisory Commission

Shanghai stock exchange refers to Shanghai Stock Exchange

Clearing Company refers to Shanghai Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd

The Company Law refers to the company law of the people’s Republic of China, the Securities Law refers to the securities law of the people’s Republic of China, and the reorganization Management Office refers to the measures for the administration of major asset reorganization of listed companies


Standard No. 26 refers to Standard No. 26 on the contents and forms of information disclosure by companies offering securities to the public – major asset restructuring of listed companies (revised in 2022)

Several Provisions refer to the provisions on Several Issues concerning the regulation of major asset restructuring of listed companies, and Listing Rules refer to the stock listing rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange

Articles of association Huaihe Energy (Group) Co.Ltd(600575) (Group) Co., Ltd

The pricing benchmark date refers to the announcement date of the resolution of the sixth meeting of the seventh board of directors of the company

The delivery date refers to the date on which the underlying assets are delivered after the CSRC approves this major asset reorganization and the parties to the transaction jointly negotiate and determine

Transition period refers to the period from the evaluation base date (excluding the current day) to the delivery date (including the current day)

The profit or loss cash option of assets with profit and loss indicators in the transition period refers to Huaihe holdings and / or its designated third party

The supplier’s cash option actually refers to the date on which the cash option provider receives the shares held by the dissenting shareholders of the listed company who have successfully declared to exercise the cash option and pays cash consideration to them. The specific date will be determined and announced separately

Yuan / 10000 yuan / 100 million yuan refers to RMB yuan, RMB 10000 yuan and RMB 100 million yuan

language for special purposes

Raw coal refers to coal products that have not been washed, screened and processed but have only been manually or mechanically sorted

Power coal refers to commercial coal used for the purpose of burning to generate power

Coking coal refers to bituminous coal with high coal metamorphism and good coking in the national coal classification standard

In the national coal classification standard, it is the title of bituminous coal with medium coalification and metamorphism and strong cohesiveness. Fertilizer coal refers to a kind of coking coal. It is an important part of coking and coal blending. It has the strongest coking property, good melting property, large coking expansion and wear resistance

1 / 3 coking coal refers to the appellation of bituminous coal between coking coal and gas coal in the national coal classification standard

Lean coal refers to the title of bituminous coal with high coalification and metamorphism in the national coal classification standard, which can play the role of skeleton and increasing coke lumpiness in coking and coal blending

In the national coal classification standard, it refers to a kind of bituminous coal with low coalification degree, which has the characteristics of non binding or slightly binding of gas coal. It does not coke in the layered coking furnace, has short flame during combustion, is resistant to combustion, and is isolated from air heating, which can produce a large amount of gas

Non stick coal

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