600461: Jiangxi Hongcheng Environment Co.Ltd(600461) verification of the total equity value of shareholders of Jiangxi Dingyuan ecological environmental protection Co., Ltd. involved in the issue of shares to be issued and the payment of cash to purchase assets – 2 (zming Ping Bao Zi [2022] No. 2020) the contents of this asset inventory specifically include monetary capital, goods, other current assets, fixed assets and intangible assets. He verified the relevant information. (1) Check and verification of non physical assets 1) monetary fund accounts receivable, prepayments, other accounts receivable and deposit appraisers regard their book value, causes and monetary funds included in the inventory scope as bank deposits. The bank deposit shall be verified through the bank statement provided by the deposit bank and the bank deposit balance reconciliation statement prepared by the enterprise, and a letter shall be sent to the deposit bank for confirmation