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Beijing Career International Co.Ltd(300662) : Announcement on the resignation of supervisors and by election of non employee representative supervisors

Securities code: 300662 securities abbreviation: Beijing Career International Co.Ltd(300662) Announcement No.: 2022-011 Beijing Creative Distribution Automation Co.Ltd(002350) International Human Resources Co., Ltd

Announcement on resignation of supervisors and by election of non employee representative supervisors

The company and all members of the board of directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

The third board of supervisors of International Human Resources Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) recently received a written resignation application submitted by Ms. Zhang Hongwei, the supervisor of the company. Ms. Zhang Hongwei applied to resign as a supervisor of the third board of supervisors of the company for personal reasons. After resigning, she still served as the general manager of investment and financing of the company. The resignation of the above-mentioned supervisors will cause the number of the board of supervisors of the company to be lower than the legal minimum specified in the company law of the people’s Republic of China. In order to ensure the normal operation of the board of supervisors of the company, In accordance with the company law of the people’s Republic of China, the Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange on the gem, the self regulatory guidelines for listed companies on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 2 – standardized operation of companies listed on the gem and the articles of association, Ms. Zhang Hongwei’s resignation application will take effect on the date of by election of new supervisors at the company’s general meeting, Before the by elected supervisor takes office, Ms. Zhang Hongwei will still perform her duties as a supervisor in accordance with laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, normative documents and the articles of association.

As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Ms. Zhang Hongwei indirectly holds 49100 shares of the company through Beijing Yunlian Consulting Co., Ltd. Ms. Zhang Hongwei’s original term of office expires on February 2, 2024, After his resignation, he will continue to comply with the relevant provisions of the company law, certain provisions on the reduction of shares held by shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior managers of listed companies, detailed rules for the implementation of the reduction of shares held by shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior managers of listed companies of Shenzhen stock exchange, and No. 10 self regulatory guidelines for listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange – management of share changes.

During her tenure as supervisor of the company, Ms. Zhang Hongwei made important contributions to the development of the company. The board of supervisors of the company expressed heartfelt thanks for her contributions during her tenure!

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the work of the board of supervisors, according to the relevant provisions of the company law and other laws and regulations and the articles of association, the company held the sixth meeting of the third session of the board of supervisors in the company’s conference room on February 17, 2022, deliberated and adopted the proposal on the by election of Ms. sun manjuan as the candidate of non employee representative supervisors of the third session of the board of supervisors, It is agreed to nominate Ms. sun manjuan as the candidate of non employee representative supervisor of the third board of supervisors of the company (see the appendix for her resume) and submit it to the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the company in 2022 for deliberation. The term of office starts from the date of election at the general meeting of shareholders to the date of expiration of the third board of supervisors of the company.

It is hereby announced.

Beijing Creative Distribution Automation Co.Ltd(002350) board of supervisors of International Human Resources Co., Ltd. February 17, 2022

Attachment: resume of non employee representative supervisors elected by the third board of supervisors

Resume of non employee representative supervisors elected by the third board of supervisors

Resume of Ms. sun manjuan

Sun manjuan, born in 1970, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, has a postgraduate degree, and now works in the post investment management department of the company. Sun manjuan has joined Beijing Career International Co.Ltd(300662) since June 1999 and has held many positions, such as personnel administration manager, business consultant, RPO project manager, director, general manager and so on; From February 2020 to December 2021, he served as the general manager of Henan Huirong Kerui Human Resources Co., Ltd. and took office in the post investment management department of the company in December 2021, responsible for the operation coordination of China Investment Corporation.

Up to now, Ms. sun manjuan holds 16200 restricted shares of the company; 5000 shares are sold without restriction, 310281 shares of the company are indirectly held through Tianjin Qiqi Consulting Co., Ltd., which has no relationship with the directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company, shareholders and actual controllers holding more than 5% of the shares of the company, and has not been punished by the CSRC and other relevant departments or the stock exchange, There are no circumstances specified in article 3.2.3 of the guidelines for self discipline supervision of listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 2 – standardized operation of GEM listed companies. Not a dishonest person. Their qualifications and election procedures comply with relevant laws, regulations and the articles of association.

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