Orient Securities Company Limited(600958) underwriting sponsor Co., Ltd
About Xinjiang Zhongtai Chenical Co.Ltd(002092)
Report on continuous supervision training in 2021
(hereinafter referred to as "002091}" or "002092}" for short) as the sponsor of the continuous offering of shares of "Oriental Investment Bank (hereinafter referred to as" 002092} "or" 002092} "for short), According to the requirements of relevant regulations and normative documents such as the measures for the administration of securities issuance and listing recommendation business, the guidelines for self discipline supervision of listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 13 - recommendation business, on February 7, 2022 Relevant personnel such as middle-level and above managers, controlling shareholders and actual controllers of listed companies have been trained, and the training report is as follows:
1、 Basic information of continuous supervision training
Sponsor: Orient Securities Company Limited(600958) underwriting sponsor Co., Ltd
February 2027
Training objects: controlling shareholders and actual controllers of the company, relevant principals, directors, supervisors, senior managers and managers above the middle level of the company
2、 Main contents of continuous supervision training
The training covers the latest laws, regulations, business rules, regulatory guidelines and other documents revised and issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Including but not limited to Shenzhen Stock Exchange Stock Listing Rules (revised in 2022), Shenzhen Stock Exchange self regulatory guidelines for listed companies No. 1 - standardized operation of main board listed companies, and Shenzhen Stock Exchange self regulatory guidelines for listed companies No. 5 - information disclosure management Self regulatory guidelines for listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 1 - transactions and related party transactions, rules on the shares of the company held by directors, supervisors and senior managers of listed companies and their changes (revised in 2022), rules for independent directors of listed companies and rules for the general meeting of shareholders of listed companies (revised in 2022) Guidelines for the supervision of listed companies No. 2 - regulatory requirements for the management and use of raised funds by listed companies (revised in 2022), guidelines for the supervision of listed companies No. 4 - commitments of listed companies and their related parties, guidelines for the articles of association of listed companies (revised in 2022), etc. 3、 Cooperation of listed companies
The listed company actively cooperated with the sponsor in this continuous supervision and training, which ensured the smooth progress of this training, and this continuous supervision and training achieved good results.
4、 Summary of continuous supervision training
In this continuous supervision training, by sorting out the latest regulatory trends and distributing learning materials to the training objects, Dongfang investment bank made the controlling shareholders, actual controllers, relevant principals, directors, supervisors, senior managers and middle-level and above managers of the company have a deeper understanding of some key concerns in the standardized operation of listed companies.
This training has generally improved the understanding of the company and its directors, supervisors, senior managers and other relevant personnel on standardizing the operation of listed companies and improving the quality of information disclosure of listed companies, which is helpful to improve the level of standardized operation of the company in the future.
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(there is no text on this page, which is the signature page of the report of Orient Securities Company Limited(600958) underwriting and recommendation Co., Ltd. on Xinjiang Zhongtai Chenical Co.Ltd(002092) 2021 annual continuous supervision and training) recommendation representative:
Li Zheng, Cui Hongjun
Orient Securities Company Limited(600958) underwriting and recommendation Co., Ltd. February 16, 2022