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603839: Anzheng Fashion Group Co.Ltd(603839) independent directors’ independent opinions on the appointment of senior managers

Anzheng Fashion Group Co.Ltd(603839) independent director

Independent opinions on the appointment of senior managers

In accordance with the guidance on the establishment of independent director system in listed companies issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, the stock listing rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange and the articles of association, as independent directors of Anzheng Fashion Group Co.Ltd(603839) (hereinafter referred to as “the company”), we are carefully reviewing the relevant materials submitted by the board of directors of the company, Based on the introduction of the board of directors and the inquiry of relevant personnel of the company, and based on our objective and independent judgment, we hereby express the following independent opinions on the company’s proposed appointment of Mr. LV Pengfei as the company’s chief financial officer:

1. Agree to appoint Mr. LV Pengfei as the chief financial officer of the company.

2. We have fully understood the identity, education, occupation and professional quality of the nominee and obtained the consent of the nominee; Based on our objective and independent judgment, the nominees have the qualification and ability to serve as senior managers of the company, and there is no situation stipulated in Article 146 of the company law, and there is no phenomenon that they are determined by the CSRC to be prohibited from entering the market and the prohibition has not been lifted; Agree to submit the above nominees to the board of directors for deliberation.

3. The nomination procedure meets the requirements of laws, regulations and the articles of association.

Independent directors: Su Baoyan, balance, Wang Jun

( Anzheng Fashion Group Co.Ltd(603839) signature page of independent directors’ independent opinions on the appointment of senior managers)

Signature of independent director:

February 15, 2022

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