Securities code: 000422 securities abbreviation: Hubei Yihua Chemical Industry Co.Ltd(000422) Announcement No.: 2022-014 Hubei Yihua Chemical Industry Co.Ltd(000422)
Announcement on the completion of the general election of the board of directors and the board of supervisors
The company and all members of the board of directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.
Hubei Yihua Chemical Industry Co.Ltd(000422) (hereinafter referred to as "the company") recently held the third session of the seventh employee congress, elected the employee representative supervisor of the tenth board of supervisors of the company, held the second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2022 on February 11, 2022, and deliberated and adopted the proposal on the election of non independent directors of the tenth board of directors of the company The proposal on the election of independent directors of the 10th board of directors and the proposal on the election of non employee representative supervisors of the 10th board of supervisors elected the directors of the 10th board of directors and supervisors of the 10th board of supervisors, and completed the general election of the board of directors and the board of supervisors. The relevant information is hereby announced as follows:
1、 Composition of the 10th board of directors of the company
The 10th board of directors of the company consists of 15 directors, including 7 non independent directors and 8 independent directors. Mr. Bian pingguan, Mr. Zhang Zhonghua, Mr. Guo Rui, Mr. Qiang Wei, Mr. Chen lachun, Mr. Jie Jiangchun and Mr. Huang Zhiliang are non independent directors of the 10th board of directors of the company; Ms. Wu Weirong, Mr. Li Qiang, Mr. Zhao Yang, Mr. Li Qifang, Mr. Yang Jilin, Ms. Zheng Chunmei, Mr. Liu Xinguang and Mr. Fu Ming are independent directors of the 10th board of directors of the company. The term of office of the above 15 directors shall be three years from the date of deliberation and approval at the second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2022 (from February 11, 2022 to February 11, 2025).
The above personnel meet the job requirements of the company law, the stock listing rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the self regulatory guidelines for listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 1 - standardized operation of listed companies on the main board, other provisions of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the company charter, and are not allowed to serve as directors. Independent directors Ms. Wu Weirong, Mr. Li Qiang, Mr. Zhao Yang, Mr. Li Qifang, Ms. Zheng Chunmei and Mr. Liu Xinguang have obtained the qualification certificate of independent directors. Independent directors Mr. Yang Jilin and Mr. Fu Ming have not obtained the qualification certificate of independent directors, but they have made a written commitment to the board of directors of the company to participate in the latest independent director training and obtain the qualification certificate of independent directors recognized by Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Among them, Ms. Wu Weirong and Ms. Zheng Chunmei are accounting professionals. The qualifications of the eight independent directors have been reviewed by Shenzhen Stock Exchange and have no objection.
The composition of the board of directors complies with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, in which the proportion of independent directors is not less than one-third of the board of directors, and the total number of directors who concurrently serve as senior managers of the company in the board of directors is not more than one-half of the total number of directors of the company.
2、 Composition of the third board of supervisors of the company
The 10th board of supervisors of the company consists of 3 supervisors, including 2 non employee representative supervisors and 1 employee representative supervisor. Mr. Li Gang and Ms. Liao Qinqin are non employee representative supervisors of the 10th board of supervisors of the company, and Ms. Jia Wen is employee representative supervisor of the 10th board of supervisors of the company. The term of office of the above three supervisors is three years from the date of deliberation and approval at the second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2022 (from February 11, 2022 to February 11, 2025).
The above personnel meet the job requirements of the company law, the stock listing rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the self regulatory guidelines for listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 1 - standardized operation of listed companies on the main board, other provisions of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the company charter, and are not allowed to serve as supervisors.
The composition of the board of supervisors complies with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, in which the proportion of employee representative supervisors is not less than one-third.
3、 Resignation of directors and supervisors of the company upon expiration
(I) departure of directors of the company
Due to the expiration of her term of office, Ms. Zhang Tiantian, an independent director of the ninth board of directors, will no longer serve as an independent director and a member of the special committee of the board of directors, nor will she hold other positions in the company. As of the date of this announcement, Ms. Zhang Tiantian does not hold shares of the company, and there are no commitments that should be fulfilled but not fulfilled..
Due to the expiration of her term of office, Ms. Fang Yalan, a non independent director of the ninth board of directors of the company, no longer serves as a director of the company and still holds other positions in the company. As of the date of this announcement, Ms. Fang Yalan has not held any shares of the company, and there are no commitments that should be fulfilled but not fulfilled..
(II) resignation of supervisors of the company
Due to the expiration of the term of office, Ms. Wang Xincai and Mr. Du Xianghua, the employee representative supervisors of the ninth board of supervisors of the company, no longer serve as supervisors of the company and still hold other positions in the company. As of the date of this announcement, Ms. Wang Xincai and Mr. Du Xianghua do not hold shares of the company, and there are no commitments that should be fulfilled but not fulfilled..
The company expresses its heartfelt thanks to the above-mentioned directors and supervisors who left office due to the expiration of their term of office for their contributions during their term of office!
It is hereby announced.
Hubei Yihua Chemical Industry Co.Ltd(000422)
Board of directors
February 11, 2022