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Express delivery of important policy messages affecting the market on January 26

the State Council issued the opinions on supporting Guizhou to break a new path in the western development in the new era

By 2025, significant progress will be made in the comprehensive reform of the western development, and the level of the open economy will be significantly improved; Consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization; The formation of a modern industrial system was accelerated, and the growth rate of digital economy remained ahead; Rich achievements in the construction of ecological civilization and remarkable achievements in green transformation; The level of public services continued to improve, and the income of urban and rural residents increased steadily; Substantial progress has been made in preventing and resolving debt risks.

State Council: to play the advantage of Maotai flavor liquor origin and main producing areas in Chishui River Basin, and build an important Baijiu Baijiu production base

The State Council printed and distributed the opinions on supporting Guizhou to blaze a new path in the western development in the new era. It is mentioned that it supports the layout and construction of industrial backup bases such as key parts, key materials and key equipment. We should give full play to the advantages of Maotai Baijiu liquor origin and main producing areas in Chishui River Basin and build an important Baijiu production base in China. We will promote the development of the intensive processing industry of characteristic foods and traditional Chinese medicine, and support the inclusion of Guizhou Miao medicine and other national medicines that meet the requirements in the Pharmacopoeia of the people’s Republic of China.

11 departments including the people’s Bank of China and the Ministry of Public Security jointly launched a three-year action to crack down on the illegal crime of money laundering

At present, the situation of cracking down on money laundering crimes is still grim. The three-year action plan for combating money laundering crimes (2022-2024) requires all departments to improve their political position, further refine various work measures in combination with local realities and departmental functions, crack down on all kinds of money laundering crimes according to law, especially strengthen the punishment of money laundering crimes stipulated in Article 191 of the criminal law, and resolutely curb the spread of money laundering and related crimes.

last year, the total profit of state-owned enterprises was 4516.48 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.1%

From January to December 2021, the main benefit indicators of national state-owned and state holding enterprises maintained growth, and the state-owned economy operated steadily. From January to December, the total profit of state-owned enterprises was 4516.48 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.1% and an average increase of 12.1% in the two years. Central enterprises accounted for 2861 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 27.0% and an average increase of 12.4% in the two years.

dry goods are full! The port new area bill (Draft) is coming! Domestic individuals still hope to invest abroad!

The general office of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress recently issued an announcement to solicit opinions from the public on the regulations on the New Lingang area of the China (Shanghai) pilot free trade zone (Draft) (Draft for comments). In the view of the industry, as a comprehensive local regulation on the development of the new port area, the formulation of the bill is of great significance for the new area to form an institutional open system with “five freedoms and one convenience” as the core, create a special economic functional area with more international market influence and competitiveness, and promote all-round and high-level opening-up.

financial management department: Several AMCs are expected to help real estate enterprises resolve risks

On January 26, the first financial reporter learned that recently, the financial management department convened several national asset management companies (AMCs) to study the participation of asset management companies in asset disposal, project merger and purchase and related financial intermediary services of venture real estate enterprises in accordance with the principles of marketization and legalization.

Shenzhen relaxed market access in six areas! Study the establishment of data element exchange and promote the interconnection of insurance between Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao

On January 26, the national development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce issued the “opinions on some special measures for Shenzhen to relax market access in building a leading demonstration zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics”, which mainly covers six areas, including 24 specific measures. The six fields mainly include science and technology, finance, medical treatment, education and culture, transportation and other fields.

January 26 China Central Television News broadcast financial content collection

with the approval of the chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping , the Central Military Commission issued the decision on strengthening the work of military talents in the new era, and the general office of the Central Military Commission issued relevant supporting policies and measures

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): with the approval of the chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping , the Central Military Commission recently issued the “decision on strengthening the work of military talents in the new era”.

The decision points out that talents are the key factor to promote the high-quality development of our army, win military competition and take the initiative in future wars. To strengthen the work of military talents in the new era and implement the strategy of strengthening the military with talents in the new era, we must take the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as the guidance, implement the thought of strengthening the military, implement the military strategic principles in the new era, implement the strategic arrangements for the modernization of national defense and the army, focus on achieving the goal of building the military in one hundred years, and promote the ability, quality, structural layout We will comprehensively transform and upgrade development and management, forge high-quality and professional new-type military talents with both political integrity and ability, ensure that significant progress has been made in the modernization of military personnel, major breakthroughs have been made in the development of talents in key fields, and the overall level of talents ranks among the top military powers in the world, so as to provide solid support for realizing the party’s goal of building a strong army in the new era and building our army into a world-class army in an all-round way.

The decision emphasizes that we should adhere to the strategy of building a strong army with talents in the new era, seriously study and understand Xi Jinping new ideas, new strategies and new measures on talent work in the new era, enhance the political consciousness, ideological consciousness and action consciousness of implementation, comprehensively grasp the essence of connotation, accelerate the transformation of thinking and ideas, and consciously strengthen the responsibility of mission. We should ensure that the gun is always in the hands of people who are loyal and reliable to the party, strengthen the party’s overall leadership over talent work, implement the party’s organizational line in the new era, implement the responsibility system of the chairman of the Military Commission, adhere to the cultivation and investigation of talents politically, and unswervingly purify the political environment of selecting and employing people.

The decision requires to improve the ability and level of talent supply for war preparation, promote the accurate connection between talent supply side and battlefield demand side, focus on key talent team construction and breakthrough, and improve the agility and accuracy of wartime human resources response. Innovate and improve the mode of talent training system, strive to improve the supporting guarantee level of policies and systems, actively create a good ecological environment for talent development, and speed up the construction of a new pattern of talent work.

The general office of the Central Military Commission simultaneously printed and distributed “several measures on strengthening the construction of joint combat command talents”, “several measures on strengthening the construction of talents of new combat forces”, “several measures on further stimulating the innovative vitality of scientific and technological personnel” and “several measures on strengthening the construction of high-level strategic management talents”, According to the respective characteristics and construction status of different types of talents, this paper puts forward practical and effective countermeasures around accelerating forging, advance preset, incentive support and compound training.

the State Council printed and distributed the opinions on supporting Guizhou to break a new path in the western development in the new era

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): Recently, the State Council issued the opinions on supporting Guizhou to break a new path in the western development in the new era.

The opinions defines the strategic positioning of the comprehensive reform demonstration area for the western development of Guizhou, the model area for consolidating and expanding poverty alleviation achievements, the new highland of inland open economy, the digital economy development and innovation area, and the leading area for the construction of ecological civilization, and puts forward the development goals by 2025 and 2035.

The opinions deployed seven main tasks.

preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics have entered the final stage

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): today (January 26) is nine days from the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and all preparations have entered the final stage. The national ski jumping center “xueruyi” will start the ice making operation during the Winter Olympic Games from today. As the first platform jumping venue in the history of the Winter Olympic Games to use the ice assisted slide, the ice making system of the assisted slide of the national ski jumping center will be directly related to the safety and performance of athletes. The ice thickness error must be controlled within 5mm. It is expected that the whole ice making operation will be completed within 4 days. At the same time, all the volunteers of the ancient poplar stadium group in Zhangjiakou competition area have been assembled. They will provide professional volunteer services for athletes and staff all over the world during the Winter Olympic Games and the winter Paralympic Games.

[about the Winter Olympics] help the Winter Olympics sing “together to the future”

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): with the approaching of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, people everywhere sing the theme song of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games “together to the future” in various forms, so that more people can pay attention to and share the winter Olympic Games.

At Tangdao square in Xining, Qinghai, people of all ethnic groups sang the theme slogan of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games and the promotion song “together to the future”, expressing people’s enthusiasm for helping Beijing Winter Olympic Games and wishing Beijing Winter Olympic Games a complete success.

On the G6 Fuxing train from Shanghai Hongqiao Station to Beijing South Railway Station, everyone sang “together to the future” to send sincere blessings to the Beijing Winter Olympics. The loud singing and dynamic melody infected every passenger in the carriage; In Xinjiang Heshuo solidarity Park, people sing their expectations with songs and dance their love with steps to help the Beijing Winter Olympics.

In Bayi Park, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, a flash show of hand dance themed “together to the future” was held locally. The enthusiastic singing and cheerful hand dance expressed everyone’s ardent expectation and good wishes for the Beijing Winter Olympics.

China LianBo express

CCTV news (news broadcast):

the guidance on high quality implementation of RCEP was officially published

Recently, the Ministry of Commerce and other six departments jointly issued the guidance on the high-quality implementation of the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP), covering six aspects: making good use of the opening commitments and rules of the agreement, promoting the upgrading of manufacturing industry and enhancing industrial competitiveness, so as to provide guidance for local authorities and enterprises to seize the development opportunities of RCEP and achieve better development.

special measures to relax market access in Shenzhen

The national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce and other departments today (January 26) jointly issued the “opinions on some special measures for Shenzhen to relax market access in building a leading demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics”, and put forward 24 specific measures to broaden market access in six major fields, including science and technology, finance, medical treatment and education.

China’s R & D investment intensity reached a new high in 2021

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics today (January 26), in 2021, the investment in research and experimental development of the whole society was 2786.4 billion yuan, and the ratio of R & D expenditure to China’s GDP reached a new high, reaching 2.44%, reflecting the continuous enhancement of China’s scientific and technological innovation ability.

In 2021, the qualified rate of major Shenzhen Agricultural Products Group Co.Ltd(000061) in China reached 97.6%

The Ministry of agriculture and rural areas announced today (January 26) that in 2021, China will implement actions to improve agricultural varieties, quality, brand building and standardized production, Shenzhen Agricultural Products Group Co.Ltd(000061) the overall qualified rate of quality and safety monitoring is 97.6%, 26000 new certified green, organic and geographical indications Shenzhen Agricultural Products Group Co.Ltd(000061) , implement geographical indication Shenzhen Agricultural Products Group Co.Ltd(000061) protection projects, and achieve an output value of 165.8 billion yuan.

the Ministry of civil affairs requires to do a good job in caring for children with special difficulties during the winter vacation

According to the requirements of the Ministry of civil affairs, all localities should visit and find out the information of rural left behind children before the Spring Festival to understand the situation of child custody or entrusted care. For the situation that minor parents and other guardians cannot fully perform their guardianship duties due to centralized isolation and observation, local civil affairs departments should timely carry out temporary guardianship in accordance with the law.

China successfully launched L-SAR 01 group a satellite

Today (January 26), China successfully launched L-SAR 01 group a satellite with long march 4C carrier rocket at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, and the satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit. The satellite is mainly used to monitor the geological environment, landslides and earthquake disasters.

the national double support office launched the Spring Festival condolences activity of “feeling for officers and soldiers of border and coastal defense”

Recently, the national double support office organized a special spring festival condolences activity of “feeling for officers and soldiers of border and coastal defense”. More than 100000 cadres and people in 170 national model cities (counties) with double support sent Spring Festival blessings and “military support gift bags” with regional characteristics to the people’s children and soldiers guarding the border islands in various ways.

the list of the first batch of national ski tourist resorts was announced

In order to help Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, the Ministry of culture and tourism and the State Administration of sports announced today (January 26) the first batch of 12 national ski resorts, including Haituo in Yanqing, Beijing and Altay in Xinjiang. This will promote the quality improvement and upgrading of the ice and snow industry and consolidate the stage goal of “driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports”.

“ice and snow brightens the Spring Festival” was held in Shanghai

“Snow and ice brighten the Spring Festival” was held in Shanghai international media port on January 25. Artists splashed ink around the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the year of the Tiger Spring Festival to welcome the arrival of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and express their wishes for the year of the Tiger Spring Festival.

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