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The dividend effect of Beijing Winter Olympic Games continues to release the new upsurge of ice and snow tourism track

“Welcome to Beijing. I’ll see you in Beijing.” The 24th Winter Olympic Games (2022 Beijing Winter Olympics), which has attracted worldwide attention, is entering the countdown.

Looking back on 2015, in its last presentation to the IOC, the Beijing delegation described the prospect of holding the Winter Olympic Games and the winter Paralympic Games in Beijing, including “driving 300 million Chinese people to participate in ice and snow sports”.

Spanning nearly seven years, this goal has been achieved. According to the data recently released by the State General Administration of sports, by October 2021, the number of participants in ice and snow sports in China had reached 346 million; By the beginning of 2021, there were 803 indoor and outdoor ski resorts in China, an increase of 41% over 2015.

On January 20, 2022, the 14th five year plan for tourism development issued by the State Council proposed to vigorously promote the development of ice and snow tourism, improve the service facilities system of ice and snow tourism, accelerate the integrated development of ice and snow tourism with ice and snow sports, ice and snow culture and ice and snow equipment manufacturing, and build a number of national ski tourism resorts and ice and snow tourism bases.

With the continuous release of the effect of Beijing Winter Olympic Games, ice and snow tourism with great growth potential has also become a hot track for cultural and tourism enterprises to accelerate the layout in recent years. Now, driven by the favorable policies, Chinese cultural tourism enterprises are ushering in a new round of development opportunities.

“In China, the ski market is dominated by young people. From the perspective of foreign markets, skiing is a sport of all ages. In the future, especially after the Beijing Winter Olympics, the number of Chinese Ski participants will increase.” Qian Jiannong, chairman of Fosun tourism culture group (hereinafter referred to as “Fosun tourism”, 01992. HK), said in a recent interview with the reporter of China Business Daily that the number of skiers in China increases exponentially every year. In terms of the layout of ice and snow sports, we are not only doing a single business form, but building a ski ecology.

ice and snow tourism boom

The opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games will officially begin at 8 p.m. on February 4. Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou have been preparing for this day for nearly seven years.

On July 31, 2015, Beijing and Zhangjiakou successfully won the right to bid for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Driven by the Winter Olympics, China’s ice and snow sports have gradually heated up in recent years, and the ice and snow industry has also driven into the fast lane.

According to the statistical data recently disclosed by the spokesman of the State Administration of sports, the total scale of the National Ice and snow industry increased from 117.7 billion yuan in 2013 to 520 billion yuan in 2019; By the beginning of 2021, there were 803 indoor and outdoor ski resorts in China, an increase of 41% over 2015. According to the development plan of ice and snow sports (2016-2025), the total scale of China’s ice and snow industry will reach trillion yuan by 2025.

“In the past two years, we have clearly felt that the public’s awareness and attention to ice sculpture and skiing are increasing, and the amount of consultation of our company has also increased.” An insider engaged in ice sculpture production and ski resort construction consulting recently told reporters.

Similar changes have taken place in the investment heat of ice and snow tourism. On January 19, 2022, the economic heritage report of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games (2022) (hereinafter referred to as “economic heritage report”) released by Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee shows that from 2018 to 2020, the scale of heavy asset investment projects of China’s ice and snow tourism is close to 900 billion yuan, of which about 300 billion yuan will be invested in 2020.

The economic heritage report also pointed out that with the approaching of the Beijing Winter Olympics, ice and snow tourism is becoming a new consumption hotspot, the number of people participating in ice and snow sports continues to grow steadily, the potential of the ice and snow tourism market is further stimulated, and the ice and snow tourism industry is ushering in a period of rapid development. From 2020 to 2021, the number of ice and snow tourists in the snow season is 230 million, and the income of ice and snow tourism is 390 billion yuan.

China’s ice and snow tourism development report (2022) recently released by China Tourism Research Institute shows that despite the impact of covid-19 pneumonia, driven by the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the return of ice and snow outbound tourism, the upgrading of tourism consumption and the national layout of ice and snow facilities, The number of ice and snow leisure tourists in China has increased from 170 million in the ice and snow season from 2016 to 2017 to 254 million in the ice and snow season from 2020 to 2021. It is estimated that the number of ice and snow leisure tourists in China will reach 305 million in the ice and snow season from 2021 to 2022, and the income of ice and snow leisure tourism is expected to reach 323.3 billion yuan.

The statistical data during the new year’s day in 2022 also confirms the rising trend of ice and snow tourism in China. According to the “2022 New Year’s Day holiday travel summary report” previously released by donkey mother tourism network, during the new year’s Day holiday in 2022, the ticket booking volume of ski scenic spots increased by 75% compared with the same period in 2019. Short distance ice and snow travel is the hottest theme of the new year’s Day holiday in 2022.

In addition, the travel consumption trend report on 2022 New Year’s Day holiday released by meituan tickets shows that the experience of ice and snow projects is favored by tourists due to the dual factors of season and the upcoming opening of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. On the first day of the new year’s Day holiday in 2022, the popularity of adult tickets, parent-child tickets and other types of tickets for ice and snow parks and ice and snow carnivals, as well as snow playing and other projects, has increased by more than 500% compared with the same period in 2021.

head enterprises take advantage of the situation to expand

Guo Derong, chief analyst of Maidian Research Institute, said in an interview with reporters that with the approaching of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, China’s ice and snow industry has shown a phased outbreak in the past two years. Various ice and snow tourism and experience supporting projects are becoming more and more perfect. The universal consumer demand for ice and snow sports has also been basically formed, and the industrial agglomeration has reached an unprecedented peak.

Qian Jiannong also told reporters that skiing project is an important part of winter tourism in Fosun tourism, culture, leisure and vacation tourism products. In recent years, the company is focusing on building skiing ecology in terms of ice and snow sports business layout. “Including the launch of urban ski simulation ski stores for beginners, planning to set up indoor ski resorts around big cities such as Taicang, successively arranging ski resorts in important ski resorts outside China, and launching a number of cooperation in ski training and ski peripheral products.”

It is understood that on January 23, the club med Changbai Mountain Tourism Co.Ltd(603099) resort under Fosun lvwen will officially open, which is the third ice and snow resort of Fosun lvwen Club Med in China.

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