Thalys Medical Technology Group Corporation(603716) : the subsidiary signed the sales contract of covid-19 test kit

Thalys Medical Technology Group Corporation(603716) (603716) announced on January 20 that Thales biotechnology, a wholly-owned subsidiary, signed a sales contract for covid-19 test kits with ate gold kuyumculuk. Ate gold kuyumculuk purchased covid-19 test kits of US $20 million from biotechnology in the first phase. The first trial order amount is US $1 million, which is a confirmed order, For the remaining USD 19 million orders, there is a risk that the other party will not continue to purchase. If the other party confirms that it will not purchase later, it will not bear any liability for breach of contract. If the contract is successfully performed in this year, the expected net profit will exceed 50% of the non net profit deducted by the company in 2020.

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