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Jufeng investment adviser: financial stocks take the lead and pay attention to the trend of securities companies in the afternoon

brief description of disk

On Thursday, A-Shares opened high and went low, continued to adjust, and the stock index stopped falling and rebounded near noon. On the disk, insurance, airports, precious metals, banking, securities, agriculture, animal husbandry, feeding and fishing, wine and other industries rose slightly, led by engineering consulting, motors, games, auto parts, power grid equipment, mining, transportation, optics, optoelectronics and other industries. In terms of subject stocks, covid-19 drugs, chicken concept, super brand, exclusive drugs and pork concept led the rise; Virtual digital human, tire pressure monitoring, EDR concept, industrial machine, augmented reality, cloud games, lidar, metauniverse, vocational education, etc. led the decline.

message plane

SASAC: timely study and establish a new central enterprise group

Peng Huagang, spokesman of SASAC, said that we will solidly promote the reorganization, formation and professional integration of central enterprises. In terms of strategic restructuring, we focus on implementing national strategies such as supply side structural reform, innovation driven development and building a manufacturing power, steadily promote the restructuring and integration of iron and steel and other fields in accordance with the principle of “mature one household and promote one household”, and timely study and establish a new central enterprise group in relevant fields.

The performance of 26 shares in the annual report increased by more than 500%, and the latest pre happy list was released!

As of January 19, a total of 552 companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen have announced the annual report performance forecast for 2021. Among them, there are 484 companies with pre happy performance, with a pre happy rate of about 88%, and 26 companies are expected to achieve an increase of 500% of annual net profit. In terms of individual stocks, Sichuan Hebang Biotechnology Co.Ltd(603077) net profit growth ranks first. It is expected that the maximum pre increase of net profit in 2021 will reach 7960.09%.

nine ministries and commissions issued documents to strictly standardize the platform enterprises’ participation in financial institutions!

Strictly regulate financial institutions and local financial organizations invested by platform enterprises, and urge platform enterprises and their holding and participating financial institutions to strictly implement the requirements of capital and leverage ratio. Improve the financial consumer protection mechanism, strengthen the supervision of marketing behavior, ensure that the information disclosed is true and accurate, and do not induce excessive consumption.

Jufeng view

Medium term strategy:

Jufeng investment adviser believes that the liquidity at the macro level has gradually improved, and the PMI index has turned upward for two consecutive months, indicating that the medium-term market of A-Shares is expected to be better, and the offensive in spring will be gradually launched.

Pre market judgment: there are signs of rebound in the market at the end of Wednesday. A shares are expected to rebound in the short term on Thursday. Whether the rebound will lead to greater selling pressure still needs to be further observed. U.S. stocks continued to callback overnight, with new energy vehicles and the concept of anti epidemic leading the decline. It is expected that the relevant sectors of A-Shares will continue to callback, while the industries benefiting from the epidemic and the concept of Beijing Winter Olympics can be paid attention to in the short term.

In fact, undervalued stocks are still repairing with the help of the pre increase of the annual report. Today, it is the turn of the insurance, banking and brewing sectors to rise, while most sectors of the market are rising and falling. Yesterday’s strong concepts of steel, cement, coal and meta universe came out of the one-day tour. This kind of rapid rotation of sectors has a great lethality to market confidence. Heavyweights such as New China Life Insurance Company Ltd(601336) , China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) , Kweichow Moutai Co.Ltd(600519) strengthened in early trading, which significantly supported the Shanghai index. Near midday, the brokerage sector rose and the Shanghai index turned red.

In the afternoon, whether the market can stabilize depends on whether the securities sector can relay the rise of banks and insurance to drive market sentiment.

Investment suggestions:

Recently, the market sector rotates very fast. After a sharp rise, we should evacuate in time and switch to the next potential opportunity point. After new year’s day, A-shares continued to callback. It is suggested that the midline bargain hunting pay attention to technology stocks such as intelligent driving and chips with large growth space. In the short term, we can focus on four opportunities: state-owned assets reform, high annual growth, securities companies and oversold new shares.

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