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The first in China! Guangzhou Pazhou establishes algorithm Industry Alliance

On January 18, the first Council of Pazhou algorithm industry alliance was held in Pazhou Experimental Zone, and nearly 30 of the first batch of member units attended the meeting.

The Council voted to pass the articles of association of Pazhou algorithm industry alliance and elected the first director unit. Among them, Guangdong Provincial Laboratory of artificial intelligence and digital economy (Guangzhou) (hereinafter referred to as “Pazhou laboratory”) was elected as the chairman unit, baidu group, Shangtang technology, Iflytek Co.Ltd(002230) , National supercomputing Guangzhou center, Guangzhou Unicom, Pci Technology Group Co.Ltd(600728) group, vipshop Inspur Group, Ruisong intelligent technology, Venustech Group Inc(002439) , jingbangda supply chain technology and Guangdong Siasun Robot&Automation Co.Ltd(300024) association were elected as vice chairman units.

Pazhou algorithm industry alliance will be an important starting point for Haizhu District to build a national algorithm industry highland. In recent years, Haizhu District has accelerated the construction of Pazhou experimental area with the strength of the whole region, and focused on the three pillars of artificial intelligence: algorithm, computing power and quantity. In terms of algorithm, it has cooperated with head enterprises to build Pazhou algorithm Industrial Park; In terms of computing power, accelerate the layout of intelligent computing centers to provide key technical support for enterprise innovation and entrepreneurship; In terms of quantity, introduce and cultivate more enterprises that can precipitate resources and provide data services, and strive to carry out pilot data ownership, registration and transaction.

In 2021, Pazhou pilot zone achieved a main business income of 366.852 billion yuan and the number of enterprises has exceeded 32000, with a year-on-year increase of 23% and 13.5% respectively. Industrial segments such as artificial intelligence, big data and industrial Internet are booming, and more high-quality enterprises with algorithm computing capacity are accelerating to gather.

At the meeting, the participating units warmly discussed the work plan for the development of algorithm industry in Pazhou Experimental Zone in 2022, focusing on the breakthrough of algorithm technology, the landing of algorithm industry, the innovation of algorithm application, the cultivation of algorithm talents, the construction of algorithm Industrial Park, etc. the governing units have expressed that they will give full play to their seed projects, investment and financing The resource advantages in business scenarios help Haizhu District further improve the energy level of artificial intelligence industry and promote the agglomeration of high-quality project resources and innovation elements of more algorithm industries to Pazhou.

“Pazhou algorithm industry alliance is one of the few innovative cooperation organizations focusing on the professional field of algorithms in China. Its member units cover many fields such as artificial intelligence, chip, cloud computing, network security and high-performance computing. It will play an important role in promoting industrial technology exchange and cooperation and improving algorithm computing technology.” Academician Chen Junlong, deputy director of Pazhou laboratory, said that as the chairman unit, Pazhou laboratory will strengthen cooperation with member units, vigorously carry out basic algorithm theoretical research and core technology research, promote the implementation and transformation of technical research results in Pazhou, and provide key technical support for the development of algorithm industry.

Shi Wei, regional manager of smart government affairs division of Baidu group, said: “Baidu put forward the all in AI strategy in 2008 and actively engaged in the research and development of basic artificial intelligence technology. After 13 years of investment and accumulation, it has developed an enabling Center for the propeller industry integrating basic computing power, development tool set, application model set and talent training system. Pazhou has a good foundation in developing algorithm computing power, and Baidu will also carry the core technology and application experience of the propeller And landing ability to join Pazhou algorithm industry alliance, determined to give full play to the advantages of the alliance, strengthen technical exchanges and cooperation, and help Pazhou scientific and technological innovation and industrial digital upgrading. “

At present, Pazhou Management Committee is working with a number of new buildings / parks to speed up the construction of Pazhou algorithm industry pilot carrier, so as to provide more high-quality and preferential development space for enterprises coming to invest and settle down. “Haizhu District will study and issue policies to promote the development of the algorithm industry, especially in the subdivided fields such as algorithm software, integrated circuit design and application, chip agent, and put forward targeted support policies to attract high-quality enterprises to Pazhou for development.” The relevant person in charge of Pazhou Management Committee of Haizhu District said.

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