Digital cloud integration creates a "multiplier" for digital transformation


science and Technology Daily reporter Cui Shuang

"In the past two or three years, the influence of digital transformation has spread to the whole society. Digital technology is changing rapidly from generation to generation. People's understanding of data assets has also been further deepened. The desire to tap more value from enterprise data assets has driven most of the investment in digital technology we see so far." Li Gang, CTO of Digital China Group Co.Ltd(000034) group, said at the 4th annual Digital China Technology Conference held on May 20.

But at the same time, he admitted that although some leading enterprises have taken the lead in the depth and breadth of digital transformation, accumulated a lot of experience and accumulated a lot of capabilities, "when we talk about the relevant topics of digital transformation of a specific enterprise or industry with specific partners, more content is often difficulties, contradictions, confusion and even complaints."

He explained his observations. For Chinese enterprises that are exploring digital transformation, these difficulties include but are not limited to the synchronization of project investment cycle and team tenure assessment objectives, different positions within the organization, which makes it difficult to form a consensus, point innovation difficult to replicate and expand into sustainable business growth, lack of talents and experience, etc. "This is a vivid description of the phased characteristics of enterprise digital transformation: no one doubts the necessity and urgency of digital transformation, and there is a consensus on the general direction of transformation. All the confusion and complaints focus on the balance between the goal of transformation and the current business situation; further, the path problem." Li Gang said.

He took Tesla super factory as an example: in April this year, Tesla built the sixth super factory in the world and the largest super factory in the world in Austin, Texas. Musk said it was the most advanced automobile factory in history. At the ted2022 conference held in April this year, musk said that the biggest difficulty Tesla has encountered is not to realize the concept of battery power and automatic driving, nor to continuously improve the vehicle's endurance or automatic driving level, but to achieve large-scale delivery to meet an economic model that can be continuously expanded.

In the end, this huge challenge was broken through the super factory. "Essentially, Musk's innovative product this time is not an electric vehicle, but the latest version of Texas's new super factory, a 'machine that makes machines'. The super factory is one of the decisive steps for Tesla's success." Li Gang said that the reference for enterprise digital transformation is that enterprise digital transformation needs to form a platform similar to super factory, which is an innovation that makes innovation form a normalized business model, "Because digitization promotes the spot innovation scene, but the 'innovation' distributed by the spot is like the new function of Tesla Model, which can not ensure that enterprises establish a solid and long-term competitive advantage and cultivate the second growth curve of enterprises." He spoke bluntly.

"Specifically, the role of this platform is to digitize the business and digital business of enterprises, and 'turn the capacity of innovation' to quickly amplify the business impact of enterprise innovation and form real competitiveness." Li Gang said, "Digital transformation has two core technology areas. One is digital nativity, which refers to the technology that generates insight from data, guides the business by insight, and then forms data assets; the other is cloud nativity, which provides a ubiquitous ability to quickly digitize the business, realize agile deployment and rapid large-scale expansion. The enterprise's digital transformation platform is the platform for the integration of cloud nativity and digital nativity 。”

In his opinion, what is completely similar to the construction of musk super factory is the enterprise digital cloud integration platform. "Digital cloud integration with data as the core and value driven is the idea and methodology to explore the path of enterprise digital transformation. Based on this methodology, we can find the digital transformation path suitable for enterprises more quickly and effectively."

Li Gang further explained that the core of the digital cloud integration methodology is to build an innovation closed-loop superposition of value generated by data among enterprises, a platform to support the large-scale innovation ability and the accumulation of innovation achievements, and a digital transformation dual engine built by the closed-loop construction, which promotes and promotes each other. "By boosting the scale and normalization of digital value cycle capability and promoting the 'productivity' of point innovation, the digital cloud integration platform will become an important tool platform for digital technology teams and a multiplier driving the transformation of innovation to a normalized business model."

"Every enterprise has its most suitable path for digital transformation, and there will not be a generally suitable consistent path." Li Gang said, "the digital cloud integration technology system can empower enterprises with ubiquitous agility and integrated digital driving ability, so as to realize the business scenario Innovation of digital assets and business agility, so as to accelerate the digital transformation of enterprises."

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