Since the second quarter of the fund, the research heat has not decreased, and science and technology growth stocks have attracted the most attention



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Since the second quarter, the bottom of A-Shares has rebounded, the market style has changed rapidly, and hot topics have emerged one after another. As an important part of institutional investors in the A-share market, the research trends of fund companies deserve attention, which may affect the institutional positions of individual stocks in the long run.

According to the statistics of securities times · databao, since the second quarter, fund companies have investigated a total of 918 listed companies, of which 101 listed companies have been investigated by more than 50 fund companies, which is close to 129 in the first quarter, indicating that the research willingness of fund companies has improved and the possibility of building and changing positions has increased.

Fund companies have gathered to investigate individual stocks, and the overall performance has been good in the near future. Since April 27 (the low point of A-share stage), the individual stocks surveyed by more than 50 fund companies have increased by 21.47% on average, and the overall market has increased by 9.01% in the same period. 6 shares increased by more than 50% in total, including Hengdian Group Dmegc Magnetics Co.Ltd(002056) , Eternal Asia Supply Chain Management Ltd(002183) , Jiangxi Synergy Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(300636) , Qingdao Gaoce Technology Co.Ltd(688556) , Shanghai Anlogic Infotech Co.Ltd(688107) -u, Gotion High-Tech Co.Ltd(002074) .

In the research activities, the fund prefers to focus on growth stocks with excellent performance. Among the fund research stocks, 60 stocks achieved positive growth in net profit last year and the first quarter of this year, of which 23 stocks had a year-on-year increase of more than 100% in net profit in the first quarter, and xidiwei, Sinomine Resource Group Co.Ltd(002738) , Kelun electronics had a leading increase in net profit in the first quarter.

electronic and pharmaceutical industries attract the most attention

In terms of industries, the electronic industry has been favored by fund companies recently. About a quarter of the fund research stocks belong to the electronic industry, and more than 100 funds have been investigated by Goertek Inc(002241) , Unigroup Guoxin Microelectronics Co.Ltd(002049) , Luxshare Precision Industry Co.Ltd(002475) and Luxshare Precision Industry Co.Ltd(002475) . The pharmaceutical sector was also concerned by fund companies, and 17 shares were investigated by fund companies.

Compared with the first quarter, the industry distribution concerned by the fund company was more balanced. In addition to the increase in the proportion of individual stocks in the electronic industry, the heat of the mechanical equipment and computer industry with more individual stocks in the first quarter decreased in the second quarter, and the attention of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, automobile, food and beverage increased slightly.

By subject matter, fund companies pay high attention to the semiconductor industry, and 15 fund companies gather together to research stocks with the concept of semiconductor. In addition, digital economy, new infrastructure and biotechnology concept stocks were also investigated by fund companies, with 13, 9 and 9 stocks respectively.

Founder Securities Co.Ltd(601901) believes that the overall retreat of the semiconductor sector has been large since December last year, and the decline has accelerated after the Spring Festival. Under the two major trends of localization + electrification, semiconductor is still one of the sectors most favored by public funds, and the proportion of positions is further increased. Public funds will more choose the subdivision tracks with high prosperity, such as domestic materials, power semiconductors, etc.

fund pays close attention to technology growth stocks

According to the statistics of data treasure, 12 stocks have been investigated by more than 100 fund companies since the second quarter, and Goertek Inc(002241) received the largest number of investigations. A total of 130 fund companies were received in the two investigations. It is worth mentioning that, except for Goertek Inc(002241) , the second and third researchers are not hot sectors, namely Zhejiang Weixing Industrial Development Co.Ltd(002003) , Chacha Food Company Limited(002557) .

In terms of style, the individual stocks that the fund company focuses on are more growth stocks with scientific and technological attributes, including 7 stocks such as Goertek Inc(002241) , Shanghai Junshi Biosciences Co.Ltd(688180) -u, Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co.Ltd(300760) .

Huatai Securities Co.Ltd(601688) believes that based on the technical perspective, the current technology growth stocks are at the bottom of oversold and have layout opportunities. From the macro level, the science and technology cycle has a long-term driving force, and the strategic objectives of scientific and technological innovation provide policy support. Although the science and technology growth stocks have suffered a great decline since 2022, they still have good investment prospects.

Goertek Inc(002241) in the course of research, mainly answered questions related to performance and future development trend of VR. With regard to the reasons for the improvement of gross profit margin, the company said that in the fourth quarter of last year, in addition to the increasing proportion of complete machine business, the climbing process of some new TWS headphones also affected the gross profit margin.

Since the second quarter, investors have visited the company more than 5 times and been investigated frequently. Puyuan jingdian-u has been investigated the most times, receiving 20 investigations in total, with an average of one investigation in less than 3 days. Others include Zhejiang Weixing Industrial Development Co.Ltd(002003) , Zhejiang Weixing New Building Materials Co.Ltd(002372) , China Kings Resources Group Co.Ltd(603505) , China National Gold Group Gold Jewellery Co.Ltd(600916) more than 10 investigations.

During the recent investigation of Puyuan Jingdian, the organic organization asked about the company’s self-developed chips and new product plans for microwave and RF instruments. The company said that the research and development of microwave and RF instrument chips and devices had been started 2-3 years ago, and the streaming and verification of some core devices had been completed. The pre research of high-end new products of the new platform has been completed. The company expects to launch truly high-end spectrum / signal analyzer, vector network analyzer and microwave signal generator products with market competitiveness in recent years.

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