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On May 23, China’s four major securities media and important financial media essence summary of front page headlines

On Monday, May 23, the essence of the headlines of today’s newspapers and periodicals is as follows:

china Securities Journal

The opinions on promoting the implementation of the national cultural digitization strategy was printed and distributed to support the listing and financing of digital cultural enterprises with scientific and innovative attributes on the scientific and innovative board

Recently, the general office of the CPC Central Committee and the general office of the State Council issued the “opinions on promoting the implementation of the national cultural digitization strategy”. According to the opinions, accelerate the research and formulation of cultural digitization construction standards, improve the dynamic mechanism of cultural resource data sharing, study and formulate industrial policies to support cultural digitization construction, implement and improve financial support policies, arrange national scientific and technological innovation bases such as national technological innovation center and national key laboratories in the field of cultural digitization construction, and support digital cultural enterprises meeting the attributes of science and innovation to be listed and financed on the science and innovation board, Promote the construction of digital education platform and the integration of related disciplines.

23 measures taken by capital market to help enterprises rescue show the accuracy of temperature intensity

It is very difficult to deal with it. We should take scientific measures and extraordinary actions. The CSRC recently issued the notice on further giving play to the function of the capital market and supporting the recovery and development of regions and industries seriously affected by the epidemic, and put forward 23 policies and measures to support market players to tide over difficulties, maintain the stability of the capital market and promote the recovery and development of the real economy.

Infrastructure investment continues to increase, and new policies and tools are expected to be launched intensively

According to the data of the national development and Reform Commission, 38 fixed asset investment projects were approved in the first April of this year, with a total investment of 533.3 billion yuan. Infrastructure investment carries the banner of steady growth. Insiders pointed out that the follow-up efforts to stabilize growth will continue to increase, new policies and financing tools to promote infrastructure investment are expected to be launched, and the growth rate of infrastructure investment is expected to gradually pick up.

Shanghai Stock Exchange launched online pre voting service for shareholders’ meeting of listed companies

On May 22, the reporter learned from the Shanghai stock exchange that from now on, the exchange will open a voting column on the Shanghai e interactive platform and pilot launch the pre voting service for the general meeting of shareholders of listed companies, aiming to further improve the participation of small and medium-sized investors and the transparency and authenticity of the voting at the general meeting of shareholders. Industry insiders believe that this service is conducive to better play the role of the voting mechanism of minority shareholders, and improve the convenience and voting experience of minority shareholders

Shanghai Securities News

The China office and the State Office issued a document to promote the implementation of the national cultural digitization strategy and support the listing and financing of digital cultural enterprises in line with the attributes of science and innovation on the science and innovation board

The general office of the CPC Central Committee and the general office of the State Council recently issued the “opinions on promoting the implementation of the national cultural digitization strategy”. It is proposed to support digital cultural enterprises that meet the attributes of science and innovation to be listed and financed on the science and innovation board. We will explore the establishment of a data value evaluation system for cultural resources, and improve financing channels that match capital needs and deadlines.

Within one month, the high-level has deployed “stable employment” for many times, and a package of employment promotion policies have been introduced one after another

Since May, from the executive meeting of the State Council to relevant symposiums, the senior management has made a series of arrangements, releasing a strong signal to strengthen the study and judgment of the employment situation and stabilize the basic employment market. According to the reporter, since this year, relevant departments have introduced a series of innovative policies and measures to stabilize employment. The focus of future policies will include measures such as accelerating the release of job stabilization funds, developing jobs through multiple channels, and reducing and delaying taxes for enterprises.

Leveraging the capital market to become bigger and stronger, the spin off lineup of enterprises is growing

According to the reporter’s incomplete statistics, since this year, 13 state-owned enterprises have disclosed the spin off matters and the latest progress, and some subsidiaries to be spun off have been in the state of “registration and effectiveness”, “submission for registration” and “inquiry”. If the time is pushed to 2020, nearly 40 A-share state-owned enterprises will be split (excluding the split to the Hong Kong stock exchange or overseas, and has been terminated), and 9 have successfully submitted their papers.

In the first week after the implementation of the new regulations, the operation was stable, and the development of Shenzhen bond market entered a new stage

On May 16, the bond trading rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and three supporting guidelines were officially implemented, and the supporting trading system was launched simultaneously. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange fully realized the “separation of shares and bonds” of the bond trading rules and system, and the development of Shenzhen bond market entered a new stage. In the first week of the implementation of the new regulations, the trading system has handled 21300 bond cash bond declarations and 7184600 general pledge repo declarations, reaching 44.081 billion yuan of cash bond transactions and 859777 billion yuan of repo transactions

Securities Times

The central government will issue 10 billion more subsidies to farmers who actually grow grain

On May 22, the Ministry of Finance announced that recently, according to the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and taking into account the price trend of agricultural materials market and the situation of agricultural production, the central government issued a fund of 10 billion yuan to provide one-time agricultural materials subsidies to farmers who actually grow grain again, support summer harvest and autumn sowing production, alleviate the impact of increasing expenditure on growing grain caused by the rise of agricultural materials prices, and further mobilize farmers’ enthusiasm for growing grain.

The traditional return investment model is unsustainable, and the government guides the fund to solve the dilemma

As an important force in the limited partner (LP) market, the government guided the fund to favor influential equity investment institutions, but the conditions offered were not attractive to well-known equity investment institutions; Small and medium-sized equity investment institutions that encounter fund-raising difficulties expect to get the funds from the government guided fund, but worry about not completing the return investment index. In the face of this increasingly prominent contradiction, in recent years, some governments have guided funds to try to change the traditional return investment mode, no longer require the fund to land, reduce the return investment proportion from about twice to 1.5 times, 1.1 times or even 1 times, and flexibly identify the return investment scope.

Deregulation of purchase restrictions needs to be handled steadily. “Housing without speculation” is still a solid bottom line

Recently, all localities have improved their real estate policies according to the actual situation and cancelled the house purchase restriction policies implemented for many years. At the same time, it shows that there is still a “balance” between the government and the local property market, and individual property speculators should be careful to prevent the government from loosening the policy. It can be expected that the local deregulation and purchase restriction policy will be carried out under the premise of “housing without speculation”, and the local policy progress will not be in place in one step.

The implementation of the new regulations on bond trading of Shenzhen Stock Exchange operated smoothly in the first week

Recently, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange bond trading rules and three supporting guidelines were officially implemented, and the supporting trading system was launched simultaneously. In the first week of the implementation of the new regulations, the old and new systems were successfully switched, and the settlement of various bond transactions was carried out normally and orderly. According to the data, in the first week of the implementation of the new regulations, the trading system has handled 21300 bond cash bond declarations and 7184600 general pledge repo declarations, reaching 44.081 billion yuan of cash bond transactions and 859777 billion yuan of repo transactions

Securities Daily

During the month, 45 companies announced fixed growth plans and planned to raise more than 70 billion yuan

Private placement is an important way to help the development of listed companies.

Data show that since May, as of May 22, 45 A-share listed companies have issued plans for non-public offering of shares, and the total amount of funds to be raised exceeds 70 billion yuan. Among them, 15 listed companies plan to raise more than 1 billion yuan, and Power Construction Corporation Of China Ltd(Powerchina Ltd)(601669) , China Eastern Airlines plan to raise the largest amount of funds, both of which are 15 billion yuan.

39 preferential tax policies “precision drip irrigation” help small and micro enterprises move forward steadily

On May 21, the State Administration of Taxation updated and issued four guidelines on preferential tax policies. Among them, the guidelines on preferential tax policies for small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households sorted out and formed the tax rebate of value-added tax at the end of the period for small and micro enterprises, the exemption of value-added tax from small loan interest income from financial institutions to small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households from value-added tax from three aspects: reducing burden, promoting financing and helping entrepreneurship 39 preferential tax policies for small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, including entrepreneurship tax deduction for key groups.

During the year, the scale of direct financing in the capital market exceeded 8.2 trillion yuan, and multiple regulatory measures were taken to support enterprises in fighting the epidemic

Expanding direct financing is an important means to support areas and industries seriously affected by the epidemic to tide over difficulties and resume development. According to data statistics, since the beginning of this year, as of May 22, the amount of financing and refinancing in the A-share market has reached 640257 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.64%, and the bond financing scale of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange has reached 7596138 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.16%, of which 7 epidemic prevention and control bonds have raised a total of 2.508 billion yuan. Overall, during the year, the scale of direct financing in the capital market exceeded 8.2 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of about 12%.

Regional equity market innovation and development “exploration”: small markets contain great energy and accurately enable the development of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises

The reporter interviewed relevant persons in charge of multi regional equity markets and learned that the pilot of regional equity market innovation has been continuously promoted, and the pilot of equity investment and venture capital share transfer and blockchain construction have achieved remarkable results; Set up a “specialized and special new” special board, and the market continues to expand; There are more and more enterprises listed on the transfer board, and the cooperation and connection with the national capital market will be further unblocked

people’s daily

The development trend of high quality is obvious. Looking at the highlights of economic development from the annual reports of listed companies

In 2021, listed companies in China handed over a good report card – according to the data released by the CSRC, listed companies achieved a total operating income of 66.3 trillion yuan and a net profit of 5.1 trillion yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 19.3% and 19.8% respectively, which strongly supported the good start of China’s economy in the 14th five year plan

first finance

It is not only the property market that has benefited from the higher than expected reduction of loan interest rate

Last Friday, the price of LPR (quoted interest rate in the loan market) with a term of more than 5 years was lowered more than expected. What was the impact on the market? This move is regarded by the market as a separate “small stove” for the real estate market by the central bank. In this regard, there is a market view that when the LPR over five years is reduced, the cost of stock mortgage loans is also reduced, which will help to reduce the mortgage repayment burden of stock home buyers and boost consumer demand; In addition, homeowners may therefore reduce their motivation to repay the loan in advance and improve their willingness to hold shares, especially those with a dividend rate of more than 5%.

The violent rise of RMB nearly 1000 points and the reversal of trading sentiment?

Risk sentiment has returned over the past week. With the easing of the rise of the US dollar index, the onshore RMB soared nearly 1000 points against the US dollar on Friday. The Central Bank of China cut the five-year LPR (loan quotation interest rate) by 15 basis points more than expected, which further stimulated the sharp rise of Chinese assets such as a shares, Hong Kong stocks and exchange rate. As of 16:30 on May 20, the onshore RMB closed at 6.6740 against the US dollar, up 938 basis points from the previous trading day and 1090 basis points during the week

economic reference

Sprint for steady growth in the second quarter and accelerate the development of transportation infrastructure investment

The reporter learned from the Ministry of transport that recently, the Ministry of transport issued the work plan on Solidly Promoting the implementation of major transportation projects in the 14th five year plan, which proposed to carry out transportation infrastructure investment moderately in advance. During the 14th Five Year Plan period, it focused on promoting 11 major transportation project packages, so as to make a positive contribution to maintaining economic operation within a reasonable range and maintaining social stability.

The first mortgage interest rate of many banks has been lowered to stabilize expectations and reduce costs. There is still room for downward mortgage interest rates

Industry insiders said that the decline in interest rates is conducive to reducing the purchase cost of rigid demand and improved demand. Combined with the cancellation of housing and loan recognition policies in some cities in the early stage, the transactions in the real estate market are expected to be further improved. Looking forward to the future, to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate industry, we should further strengthen the support for the reasonable housing needs of buyers and the reasonable financing needs of enterprises, and do a good job in risk control.

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