China Mobile: Li Pizheng has been appointed as the executive director of the company

China Mobile (SH 600941, closing price: 66.39 yuan) announced on May 18 that the board of directors of the company announced that Dr. Zheng Muzhi resigned as the independent non-executive director, member of the audit committee, member of the nomination committee and chairman of the Remuneration Committee of the company; Mr. Zhou Wenyao resigned as an independent non-executive director, member of the audit committee, chairman of the nomination committee and member of the Remuneration Committee. After resignation, Dr. Zheng Muzhi and Mr. Zhou Wenyao no longer hold any position in the company.

Upon the proposal of the nomination committee of the company and the deliberation and approval of the board of directors, Mr. Li Pizheng has been appointed as the executive director of the company, and Mr. Li Jiashi and Ms. Liang gaomeiyi have been appointed as independent non-executive directors, members of the audit committee, members of the nomination committee and members of the Remuneration Committee of the company, all of which will take effect from May 18, 2022.

Based on the work arrangement of the special committee of the board of directors, after the deliberation and approval of the board of directors, Mr. Yao Jianhua, the independent non-executive director of the company, has been appointed as the chairman of the Remuneration Committee of the company, effective from May 18, 2022. Dr. Yang Qiang, the independent non-executive director of the company, has been appointed as the chairman of the nomination committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee of the company with effect from May 18, 2022.

From January to December 2021, China Mobile’s operating revenue composition is as follows: wireless Internet service accounts for 46.31%, application and information service accounts for 16.15%, other services account for 11.42%, wired broadband service accounts for 11.11% and voice service accounts for 8.98%.

The chairman of China Mobile is Yang Jie, male, 60 years old, with a doctorate background.

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