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Stocks and funds are hot again! The 3000 point defense war started, and the securities companies pulled China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) plummeted

Today, A-Shares reappeared and adjusted, starting the 3000 point defense war.

Just after the weekend, I came back and found that a shares, stock markets and funds were searched together. It was really rare. A shares generally fell, and all sectors were basically not spared. The Shanghai stock index hit Shenzhen Riland Industry Group Co.Ltd(300154) at the lowest in the morning. Fortunately, it was saved in the morning.

First put a picture to see what green looks like.

The major indexes opened sharply lower, reaching a new low in this round of adjustment. At the end of the morning, the main indexes basically fell by more than 2%, the Shanghai Composite Index fell by 2.42% to close at 301218 points, the Shenzhen composite index fell by 2.87%, the gem index fell by 2.57%, and the Kechuang 50 index fell by 2.77%. The turnover of the two cities was 511.2 billion yuan, 4387 individual stocks fell and 374 stocks rose.

however, it is worth noting that the brokerage sector rose rapidly and turned red for a time, indicating that funds were entering

The main index of A-Shares has been falling continuously since this year. Growth stocks represented by the gem and the sci-tech innovation board were particularly fierce.

Important heavyweights were dismal Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) first quarter report was suddenly delayed, plummeted by more than 4%, the former president of China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) was investigated, plummeted by another 6.42%, the performance of New China Life Insurance Company Ltd(601336) first quarter with a market value of 100 billion was reduced by the limit, and the performance of Yao Mao Hengrui fell by the limit in the session. Longji, Sany Heavy Industry Co.Ltd(600031) , Ping An Bank Co.Ltd(000001) , China Merchants Securities Co.Ltd(600999) and others also fell sharply.

Northbound funds are also selling all the way, with a net sales of 4.7 billion yuan in the morning.

For the sudden Black Monday this morning, some market participants said that the epidemic spread everywhere, the devaluation of the RMB exchange rate, the centralized disclosure of performance “thunder”, the turbulence of peripheral markets and many other factors were mixed, or it was an important reason for the sharp decline of a shares.

The three hot words of A-share, stock market and fund have rarely appeared on the hot search together.

Some netizens said they didn’t expect to fall like this on Monday.

the former president was found that the stock price plummeted, and China Merchants Bank responded urgently: the stock price fluctuated very anxiously

After a sharp dive last week, this morning, the share price of Mao China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) bank with a market value of trillion collapsed again, the A shares of China Merchants Bank plummeted, and the H shares fell by more than 10% at one time. Even if it falls sharply again today, the market value of China Merchants Bank is still trillion.

China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) former president Tian Huiyu was dismissed. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced on Friday that Tian Huiyu was suspected of serious violation of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission.

According to 21 finance today’s report, in response to investors’ questions about share prices, China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) executive vice president (presiding over the work) Wang Liang said that China Merchants Bank’s share price fluctuated and fell last week. We are very anxious and have in-depth communication with investors.

The average compound growth rate of revenue of China Merchants Bank since its listing was 19.99%. We are not only full of confidence in the future of China Merchants Bank, but also because China Merchants Bank has laid a stronger foundation for development, including business foundation, customer foundation and management foundation, which can support a longer-term development. Wang Liang said that China Merchants Bank has built a balance sheet known as a fortress by analysts, which is safer, more stable and long-term, and worthy of investors’ confidence, including profitability, income structure, capital adequacy ratio, liquidity coverage and risk recovery ability. CMB data is very safe and reassures investors.

the first quarterly report of trillion “ningwang” was delayed, plummeting by more than 4%, reaching an adjusted low

After the postponement of the announcement of the first quarterly report, this morning, the trillion “ningwang”, which has been the first heavy position stock of the fund, plummeted by more than 4% in Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) share price, falling below 400 yuan, falling all the way down from 692 yuan at the end of last year, reaching a new low, which also collapsed the gem index.

On the evening of the 24th, the first brother of gem Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) suddenly announced that the disclosure of the first quarterly report was delayed, but it should be noted that it was delayed for two days without much delay.

According to the announcement, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.Limited(300750) was originally scheduled to disclose the first quarter report of 2022 on April 28. Based on the principle of prudence, in order to ensure the quality of the preparation of the first quarter report of 2022 and the accuracy of information disclosure, the disclosure time of the first quarter report of 2022 is postponed to April 30.

New China Life Insurance Company Ltd(601336) performance pre reduction, brokerage downgrade: stock price limit

Yesterday, New China Life Insurance Company Ltd(601336) released the announcement of pre reduction of performance in the first quarter of 2022. It is expected that the net profit attributable to the parent company in the first quarter will be 1.261-1.892 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 70% – 80%, which is significantly lower than the market expectation.

At the opening of trading this morning, New China Life Insurance Company Ltd(601336) shares opened sharply lower and went all the way to the limit.

More securities companies directly downgraded. According to a research report released by Credit Suisse, New China Life Insurance Company Ltd(601336) (1336. HK) issued a profit warning a few days ago. It is expected that the net profit after tax in the first quarter of this year will fall by about 70% to 80% year-on-year, lower than market expectations.

The bank said that due to the weakness of the stock market during the period, Chinese peers are expected to face similar profit pressure, but the severity is low. Among them, Ping An (2318. HK) expects its operating profit to continue to grow, but its after tax net profit is expected to decline China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) (2601. HK) expects net profit to fall by more than 30% year-on-year; PICC Property and casualty insurance is estimated to have a decline of medium units.

Credit Suisse estimates that the new business value of New China Life Insurance Company Ltd(601336) in the first quarter will decline by more than 40% year-on-year, but it is expected that the situation may improve in the second quarter due to the base effect New China Life Insurance Company Ltd(601336) the current president will leave office in the middle of this year. Credit Suisse believes that it will bring uncertainty to the operation. It is expected that Xinhua’s core solvency ratio will decline significantly in the second phase of Solvency II, but it can still be at the level of more than 100%.

Based on the earnings report, Credit Suisse lowered the company’s earnings per share forecast from 2022 to 2023 by 21% and 3%, and cut the valuation expectation. The target price was lowered from HK $26 to HK $23.5, and the rating was reduced from outperforming to neutral.

200 billion yaomao’s performance fell and went straight to the limit

Before opening today, Yao Mao Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co.Ltd(600276) , which has a market value of more than 200 billion yuan, also went straight to the limit after the performance decline report was released. It closed close to the limit in the morning, with a market value of 189.5 billion yuan. Hengrui sales laid off 4000 people, and Hillhouse capital withdrew from the top ten.

Yesterday, Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co.Ltd(600276) released its first quarterly report and annual report. In the first quarter of 2022, the net profit was 1.237 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 17.35%.

In 2021, the company achieved a revenue of 25.906 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 6.59%; The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 4.53 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 28.41%. The basic earnings per share is 0.71 yuan. The company plans to pay a cash dividend of 1.60 yuan (including tax) for every 10 shares.

In addition, under the pressure of generic drug sales, the R & D investment of Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co.Ltd(600276) r & D was RMB 6.203 billion, which greatly exceeded the total net profit in 2021.

Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co.Ltd(600276) pointed out that in order to further reduce the sales operation cost, the number of sales personnel was optimized from 17138 at the beginning of the year to 13208.

Red Star capital Bureau noted that since the fourth quarter of 2021, Hillhouse Capital Management Co., Ltd. – HCM China fund has withdrawn from the list of Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co.Ltd(600276) top ten shareholders. In this regard, on April 24, the Red Star capital Bureau dialed Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co.Ltd(600276) Secretary of the board of directors, but no one was connected as of the time of publication; Then he sent interview questions to Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co.Ltd(600276) public email, and there was no reply as of press time.

nonferrous metals, military industry, steel, semiconductor and other sectors fell sharply

In the morning, the traditional nonferrous metals, iron and steel, coal, military industry and semiconductor sectors fell significantly. The securities companies rallied, and the securities companies rallied for a time.

national development and Reform Commission: actively expand effective investment

In the morning, the market fell sharply. The national development and Reform Commission issued a document to actively expand effective investment and promote steady and healthy economic development.

On April 25, the national development and Reform Commission issued an article “actively expand effective investment and promote steady and healthy economic development”. The article said that actively expanding effective investment is the focus of current macro policies, which is not only conducive to expanding current demand and coping with the downward pressure of the economy, but also conducive to optimizing the supply structure and promoting high-quality development. In the next step, we will earnestly implement the spirit of the central economic work conference, actively respond to the impact of changes in China’s external environment in accordance with the deployment requirements of the government work report, work with relevant parties to further strengthen the work of stabilizing investment, give full play to the guiding and driving role of government investment, better mobilize the enthusiasm of social investment, actively expand effective investment and promote the steady growth of investment, And make positive contributions to the steady and healthy development of the national economy.

The following is the full text:

Since the beginning of this year, the national development and Reform Commission has resolutely implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, worked with relevant parties to do a solid job in stabilizing investment, actively expanded effective investment and promoted the steady growth of investment. From the situation in the first quarter, the national investment increased by 9.3%, 4.4 percentage points higher than that in 2021, achieved a good start, achieved positive results in stabilizing investment, and made important contributions to the stable start of the national economy.

First, the investment market has expanded steadily. Infrastructure investment maintained rapid growth, with an increase of 8.5% in the first quarter, 0.4 percentage points higher than that from January to February, showing an upward trend month by month. Manufacturing investment continued the momentum of rapid recovery since last year, with an increase of 15.6% in the first quarter, 6.3 percentage points higher than the total investment, becoming an important driving force for investment growth. Real estate investment maintained positive growth.

Second, the investment structure has been continuously optimized. The investment in high-tech field continued to grow at a high speed, and the overall investment in high-tech industry increased by 27%, of which the high-tech manufacturing industry increased by 32.7%. Investment in the social sector grew rapidly, with a year-on-year increase of 16.2% in the first quarter, including 24.9% in health and social work and 17.2% in education.

Third, investment vitality has been enhanced. Private investment remained dynamic. In the first quarter, private investment increased by 8.4%, which was further higher than that of last year. Among them, private investment in manufacturing increased by 24.8%, especially in high-tech manufacturing, which played a major driving role. The government’s early investment has an obvious driving effect, and the actual funds in place have a rapid growth in China’s budget funds.

Fourth, the leading indicators of investment are improving. The number of new projects started in the first quarter increased by 12000 compared with the same period last year, and the planned total investment of new projects increased by 54.9%. The scale of this year’s special bonds is 3.65 trillion yuan, and the amount for project construction has been issued. With about 1.2 trillion yuan issued in the fourth quarter of last year, the project fund is sufficient. As all localities increase efforts to promote the commencement of project construction, it is expected to accelerate the formation of physical workload, which will form a strong support for the stable growth of investment.

Actively expanding effective investment is the focus of current macro policies, which is not only conducive to expanding current demand and coping with the downward pressure of the economy, but also conducive to optimizing the supply structure and promoting high-quality development. Since the beginning of this year, in accordance with the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the national development and Reform Commission, together with relevant parties, has grasped the correct direction of work, made great efforts to break through the constraints of blocking points, paid attention to giving full play to the joint efforts of all parties, and effectively and orderly promoted the work of stabilizing investment.

First, adhere to the accurate and effective investment orientation, and resolutely do not engage in “flood irrigation”. Since the beginning of this year, together with relevant departments and local governments, we have adhered to the combination of short board, strong and weak items, forged long board and increased aftereffect, moderately advanced infrastructure investment, actively promoted the construction of infrastructure such as water conservancy, transportation and energy, and strengthened the construction of new infrastructure; Enhance the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, promote the tackling of key core technologies, and implement the transformation of energy conservation and carbon reduction in key industries; We will strengthen the construction of complementary boards in the social field, ecological and environmental protection, and urban infrastructure. To actively expand effective investment is not to blindly pave stalls and launch projects, nor to engage in strong stimulation like “flood irrigation” through the implementation of large-scale infrastructure investment plans, but to focus on key areas and weak links of economic and social development, and accurately and orderly implement a number of investment projects that are beneficial to both the present and the long term.

Second, adhere to early deployment and early action, and do a solid job in the preliminary work of the project. The preliminary work of the project is an important prerequisite for the commencement of the project. Since this year, we have taken the initiative to guide local governments to strengthen project research and demonstration around the objectives and tasks of the 14th five year plan and major national strategies, do a good job in project reserve with high quality, and form a virtuous circle of “reserve a batch, start a batch, build a batch and complete a batch”. At the same time, guide and urge local governments to speed up the implementation of various approval procedures for the project, do a solid job in the preliminary work of the project, supervise and urge the preparation before the commencement of land acquisition, demolition, municipal supporting facilities, etc., coordinate and ensure the supply of labor and raw materials, and promote the commencement and smooth implementation of the project as soon as possible.

Third, adhere to the key points and focus on promoting the construction of 102 major projects in the 14th five year plan. The implementation of major engineering projects is a major measure to actively expand effective investment. In the previous stage, we actively carried out work with relevant parties, solidly promoted the implementation of 102 major projects in the 14th five year plan, and gave full play to the leading role of 102 major projects. Establish a joint inter ministerial meeting system to promote the implementation of 102 major projects in the 14th five year plan, and hold a meeting to make comprehensive arrangements for the implementation of the project. Clarify the leading department, compaction department and local responsibilities of 102 major projects. Establish and improve the project promotion mechanism, strengthen daily scheduling supervision, and promote the implementation of major engineering projects as soon as possible. From the actual effect, the implementation of 102 major projects is progressing smoothly and has achieved a good start.

Fourth, adhere to focusing on the main contradictions and do a good job in the guarantee of project capital elements. The guarantee of capital elements is an important factor restricting the implementation of the project. In accordance with the principle of “funds follow the project”, we should make good use of government investment and give full play to the guiding and driving role of government investment. Focus on the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the key tasks of the 14th five year plan, concentrate on major, difficult and urgent matters, and make good use of the investment in the central budget. Work with the financial department to speed up the issuance and use of local government special bonds, urge all localities to strengthen the promotion of project construction, and effectively speed up the construction of special bond projects and the use of funds. In accordance with the requirements of “elements follow the project”, work with the natural resources department to ensure the land use of national major projects, and orderly implement the separate list of energy consumption for qualified major projects.

Fifth, we should give full play to the main role of the market and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of social investment. Compared with the fixed asset investment scale of the whole society of more than 50 trillion yuan a year, the amount of government investment is very limited, and social investment accounts for the majority, which is the main force of investment.

We will actively take effective measures to give better play to the guiding and leveraging role of government investment, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of social investment and drive the growth of social investment. We will continue to promote the reform of “decentralization, management and service” in the field of investment and improve the level of investment facilitation. Take multiple measures to support the steady growth of manufacturing investment and promote financial institutions to increase medium and long-term loan support for manufacturing. Actively do a good job in the docking of investment and financing cooperation of social capital, give full play to the role of long-term mechanism for promoting projects to private capital, and strengthen the guarantee of project financing. Promote the healthy development of real estate investment trusts (REITs) in the field of infrastructure, revitalize stock assets and form a virtuous circle of investment. Standardize and promote government social capital cooperation (PPP).

Sixth, adhere to the risk awareness and promote the project construction in an orderly manner in accordance with the law and regulations. To promote project construction, we must put risk prevention in a prominent and important position. We guide all localities to promote project construction according to law and regulations in accordance with the principle of doing their best and acting according to their ability, and effectively prevent potential risks of investment projects. Further strengthen the management of government investment projects, guide local governments to strictly implement the approval procedures of government investment projects, and prevent “construction before approval” and “approval while construction”. Supervise and urge local governments to strictly review and check the implementation of project financing and other construction conditions to prevent illegal borrowing. Guide the project units to strengthen risk prevention and control in the fields of social stability, ecological environment, project quality and safety of construction projects.

In the next step, we will earnestly implement the spirit of the central economic work conference, actively respond to the impact of changes in China’s external environment in accordance with the deployment requirements of the government work report, work with relevant parties to further strengthen the work of stabilizing investment, give full play to the guiding and leading role of government investment, better mobilize the enthusiasm of social investment, actively expand effective investment and promote the steady growth of investment, And make positive contributions to the steady and healthy development of the national economy.

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