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“Cold resources” leveraging “hot industry” Hubei ice and snow industry development welcomes opportunities

In less than a month, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games will officially open. In recent years, the ice and snow industry in Hubei has developed rapidly, “cold resources” are leveraging the “hot industry”.

Hubei enterprises layout “ice and snow” track

During New Year’s day this year, Shennongjia international ski resort, located in Shennongjia forest area, Hubei Province, carried out single and double board skiing and colorful snow entertainment projects. It received 15000 tourists in three days, with an income of more than 3 million yuan.

The Shennongjia international ski resort under etci has 4 ski resorts and 2 ice and snow parks, which is the largest ski resort cluster in Central China.

It is understood that Shennongjia is the first place to build ski resorts in southern China and has the best ski resources south of the Yellow River. It is an important support for the national strategy of “snow in the north, snow in the South and expansion in the West and East” of ice and snow sports. It is also an effort practitioner of the national vision of “driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports”.

Last April, etci and Hubei Shennongjia Forest Region held a signing ceremony for the cooperative development of Shennongjia ice and snow industry in Wuhan. According to the content of the agreement, e-tourism Investment Group invested 6 billion yuan to comprehensively build, upgrade and upgrade the ice and snow themed resort town of Guizhuyuan, Songluo Township, Shennongjia forest area and phase III of Shennongjia international ski resort. Build Guizhu garden into an ice and snow resort themed town integrating international high-level snow field, ice and snow town and Canyon Scenic Spot; The three-phase reconstruction and expansion of Shennongjia international ski resort will make the function more perfect, meet the new needs of the tourism market, continuously improve the regional tourism competitiveness and drive the overall development of the regional economy.

\u3000\u3000 In the first phase of Guizhuyuan project, it is planned to build 15 snow tracks under mechanical pressure and several snow tracks between forests, with a total length of 11.2km, a snow surface area of about 430000 square meters, and 7 cable cars and cableways. The project will promote the balanced development of the whole forest tourism strategy, balance the industrial layout of Shennongjia, and play a positive role in driving the development of the tourism industry in the east of Shennongjia. It is expected to increase direct employment posts About 600 people, and indirectly promote the expansion of employment in catering, accommodation and other industries. ” Yuan Fanglin, chairman of Hubei etci Shennongjia Tourism Development Co., Ltd., said in an interview with Securities Daily.

Another ski resort owned by e-lvtou is Jiugong Mountain, Tongshan County, Xianning City, Hubei Province. Jiugong Mountain Ski Resort covers an area of about 60000 square meters, with an altitude of 1559 meters. The venue has one primary and intermediate snow track and one practice track, which can accommodate 3000 people to play at the same time.

“Jiugong Mountain Ski Resort was officially opened on December 30, 2021. Since its opening, Jiugong Mountain scenic spot has received nearly 5000 tourists a day.” Wang Zhong, chairman of Hubei e-tourism investment Xianning Investment Group Co., Ltd., told reporters.

In addition to outdoor ski resorts, indoor ski resorts are also regarded as a good layout direction by Hubei enterprises. At present, there is no real indoor ski resort in Wuhan, and this business opportunity has been selected by Wushang group. The main structure of Wuhan dream Times Square project, a giant commercial complex with the largest single building area in Central China built by Wushang group, was capped on November 9, 2020. The project is scheduled to be completed and delivered in 2022. At that time, citizens can experience indoor skiing and other special games here.

Hubei listed enterprise Wuhan Sante Cableway Group Co.Ltd(002159) is also preparing for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Yanqing alpine skiing field of Beijing Winter Olympic Games is located in xiaohaituo mountain area in the northwest of Yanqing. It is composed of Seven Snow trails with a maximum vertical drop of 900 meters. There are 11 Cableways in the competition area. The Wuhan Sante Cableway Group Co.Ltd(002159) team is responsible for three of them, F, H1 and H2. The f cable is a 6-person chair hanging cableway, with 46 slings, a height difference of 560.3m and an inclined length of 1936.16m. It is the longest cableway in the Winter Olympic field and the largest number of supports.

The three Cableways managed by the Wuhan Sante Cableway Group Co.Ltd(002159) team are located in high altitude and severe cold areas, with a minimum temperature of more than minus 30 degrees, which has brought a great test to the daily operation and maintenance of cableways. Since November 2021, Yanqing stadium has experienced many bad weather. All members of the three special support team have resisted wind, snow and cold, fully carried forward the three special spirit, high standards and strict requirements, carried out multi-level and all-round inspection and maintenance of cableway equipment, and completed various work tasks safely, efficiently, with quality and quantity.

Meng Lilian, chief expert of Sichuan Tianfu Health Industry Research Institute, said in an interview with Securities Daily that the Winter Olympics has aroused people’s enthusiasm for ice and snow sports and is indeed an important opportunity for China to develop the ice and snow industry. We should seize this important opportunity to take ice and snow sports as an important part of national fitness. Where conditions permit, we can also take ice and snow sports tourism as an important fulcrum of international consumption center, strengthen ice and snow sports infrastructure, enrich ice and snow sports products and services, form ice and snow sports culture with bright characteristics, and promote the sustainable development of ice and snow sports.

Hubei enterprises have arranged behind the ice and snow industry, which is an epitome of the development of ice and snow industry in Hubei Province in recent years.

On December 19, 2021, the launching ceremony of the 8th National Public ice and snow season was held in Hubei. This ice and snow season goes hand in hand with the Beijing Winter Olympics. It is a grand ice and snow event for the whole country to warm up and share for the Beijing Winter Olympics. The launching ceremony in Hubei is due to the rapid progress, high enthusiasm and great location advantages of snow and ice sports in Hubei in recent years. The emerging snow and ice tourism industry is becoming a new highlight of local economic and social development.

In recent years, Hubei provincial Party committee and government have attached great importance to the development of ice and snow sports and actively promoted the popularization and development of ice and snow sports around “driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow activities”. At the same time, increase the support for the construction of ice and snow facilities, improve the hardware conditions and improve the software level.

According to statistics, there are 26 ice and snow venues in Hubei, including 10 ice rinks, 16 snow rinks and 4 ice rinks under construction. Every year, about 2.6 million people in the province directly participate in ice and snow sports and 5.7 million people indirectly participate in ice and snow sports.

ice and snow industry drives local economic development

In 2004, Shennongjia built the first local ski resort – Shennongjia international ski resort. From the first snow season, there were only 3000 tourists to an average of 150000 tourists in 2020. In 2018, Shennongjia Forest Region officially withdrew from the list of national poverty-stricken counties. The forest region removed the “poverty hat” worn for decades, and is in a new development stage of consolidating and expanding the achievements in poverty alleviation, comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating the construction of beautiful villages.

Lvcongpo ski resort is located in lvcongpo Town, Badong County, Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Province. In December 2019, lvcongpo ski resort was officially opened. More than 20 farmhouses and guest houses were opened in the town, and more than 60 vegetable greenhouses were built. Many people who worked outside returned home to start businesses. Since the operation of the ski resort, the direct tourism income has been more than 20 million yuan, driving the comprehensive income of the whole town to nearly 100 million yuan; It has driven more than 300 people around to find employment, with a per capita monthly income of more than 4000 yuan.

In an interview with Securities Daily, Zhou Mingqi, founder of Jingjian think tank, said that the approaching winter Olympics has driven more and more ice and snow projects and industries. In recent years, many snow and ice projects have been built everywhere. Whether outdoor or indoor, the development of snow and ice projects in China is in full swing, and snow and ice towns have driven the local economy. However, we should also see that there are some hidden worries. The distribution of snow and ice projects in China is unbalanced and unreasonable. Some snow farms with unnatural snow have high cost and short business hours. How to balance input and output is a problem. Therefore, the preliminary planning of large investment projects is extremely important, including business model design, accurate customer group positioning, competitive product benchmarking, rich product system design, reasonable business scale and rigorous economic calculation and analysis, so as to avoid huge losses caused by blind investment.

As far as the development of China’s ice and snow industry is concerned, there are still a lot of restrictions on the import of high-tech equipment, especially on the whole ice and snow industry. Zhou Mingban said that there are still a lot of restrictions on the development of China’s ice and snow industry. This is a field with huge market potential, which has great development space for Chinese enterprises.

(source: Securities Daily)

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