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Eight charts per day overview of a shares: the characteristics of stock game are still the same! How do A-Shares go next week? Real estate stocks are still “sweet pastry”?

Today (April 8), the A-share bottomed out and rebounded in the morning. In the afternoon, the Shanghai index further rose, then gradually fell back and maintained shock consolidation, while the Shenzhen Composite Index and gem index were relatively weak.

As of the close of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets all day, the Shanghai index rose 0.47% to 325185 points; The Shenzhen composite index fell 0.11% to 1195927; The gem index fell 0.33% to 256991.

From the disk point of view, the industry and concept sectors fell more or rose less, and the local profit-making effect is general. In terms of industries, fertilizer, precious metals, engineering construction, cement and building materials, real estate, steel, tourism and hotels, chemical raw materials, securities and other industries led the increase; In terms of theme stocks, phosphorus chemical industry, civil explosion concept, glyphosate, sponge City, assembly building, underground pipe network, building energy conservation and other gains were higher.

In terms of capital, the central bank announced on April 8 that in order to maintain the reasonable and abundant liquidity of the banking system, the people’s Bank of China launched a RMB 10 billion reverse repurchase operation by means of interest rate bidding on April 8, 2022, with a bid winning interest rate of 2.1%. As 10 billion yuan of reverse repo expired today, the people’s Bank of China realized zero delivery and zero return in the open market.

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message surface

1. According to the website of the CSRC, the CSRC released the construction of a government ruled by law in 2021. The CSRC said that in 2022, the CSRC will continue to further promote the construction of a government ruled by law in the capital market; Continue to deepen the reform of the capital market with the full implementation of the stock issuance and registration system as the main line, and further strengthen the construction of the basic system of the capital market; Highlight the combination of release and management, earnestly perform the supervision responsibilities, and guide and encourage market product innovation; Strictly implement the opinions on strictly cracking down on illegal securities activities according to law, improve the judicial system and mechanism of securities law enforcement, and severely crack down on illegal acts in the capital market; In order to build a standardized, transparent, open, dynamic and resilient capital market, provide a strong legal guarantee for the high-quality development of the capital market, and welcome the victory of the 20th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements.

2. According to the news on the website of the national development and Reform Commission, according to the monitoring of the national development and Reform Commission, the specific price of pig grain has been continuously lower than 5:1 recently, which is in the level-1 early warning range of excessive decline determined by the plan for improving the regulation mechanism of government pork reserves and ensuring the supply and price stability of pork market. The development and Reform Commission and relevant parties will carry out the collection and storage of the fourth batch of central frozen pork reserves during the year, and it is planned to collect and store another 40000 tons of frozen pork in the near future. If the follow-up pig prices continue to operate at a low level, the state will continue to carry out the collection and storage work, guide local governments to pay close attention to the collection and storage, and promote the return of pig prices to a reasonable range as soon as possible. According to the analysis of relevant parties, China’s pig production capacity has decreased steadily and is generally reasonable recently. The price has been running low for a long time, and there is little possibility of further sharp decline. It is suggested that farms (households) reasonably arrange production and operation decisions to maintain the normal slaughter rhythm of pigs with appropriate weight and stable production capacity of fertile sows.

3. According to the interface news report, the food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) said on Friday that the global food price hit a record high in March due to the impact of the war in Ukraine on the food and vegetable oil market. The FAO food price index averaged 159.3 points in March and 141.4 points in February. The index tracks the world’s most traded food commodities. The index was 140.7 in early February and also hit a record high at that time.

4. According to the news client of China Central Television, on April 8, the State Council Information Office held a regular policy briefing of the State Council. Relevant heads of the Ministry of water resources, the national development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance introduced the construction of water conservancy projects in 2022. Wei Shanzhong, Vice Minister of water resources, said that water conservancy projects are livelihood projects, development projects and safety projects. A number of projects that have been included in the planning and mature conditions will be started this year, including major water diversion and transfer projects such as the follow-up project of the South-to-North Water Transfer, backbone flood control and disaster reduction, danger removal and reinforcement of dangerous reservoirs, construction and reconstruction of irrigation areas, etc. These projects, together with other water conservancy projects, can complete an investment of about 800 billion yuan in the whole year.

institutional views

For the current market, Central China Securities Co.Ltd(601375) pointed out that on Friday, the A-share market was first restrained and then raised, with a slight shock rise. In the morning, the stock index surged higher and blocked, and the shock fell back. The Shanghai index was supported near 3208. With the continuous strengthening of engineering infrastructure, real estate, cycle industry and financial industry, the stock index stabilized and rebounded. In the afternoon, the stock index fluctuated sideways, and the Shanghai index basically fluctuated slightly around 3237 points throughout the day. The trading volume of the two cities is 920 billion yuan, the stock game characteristics remain, the concept of economic recovery leads the market, agriculture, medicine, media and other industries fluctuate downward, and the market structure and market characteristics are more significant.

At present, the stock index is more likely to maintain range shock, and it still needs external stimulation to break the market situation in the future. It is expected that the short-term slight consolidation of the Shanghai index is more likely, and the short-term slight shock of the gem is more likely. Investors are advised to pay careful attention to the investment opportunities in engineering infrastructure, finance and cyclical industries in the short term, and continue to pay attention to the investment opportunities of undervalued blue chips in the middle line.

In addition, Rongwei Securities believes that the Shanghai index is still in the box range, and the market fluctuates around the range above the 850 day moving average. The structural market of the two cities is obvious. The continuous downturn of the track sector makes it difficult for the index to rise. The financial sector focuses on maintaining stability, and opportunities such as low-level infrastructure, mechanical engineering and cement building materials are frequent and continuous. The volatile market gives sufficient space and time for speculation. In operation, pay attention to the rotation opportunities of the sectors where high-standard stocks are located.

Citic Securities Company Limited(600030) mentioned that we should grasp the trend of mid-term repair in the second and third quarters and firmly layout the varieties with low valuation and expected low price. Under the current complex situation, the urgency of adding weight to the steady growth policy has significantly increased. We expect that from the second quarter, the policy will focus more on the relief of the service industry and the relaxation of restrictions in the real estate field, and take more precise measures against the core contradictions of the economy. However, the pessimistic expectation of the market has bottomed out in advance of the economic fundamentals. It is expected that the A-share market will rebound before the fundamentals in the second quarter on the premise of policy overweight, and there will be a round of medium-term repair trend market lasting for two quarters.

In terms of configuration, it is suggested to stick to the main line of steady growth, pay attention to the real estate industry chain, and continue the layout around “two low levels”, including: 1) varieties with relatively low valuation, it is suggested to pay attention to high-quality developers, property management and building materials enterprises after the expected mitigation of real estate credit risk, communication operators with significantly improved cash flow, smart grids and energy storage in the field of new infrastructure, and data centers and cloud infrastructure benefiting from “computing from the East and the west”, It is a fine chemical enterprise with the ability to develop new businesses such as new materials.

2) for the varieties whose fundamentals are expected to be relatively low, focus on the configuration opportunities of midstream manufacturing suppressed by cost problems after the commodity price peaked, such as smart cars and parts, photovoltaic wind power equipment, etc. for the super brands of airlines, hotels and department stores whose fundamentals are expected to be still low. In addition, the recent focus can be focused on a quarterly expected to exceed expected varieties, and it is suggested that focus on photovoltaic, semiconductor, Baijiu, Chinese medicine and construction sectors.

Northeast Securities Co.Ltd(000686) said that according to the historical resumption of trading, among the rebound after the end of the policy, the industries with improved prosperity and oversold are the main lines leading the rise; At present, the direction of prosperity improvement is mainly the industries that have steady growth and benefit from the epidemic and post epidemic repair. The industries that have oversold are mainly the high growth industries suppressed by the decline of profits and the contraction of liquidity.

In terms of specific industry direction, first of all, in terms of economic improvement, the steady growth policy was further introduced and implemented to enhance the profit improvement expectation of real estate, building materials and other industries; The increase of online demand under the epidemic and the increase of digital governance demand caused by scientific epidemic prevention after the epidemic have improved the profit expectation of the media and computer industries. The release of mass consumption demand after the epidemic is expected to improve the profits of relevant industries. Secondly, the growth industries such as medicine, new energy, semiconductor and military industry are oversold in the early stage, but the prosperity expectation is still high.

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